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Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

Diogenes is a set of Perl scripts designed to search the Latin and ancient Greek texts published on CD-Rom by the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. Components include a Perl module, a command-line interface, and a CGI script with an HTTP server that is capable of delivering texts as HTML, PDF or GIF (via LaTeX). You can search by regular expressions, or in the case of the TLG, via the Greek word index. There is also a browser that can search on passages by location.
Dr-geo Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Dr. Geo, design & manipulate interactive geometric sketches with constraints. Dr. Geo aim is to be an open, easy to study, modify and extend interactive geometry software. It is distributed with its source code you can modify while using it. Ten years old kids use Dr. Geo to explore Euclidean geometric sketch, agile kids extend and program it with its embedded dynamic Smalltalk language and user interface.
DrPython is a highly customizable, simple, and clean editing environment for developing Python programs. It is intended primarily for use in schools, and is a tribute to DrScheme.
Electric Fields Visualization Python
This is educational software that demonstrates the field and fluxlines for electric charge particles.
FET is free software (using heuristic algorithms) for automatically generating the timetable of a school, high-school or university.
The FFPI-III is an open-access questionnaire, consisting of 100 questions about how someone is as a person. For example: Is this person someone who... ... adapts easily? o o o o o no ? yes Answering the questions takes approximately 15 minutes. The responses are processed into a personality profile on the trait factors Extraversion, Mildness, Orderliness, Emotional Stability and Autonomy, and a summarizing characterization. In de report (which you can download), the profile is set alongside the average self-report of the (Dutch) adult. is a beginners guide to free software, privacy, data ownership and durable tech. Learn how to: safely browse the Internet; keep your conversations private; protect your data; unlock your computer's full potential; stay mobile and free; own your cloud; avoid filter bubbles, surveillance & censorship.
Gretools is a vocabulary building tool for GNOME. It is a fun and efficient way to learn words. It uses a modified version of the word list at, which has about 4000 words. Gretools consists of a synonym quiz and a word guessing game. It also allows you to look up words. It automatically remembers the words that gave you difficulty, and lets you revise them. You can set a filter to restrict the space of words used for practice. It is particularly useful for preparing for word tests.
Ignuit Heckert gnu.tiny.png
iGNUit is a memorization aid based on the Leitner flashcard system. It has a GNOME look and feel, a good selection of quiz options, and supports UTF-8. Cards can include embedded audio, images, and mathematical formulae (via LaTeX). iGNUit can import and export several file formats, including CSV. iGNUit can be used for both long-term learning and cramming.
'KLearningAid' pops up kvtml file items on the desktop. Using KWordQuiz or FlashKard, produce kvtml files and load them into Klaid. It will grab all complete n x m related items (e.g. "Question" and "Answer", or "Word A" and "Word B") and display them periodically as PopUps on the your desktop. It is like someone is sitting behind you making sure you know all the terms for your next exam or test while surfing the web, coding, or whatever.
Kana no quiz
Kana no quiz is a little educational tool to memorize Japanese kana (hiragana & katakana) pronouncing in an easy fashion. This free/libre software is written in Python and is cross-platfrom (working both on Unices and Windows using different default interface). It features several ways and many options to either teach the complete beginner or test the wizard skill on kana recognition and pronoucing. Progressively, a great part of the Japanese writing (excepted Kanji) becomes phoneticaly readable to the foreign student, which is a first step into the learning of the language.
Kurso de Esperanto
Kurso de Esperanto is a multimedia computer program for teaching yourself Esperanto.
Lavengro is a vocabulary test engine that uses text files as its tests. The user creates the tests themselves. It has a tutor mode, a test mode, and a CBT learning mode. Both versions (Lavengro in the console, Lavengro_B in the browser) have an automated installation program for GNU/Linux, but Lavengro is OS-neutral and can be used anywhere Python is supported.
linSmith is a Smith charting program mainly designed for educational use. As such, there is an emphasis on capabilities that improve the 'showing the effect of'-style of operation. Users can enter either discrete components or transmission lines, then see the results on screen or generate Postscript output. Component values can be changed numerically or using scrollbars. Problems can be solved on-screen, and high-quality Postscript can be output for publication. Its features include
  • Definition of multiple load impedances (at different frequencies)
  • Addition of discrete (L, C and transformer) and line components (open and closed stubs)
  • Connection in series and parallel
  • A 'virtual' component switches from impedance to admittance to help understand parallel components
  • Charts that work in real impedances (not normalized ones)
  • Generates a 'log' file with textual results at each intermediate step
  • Stores load and circuit configuration separately, permitting several solutions without re-defining the other.
Manhali is a free software Learning Management System (LMS). It is installable and multi-language. Licensed under the GNU-GPL 3 and written in PHP and MySQL. Manhali can track and evaluate learners' behavior and learning styles by clustering all learners in profiles (A, B, C, D and E) according to their behavior on the platform to allow educators to personalize courses for each profile.
Manhattan Virtual Classroom
The Manhattan Virtual Classroom delivers courses via the Web. It includes a closed Web-based email system, a variety of discussion groups, electronic submission of assignment, live chat, facilities for delivering multimedia, and more. Although designed for asynchronous Web-based distance learning, Manhattan can also be used to add a Web-based dimension to traditional courses. The program has been in use at Western New England College since 1997.
Marble offers different kind of beautiful and useful map views of the Earth including OpenStreetMap. It can also search for place names and suggest routes.
A software to memorize text based question-answer-cards. Runs in a browser on a webserver (apache) on GNU/Linux (tested on Raspbian, Fedora, Ubuntu). The cards can be arranged in decks (hierarchical). Export / import to .XML is possible (backup). Access is secured with a passphrase.
Mnemosyne is a flashcard program which assists you in learning and sticking to mind vocabulary, characters, definitions, etc. Mnemosyne uses a techique called Spaced Repetitions, which consists in multiple reviews of learning material at increasing time intervals; this process helps commiting information to long term memory.
Moodle is a learning management system for producing Internet-based course Web sites. It has been designed to support modern pedagogies based on social constructionist theory, and includes activity modules such as forums, resources, journals, quizzes, surveys, choices, assignments and peer-reviewed workshops. Thirty language translations are currently offered with more being developed. It is being used by a growing number of universities, schools, and independent teachers for distance education or to supplement face-to-face teaching.
Open eClass
Open eClass is offered by the Greek Academic Network (GUnet) since 2003 as an advanced e-learning solution that can enhance the teaching and learning process. It is used by almost all universities in Greece. There is documentation both in Greek and in English. For a complete list of 3rd party components see here


  • Courses
  • Exercises - quizzes
  • Learning path
  • Statistics
  • Educational material
  • Assignments
  • Multimedia
  • User groups
  • Backup files
OpenCircuits allows you to plan and simulate digital circuits in an easy-to-understand interface. It can be used for educational, personal or commercial purposes due to its LGPL licensing.
Project Mindfulness is an initiative to improve societal understanding of mindfulness by way of data science and computer programming. This project is 100% free (as in freedom) and open source. Feel free to contribute! Mindfulness: observing (physical or mental, positive or negative) followed by describing (internally or externally). A person skilled in mindfulness will then fully bring the mind back to baseline through an act of awareness while simultaneously accepting the observation without judgment. Click on the supplied URL and check out the!
Prousdata restores files and folders for next user session. Main tool helps to manage protections scope: user, elements, forbids.
Want to create an online or mobile quiz, survey or test? From a quick quiz on your phone to large scale, high stakes proctored desktop testing, we make it easy. The numerous features (Immediate detailed results, WYSIWYG, Equation/Chemistry and Basic Editors, Question Bank, Multiple Question Types, Multiple Delivery Styles, Multiple Delivery Options, Multiple Results Options, Randomly Chosen Questions, Branching/Adaptive Questions, Auto Marking, Print a QST, Export/Import Questions, Schedule a QST, Bulk upload students/instructors/classes, Real time results, etc.) in open source QST rival those found in commercial online examination and survey software systems. QST - GradeBook allows you to view/mark users quizzes and tests/exam and see detailed statistics for each quiz/survey/test and question(s) in it. GradeBook also allows entering marks for other assignments and adding weights to qst's and assignments for a Complete Assessment Solution.
RosarioSIS is a Student Information System (SIS) for school administration. It is a web application powered by PHP and MySQL / PostgreSQL. Modular, RosarioSIS gives you control over students, users, courses, schedules, attendance, grades, discipline, food service, billing. Print PDF documents, consult reports for decision-making, interact with your teachers and staff team, and communicate with students and parents using additional modules available for free. Finally, RosarioSIS is translated to French, Spanish and Arabic and connects with Moodle LMS.
An integrated development environment (IDE) for R. R is a programming language and software environment. RStudioIt includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.
SPINA is free software that facilitates the calculation of constant structure parameters of endocrine feedback control systems. A first successful implementation applies to the evaluation of thyroid function. It allows for calculating the thyroid's maximum secretory capacity (GT or SPINA-GT) and the sum activity of peripheral 5'-deiodinases (GD or SPINA-GD) from levels of TSH, (F)T4 and (F)T3 that have been determined once only (SPINA Thyr). This method is increasingly used in experimental research. SPINA Thyr has been evaluated in clinical trials covering more than 10,000 subjects with various disorders of thyroid homeostasis. Additional applications targeting other endocrine feedback loops are currently being developed or prepared, respectively. SPINA Thyr is a free application that calculates GT and GD. Source code is provided for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The program is compatible with most desktop GNU/Linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows.
SimThyr is a continuous simulation program for pituitary-thyroid feedback control. Applications of this program cover research, including development of hypotheses, and education of students in biology and medicine, nurses and patients. SimThyr is based on a physiologically-grounded nonlinear mathematical theory of thyroid homeostasis. The application supports simulation in time domain and various methods of sensitivity analysis. Source code is provided for Lazarus and Free Pascal. The program is compatible with most desktop GNU/Linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows.
SimulaBeta is a numeric simulation program for insulin-glucose feedback control. It is based on a nonlinear MiMe-NoCoDI model.
Snack is a meal design tool and calculator that will facilitate achieving your health goals and objectives by first helping you understand your food intake and second by allowing you to create new food intake options that are healthier, flavorful and satisfying. With Snack I can: *quantify food intake *prepare customized meals that meet specific requirements *quantify any popular diet for comparison and research purposes *facilitate learning/teaching anyone with interest in nutrition *track any nutrient, compound or value that has an impact on health *create food exchange lists *compare food intake options *keep a food journal and track progress *is free and open source software
Spotter lets students check their answers to math and science questions. It tells whether the answer is correct, and can also help diagnose an incorrect answer; the instructor can also add hints. Spotter isn't limited to numerical problems. For instance, if the problem is to solve the equation x-b-7a=0 for x, the student can type in either b+7a or 7a+b as the answer, and the program will know it's correct. Spotter is set up as an interactive web page that you can access through any computer that has an internet connection and a web browser.
'Stellarium' simulates the skies from anywhere on Earth in close to photo-realism. It is a beautiful and engaging way to explore and increase your understanding of the night sky. Users can see constellation art, deep space objects, meteor showers, solar eclipses, transits, and more. It is particularly useful as an educational tool.
Tagaini Jisho
Tagaini Jisho is a Japanese dictionary / Kanji lookup program and a learning assistant. Among its features: Kanji strokes animation, review for entries that you are studying, tagging and pattern search.
Tux Math Scrabble challenges young people to construct compound equations and consider multiple abstract possibilities. There are four skill-levels for practice from basic addition and subtraction through to multiplication and division. This is an online version that runs in a web browser with no installation necessary. There is also a Python 2.x version with a separate page.
TuxMathScrabble (Python)
TuxMathScrabble challenges young people to construct compound equations and consider multiple abstract possibilities.
VisualOS is an educational visual simulator of an operating system for GNOME/GTK+. It represents a working operating system visually, allowing the user to select the different algorithms to use for each of the simulated subsystems: CPU, Memory and disk I/O.
Vocabulink is devoted to helping you learn foreign languages as quickly and effortlessly as possible. We do this by focusing only on vocabulary building. Once you have a base of vocabulary to build on, you just have to begin using the language in whatever way you want. Read a book or a website in the language. Talk to native speakers. Watch movies or listen to radio shows. With a solid vocabulary, learning becomes a leisure activity.
Whiteboard is a fully-featured integrated courseware system targeted toward colleges and universities. It supports multiple departments and courses including cross-listed courses, simple migration of courses to new semesters, grade storage, checking, and calculation, assignment submission, testing, and retrieval, documents, announcements, and discussion boards. It is administered through its Web interface.
WordStatix is a free and multiplatform software useful to create concordances, that are lists of the words used within a document, possibly structured in chapters, numbers or in any another way, along with their recurrence and context. The software allows to track specific words by prefix or suffix, to skip those which are meaningless (like articles or prepositions) and to create a simple statistic of the recurrence of single words within the different sections of the document. This software can be used by professionals to analize books and documents, but also by every person who writes some text, to evaluate the extent of his or her vocabulary and the way in which he or she uses the various words.

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