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Browsersync false
Real-time browser synchronization for Web development
Bspwm false
A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
Bubblemon false
Graphic display of CPU and memory load.
Budgie false
A feature-rich and modern desktop environment
Bug-A-Boo false
Web-based bug tracking system
Bug-buddy false
GNOME bug-reporting utility
BugPort false
QA system for software development
Bugdar false
Is a bug tracking system.
Bugs false
Dynamic private key encryption algorithm and applications
Bugtrack false
Bug tracking system
BuildBot false
Automates the compile/test cycle of software development
Buildah false
A tool for building Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images
Buildtool false
Portable build infrastructure
Buildutils false
Distutils extensions for developing Python libraries and applications.
Bullet dodger false
A fun and challenging mouse game where you must dodge bullets
Bundler false
a tool that manages gem dependencies for your ruby application.
Bunny the Fuzzer false
closed loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind fuzzer
Burn false
command-line tool for writing optical media
Burn 360 false
Burn 360 - VCD ripping, Encoding and Creation GUI written in perl-Gtk2
Bustd false
bustd is a lightweight process killer daemon for out-of-memory scenarios for Linux!
Busted false
busted is a tool for gathering and reporting information about a broken gem.
Busybox false
Set of common utilities built as single binary
Butter false
Play shareable videos from various places
Bwa false
Burrows-Wheeler Aligner.
Bwstats false
bandwidth utilization diagram generator
BzrPublish false
Eases publishing releases of software developed in bzr.
C ElementTree false
an add-on to the standard ElementTree package.
C to C++ converter false
Converts C sources or whole project into C++
C++ Annotations false
An extensive C++ tutorial/textbook
C-graph true
Visualize convolution and demonstrate convolution theorem.
C2hs false
Simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries
C2lib false
Perl/STL-like library of tools for C programming
C3.js false
D3-based reusable chart JavaScript visualization library
CDimgtools false
inspect and manipulate disc images
CFFI false
Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
CHEAT false
C Unit testing framework
CIA false
Realtime project tracking system
CImg false
Template Image Processing Toolkit.
CMDln false
An improved for writing multi-command scripts and shells.
CMUCL false
Free implementation of Common Lisp
CMake false
Build system
CONSUL false
Open Government
CP: Cerebral Procreation false
A BF (BrainF***) interpreter and compiler.
CPG false
Specifies language grammars and computes, generates, and simulates the corresponding automatons
CRCmod false
a CRC generator
CSS-parser false
Ruby CSS Parser.
CSSPool false
a CSS SAC parser and by default will output a DOM Level 2 style tree.
CUPS false
Portable printing layer
CUnit false
A unit testing library for the C language
CVAssistant false
World's most advanced job application software

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.