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Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

Gnustep Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Provides an object oriented application development framework and tool set for use on a wide variety of platforms. It provides a generalized visual interface design and a cohesive user interface. It also uses a common imaging model called Display PostScript (based on PostScript) to do all its drawing, so the program is truly WYSIWYG. GNUstep is written in the Objective-C language, a simple yet powerful object-oriented language based on C that gives you the full power of an object-oriented language with exactly one syntax addition to C and a dozen or so additional keywords.
Programs for Information Topology Data Analysis Information Topology is a program written in Python (compatible with Python 3.4.x), with a graphic interface built using TKinter [1], plots drawn using Matplotlib [2], calculations made using NumPy [3], and scaffold representations drawn using NetworkX [4]. It computes all the results on information presented in the study [5], that is all the usual information functions: entropy, joint entropy between k random variables (Hk), mutual informations between k random variables (Ik), conditional entropies and mutual informations and provides their cohomological (and homotopy) visualisation in the form of information landscapes and information paths together with an approximation of the minimum information energy complex [5]. It is applicable on any set of empirical data that is data with several trials-repetitions-essays (parameter m), and also allows to compute the undersampling regime, the degree k above which the sample size m is to small to provide good estimations of the information functions [5]. The computational exploration is restricted to the simplicial sublattice of random variable (all the subsets of k=n random variables) and has hence a complexity in O(2^n). In this simplicial setting we can exhaustively estimate information functions on the simplicial information structure, that is joint-entropy Hk and mutual-informations Ik at all degrees k=<n and for every k-tuple, with a standard commercial personal computer (a laptop with processor Intel Core i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz * 8) up to k=n=21 in reasonable time (about 3 hours). Using the expression of joint-entropy and the probability obtained using equation and marginalization [5], it is possible to compute the joint-entropy and marginal entropy of all the variables. The alternated expression of n-mutual information given by equation then allows a direct evaluation of all of these quantities. The definitions, formulas and theorems are sufficient to obtain the algorithm [5]. We will further develop a refined interface (help welcome) but for the moment it works like this, and requires minimum Python use knowledge. Please contact pierre.baudot [at] for questions, request, developments (etc.): [1] J.W. Shipman. Tkinter reference: a gui for python. . New Mexico Tech Computer Center, Socorro, New Mexico, 2010. [2] J.D. Hunter. Matplotlib: a 2d graphics environment. Comput. Sci. Eng., 9:22–30, 2007. [3] S. Van Der Walt, C. Colbert, and G. Varoquaux. The numpy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. Comput. Sci. Eng., 13:22– 30, 2011. [4] A.A. Hagberg, D.A. Schult, and P.J. Swart. Exploring network structure, dynamics, and function using networkx. Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science Conference (SciPy2008). Gel Varoquaux, Travis Vaught, and Jarrod Millman (Eds), (Pasadena, CA USA), pages 11–15, 2008. [5] M. Tapia, P. Baudot, M. Dufour, C. Formisano-Tréziny, S. Temporal, M. Lasserre, J. Gabert, K. Kobayashi, JM. Goaillard . Information topology of gene expression profile in dopaminergic neurons doi:
Ibus Table Sasankadeva
Ibus-table that uses the Sasankadeva layout for typing Bengali or Sanskrit in Bengali script. Sasankadeva (Unicode) is semi-phonetic transliteration keyboard, i.e., a midway between the accuracy of grammatical typing and the ease of phonetic Indic typing. The ease has been ensured in many ways, including spelling statistics, character combinations and multiple options to be used as suits. Along with its own set of input keys, most popular input strings from widely used Avro Phonetic and itrans-Bangla are also supported. Apart from useful well-defined shortcuts that save time while typing, there are fixed phonetic-based layout for all usual character combinations in Indian Bengali, so that the user can practically type without looking at the screen if he chooses to. Also, suggestions come up to be selected from, if one is more comfortable with them. It aims at making an algorithm that provides space for both well-defined inputs with phonetic variations, has sets of methods that suits both professional and layman typing with one or two hands, that are easy to learn and easier to apply. The interface has been built in ibus-table environment. Official website:
LiberaForms is a libre software tool developed as community, free, and ethical infrastructure that makes it easy to create and manage forms that respect the digital rights of the people who use it. With LiberaForms you can browse, edit, and download the answers to your forms; include a checkbox to require Data protection law consent, collaborate with other users by sharing permissions; and much more!
LibreOffice is a comprehensive office suite. It contains a number of components: Writer, a word processor; Calc, a spreadsheet application; Impress, a presentation engine; Draw, a drawing and flowcharting application; Base, a database and database frontend; Math for editing mathematics. There are also a good and growing number of free software extensions and templates available. LibreOffice is a fork of, which is now called Apache OpenOffice. Because Apache OpenOffice hosts and recommends using proprietary extensions, we do not recommend using it.
My Knowledge Explorer
My Knowledge Explorer uses the mKR (my Knowledge Representation) language to create, query and update mKB (my Knowledge Base). mKR is a useful mixture of English (subject, verb, object, preposition phrase) and the KornShell (variables, procedures, control structures). mKB can be a local user KB or an internet KB such as OpenCyc. The Redland RDF Library commands can be used to translate mKR to/from standard W3C languages such as Turtle and SPARQL.
OASIS is a novel linkage disequilibrium clustering algorithm that can potentially address false positives and negatives in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in complex disorders. OASIS is a unique method that can be widely applied for mining existing GWAS datasets to identify new genes and loci in an efficient, low cost way.
Oleo Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Oleo is a spreadsheet program that supports the X Window System and character based terminals, and can output Embedded PostScript renditions of spreadsheets. It has a Motif/LessTif interface, internationalization support, and an autoconf/automake based compilation process. Database access and GUI improvements are being worked on.
Open eClass
Open eClass is offered by the Greek Academic Network (GUnet) since 2003 as an advanced e-learning solution that can enhance the teaching and learning process. It is used by almost all universities in Greece. There is documentation both in Greek and in English. For a complete list of 3rd party components see here


  • Courses
  • Exercises - quizzes
  • Learning path
  • Statistics
  • Educational material
  • Assignments
  • Multimedia
  • User groups
  • Backup files
OpenChrom is data analysis a tool for gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Its functionality and algorithms can be extended using a flexible plugin approach. File formats from various vendors are supported.
OpenProdoc is a Document Management System and a Thesaurus Manager. It allows to define the documents and folders/cases model needed for different kind of companies or institutions. It's multiplatform (Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac) and has a complete portable version that can be used without installation. Can be installed also in most of the J2EE servers and Databases servers. Provides Java and API REST for integration with different products Offers an OPAC function that can be easily configured.
Peergos is a secure and private online space where users can store, share, and view their photos, videos, music, and documents. It offers a comprehensive suite of features including a calendar, news feed, chat, and a growing list of apps. Fully open source and self-hostable.
RLM Log Reader
This utility reads usage log files from Reprise License Manager (RLM) and produces reports that can be more easily read by a human and analyzed in spreadsheet software. RLM is a third-party license manager for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to enforce license policies with their products. RLM Log Reader is not affiliated in any way with Reprise License Manager or Reprise Software. For more information on their products, visit their website:
Relational pipes
Relational pipes are an open data format designed for streaming structured data between two processes. Simultaneously with the format specification, we are also developing a reference implementation (libraries and tools) as a free software. The tools are 1) Input filters that converts other formats (e.g. CSV, XML, fstab, filesystem…) to the relational format, 2) Transformations that allows filtering and modifications (of both content and structure) of relational data, 3) Output filters that converts relational data to other formats (e.g. CSV, XML, null-byte separated values) Transformations can be simple (like grep or cut with regular expressions) or complex and powerful – using GNU Guile expressions. SQL, AWK and Python transformations are planned for further releases.
SimThyr is a continuous simulation program for pituitary-thyroid feedback control. Applications of this program cover research, including development of hypotheses, and education of students in biology and medicine, nurses and patients. SimThyr is based on a physiologically-grounded nonlinear mathematical theory of thyroid homeostasis. The application supports simulation in time domain and various methods of sensitivity analysis. Source code is provided for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The program is compatible with most desktop GNU/Linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows.
Speckle is an open source cloud-based data platform for AEC. It provides a method of liberating data from one platform to another in a quick, manageable, and efficient way. For example it can be used to move geometry and data from the proprietary Autodesk Revit over to the libre Blender project.
The Tensei-Data software system can be used to merge, standardize and simplify data integration, data migration, data transformation and interface management processes. These processes can be manually executed or automatically by specified routines or triggers that are monitored. The system is based on modern technologies like Akka, Scala and the Play Framework. Therefore, the application is scalable, flexible and highly performant. The integrated Data Description Language (DFASDL) allows the dynamic mapping of almost any source and target system and is called within the application as dynamic connectors. For the modification of data, the Tensei-Data application offers diverse transformers which can be combined and modified.
Tensei-Data Agent
An agent is the workhorse of the Tensei (転成) system. It uses an actor system to do the actual work of reading, parsing, transforming and writing the data. It communicates with the tensei-server which is responsible for starting and stopping and agent.


The main website for Tensei-Data is located at:


You can find the source archives and debian packages on the releases page:

If you just want to launch a quick demo version which includes all needed components we recommend you to try out the available vagrant box ( Just create an empty folder, open a terminal and run the following commands inside the folder:


After the application has started goto http://localhost:9000 in your browser.

You need to have vagrant and virtualbox installed for this to work.

Mailing lists

System architecture and provisioning

The Tensei-Data system is build upon three components:

1. Tensei-Server 2. Tensei-Frontend 3. At least one Tensei-Agent

To be able to run Tensei-Data you have to start at least one of each components.

For development purposes it is feasible to simply start each one from the sbt prompt via the run task.

Provisioning / Deployment

To be able to provision the system components a packaging configuration for the sbt native packager plugin is included. The recommended way is to create debian packages via the debian:packageBin sbt task. Resulting debian packages can be installed on a debian or ubuntu system. Before the package is build the test suite will be executed.


We recommend to use the gdebi tool on ubuntu because it will automatically fetch required dependencies.

The packages include system startup scripts that will launch them upon system boot.
The mneme project
The mneme project is a is fast, light, and user-friendly constituent relationship management system built on PHP, PostgreSQL and GNU/Linux. It is 100% free software. The project aims to provide the systems needed for a nonprofit to fully manage operations including volunteers, staff, donors, clients, programs, services, and reporting.
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a full-featured, web-based, multilingual (40+ languages), tightly integrated, all-in-one Wiki+CMS+Groupware, Free/Libre Software (GNU/LGPL), using PHP, MySQL, Zend Framework, jQuery and Smarty. Tiki can be used to create all kinds of Web applications, sites, portals, knowledge base, intranets, and extranets. It is actively developed by a very large international community. Tiki is the FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features. Highly configurable and modular, all features are optional and administered via a web-based interface. Major features include a robust wiki engine, news articles, discussion forums, newsletters, blogs, file and image galleries, bug and issue trackers (form generator), a links directory, polls/surveys and quizzes, banner management system, calendar, maps, mobile, RSS feeds, category system, tags, an advanced themeing engine (Smarty), spreadsheet, slideshow, drawing, live support, shoutbox, inter-user messaging, menu generator, advanced permission system for users and groups, internal search engine, external authentication support, and much, much more. It integrates with the web conferencing for audio/video/chat/screensharing and whiteboard support.
It allows you to watch videos and download content. Tribler aims to combine the ease of with the performance of peer-to-peer. Tribler is backwards compatible with the BitTorrent download protocol. To discover interesting content standard RSS feeds with .torrent links are supported plus the "Tribe protocol" which automatically scans the network for available BitTorrent swarms upon startup. Tribler uses an embedded web browser to access video clips of and Other features are "People who like this also like" for recommending related swarms, the ability to make friends, and to donate idle upload capacity to friends. The later can improve download speed by a factor of two on asymmetric Internet links. The fastest way of social file sharing.
TuxBank is a simple web based application that allows you to manage your finances by seperating your money into virtual "accounts". It caters to small incomes. It is a simple tool that users with simple budgets can use when programs such as Quicken or GnuCash are overly complex for their budget.
UMap (map creation)
uMap lets you create a map with OpenStreetMap layers and embed it in your site. It is built on top of Django and Leaflet. A list of instances can be found here.
Veusz is a GUI scientific plotting and graphing package. It is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript, PDF or SVG output. In Veusz plots are created by building up plotting widgets with a powerful and consistent object-based interface. The program also provides a command line and scripting interface (based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It can also act as a Python plotting module. Data can be read from text, CSV or FITS files, and data can be manipulated or examined from within the application.
Java XML to CSV (XML2CSV) generic conversion facility. I made it in order to extract data from big XML files and gather them in files more easily opened with a spreadsheet. It is packaged as an auto executable Jar for convenient command line execution but might as well be interfaced directly by a Java class as part of a larger software. It handles attributes, repeated elements, and so on, and produces results which level up with what spreadsheets generate when they import native XML (at least in its most extensive execution mode).
The xlhtml/ppthtml are programs which will take a PowerPoint/Excel 97/95 file as input and convert it to html. The output is via standard out so it can be re-directed to files or piped to filters or used as a gateway to the internet.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.