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Dynamic private key encryption algorithm and applications

BUGS is the Big and Useful Great Security key encryption algorithm and applications. It is easy to use, and includes sample applications and documentation. The cryptography library can also be used with your own programs. Features include:

  • Private key algorithm
  • Dynamic cryptography algorithm
  • Source code can be made public without making the algorithm weak
  • Infinite key lengths
  • Bilateral bits swwapping with various windows
  • Bilateral Pseudo randomly binary operations
  • Random number added to key
  • Random number generator using the ISAAC algorithm
  • Possibility of generating your own RNG seed
  • Five different cryptography levels, for the best possible
  • combination of efficiency and speed
  • Seed and shuffle functions
  • A clear text can be crypted using its own data
  • Two methods of execution: direct disk access or memory cache
  • Strong key generator


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