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Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

The FINAL CUT is a C++ class library and widget toolkit with full mouse support for creating a text-based user interface. The library supports the programmer to develop an application for the text console. It allows the simultaneous handling of multiple text windows on the screen. The structure of the Qt framework was originally the inspiration for the C++ class design of FINAL CUT. It provides common controls like dialog boxes, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, input lines, list boxes, status bars and so on.
FLIF is a novel lossless image format which outperforms existing image formats in terms of compression ratio. It works well on any kind of image (photographic, line art, computer graphics, etc.) and also supports animations. FLIF images (or animations) can be progressively decoded, which makes the format potentially very suitable for responsive web design. This is the reference implementation of FLIF, which includes a command-line tool (flif) to convert between FLIF and PNG/PNM/PAM, a decoding library (libflif_dec), an encoding library (libflif_enc), some scripts (gif2flif, apng2flif, raw2flif, ...), and a simple image/animation viewer (viewflif).
'FXT' is a C++ library containing code for various fast orthogonal transforms and related algorithms for real, complex, n-dim fourier transforms, hartley transform, 1dim and 2dim, number theoretic transforms, walsh, haar, and wavelet transforms, convolution, correlation and power spectrum, mass-storage FFTs and convolution, fast multiplication routines, sine and cosine transforms, and z-transform.
Factory C
Factory C is Factory C because it uses a factory table that uses a strategic factory method(s) thats the singleton class factory method to the class interface heap for a factory table class. There are 3 levels of OOP in Factory C and thats Virtual, Factory, and Complex. The Complex object uses a runtime object for its interface inside of its own builder table and heap containers for its class interface heap and class information heaps, and runtime objects for its interface registrations. This (Factory C) is for fully dynamic-at-runtime Object-Oriented Programming with no limitations on things like datatypes or multiple inheritance or coupling. As a presentation of hash tables or data structures Factory C uses a Virtual Table, Factory Table, and an Adapter Table. there is a single linked list template you can typename, also a vector and binary search tree (heap). but only the datastructures needed to implement Factory C are included. Also, part or the Object-Orientation of Factory C is that every primitive type has a constructor plus interface as a virtual table object and factory method plus interface heap as a factory table class. The Complex object is created using a small class builder that is implemented in C.
The Farstream (formerly Farsight2) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. This package provides Python bindings for Farstream.
Fast rendering toolkit
FRT is a toolkit for the generation of 3D animations using low-end machines (slow CPUs, low memory and small harddisks); of course, you can still use it with higher-end machines. The program is simple; the whole library is about 1000 lines of code. FRT has been designed with a *NIX-like operating system in mind: to avoid filling the harddisk, FRT establishes a master/slave relationship with mpeg_encode and renders frames on demand.
The aim is to make your application feel less laggy and more responsive while avoiding any interference with your current logic. FastClick is developed by FT Labs, part of the Financial Times.
fbxkb is keyboard indicator and switcher that shows a flag of the current keyboard in a system tray area and allows you to switch to another one. It is NETWM compliant.
Feedback Cat
Feedback Cat is a 100% free and open-source WordPress plugin to survey your users and customers. Set it up in 2 minutes.
'ferriscreate' is a libferris client which can be used to create new objects in the filesystem.
FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Its components include:
  • ffmpeg – Converts one video file format to another and supports grabbing and encoding in real time from a TV card.
  • ffserver – HTTP (RTSP is being developed) multimedia streaming server for live broadcasts that supports time shifting.
  • ffplay – simple media player based on SDL and the ffmpeg libraries
  • ffprobe – a media file prober
  • libavcodec – library containing all FFmpeg audio/video encoders and decoders (most developed from scratch for best performances and high reusability)
  • libavfilter – video and audio filtering library
  • libavformat – library of parsers and generators for all common audio/video formats
  • libavutil – utility library containing functions used by all FFmpeg components
  • libswscale – video scaler and pixel format converter
  • libswresample – audio resampler and sample format converter
  • libpostproc – video post-processing library
C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex data, and of arbitrary input size. The FFTW team's benchmarks, performed on a variety of platforms, show that FFTW's performance is typically superior to that of other publicly available FFT software. Moreover, FFTW's performance is portable: the program will perform well on most architectures without modification. However, FFTW appears to be the fastest program most of the time for in-order transforms, especially in the multi-dimensional and real-complex cases.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 12:09, 30 July 2018 (EDT) 'libfiredns' is a library for handling asynchronous DNS requests. It provides a very simple interface for sending requests and parsing reponses, as well as low-timeout blocking functions. 'libfiredns' functions have much lower timeouts than the stock functions and tend to be faster because they send requests to all configured system nameservers at the same time.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 12:18, 30 July 2018 (EDT) FireString is a library to make string handling easier in C. It provides replacements for some non-ANSI libc string functions, binary and length-safe string functions, and an interface for easy, intelligent configuration file parsing.
Firehose is a simple library which stripes multiple, inexpensive, network devices to provide very high speed data transfers. It will support any number of devices as long as each device has a TCP/IP layer.
Fire★ is a a simple platform for decentralized communication and computation. Provides a simple application platform for developing p2p applications and share these applications with others in a chat like user interface. You don't send a message to someone, you send an program, which can have rich content. All programs are wired up together automatically providing distributed communication, either through text, images, or games. The source code to all applications is available immediately to instantly clone and modify.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 03:41, 31 July 2018 (EDT) Flate is a template library used to deal with HTML code in CGI applications. It includes C and Perl support. All HTML code is put in an external file (the template) and printed using the library functions: variables, zones (parts to be displayed or not), and tables (parts to be displayed 0 to n times). You don't need to modify/recompile your application when modifying HTML code, printing order doesn't matter in your CGI code, and your CGI code is cleaner.
fontconfig is a library for customizing and configuring fonts in a system, providing configuration, enumeration and substitution of fonts to other programs. Applications can use fontconfig in two ways:
  • by querying it for the available fonts on the system, or
  • by querying it for a font matching certain parameters (comprising a pattern) as closely as possible.
To perform font matching, fontconfig stores typesetting information about all of the installed fonts, including the name of the font family, style, weight, dots per inch (DPI), and Unicode coverage. This information is also used to perform font substitution.


fontconfig can:

  • discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common source of configuration problems.
  • perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative fonts can be selected if fonts are missing.
  • identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of languages.
  • have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need is minimized).
  • efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of fonts, while minimizing memory usage.
  • be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a display.

fontconfig does not:

  • render the fonts themselves (this is left to FreeType or other rendering mechanisms)
  • depend on the X Window System in any fashion, so that printer only applications do not have such dependencies
Fontutils Heckert gnu.tiny.png
The GNU Font Utilities (a.k.a. Fontutils) create fonts for use with Ghostscript or TeX. They also contain general conversion programs and other utilities. Some of the programs in Fontutils include bpltobzr, bzrto, charspace, fontconvert, gsrenderfont, imageto, imgrotate… The main purpose of these programs is to form a tool chain to generate Metafont or PostScript fonts from scanned images.
Form Alchemy
FormAlchemy eliminates boilerplate by autogenerating HTML input fields from a given model. FormAlchemy will try to figure out what kind of HTML code should be returned by introspecting the model's properties and generate ready-to-use HTML code that will fit the developer's application. Of course, FormAlchemy can't figure out everything, i.e, the developer might want to display only a few columns from the given model. Thus, FormAlchemy is also highly customizable.
Foundation is a framework that enables rapid prototyping of websites and web-based applications. Its features include Grid layout, CLI wrappers, improved HTML forms, off-canvas layouts and responsive design.
The FreeLing package consists of a library providing language analysis services. FreeLing is designed to be used as an external library from any application requiring Natural Language Processing services (machine translators, intelligent web searchers, automatic summarizers, NL interfaces, etc.) Also, a simple main program is also provided as a basic interface to the library, which enables the user to analyze text files from the command line. Current version analyzes text in English, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, and Italian. New languages can be easily added if linguistic data are available.
  • Features:
  • Text tokenization
  • Sentence splitting.
  • Morphological analysis.
  • Named entity detection.
  • Date/number/currency/ratios recognition.
  • Physical magnitudes detection (speed, weight, temperature, density, etc.)
  • PoS tagging.
  • Named entity classification.
  • Chart-based shallow parsing.
  • WordNet based sense annotation
  • Dependency parsing.
FreeTube is a free software desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind. Use YouTube without advertisments and prevent Google tracking from you with their cookies and JavaScript. Available for Windows, Mac & GNU/Linux thanks to Electron.
Freecell Solver
Freecell Solver is a library written in C, that automatically solves layouts of Freecell and similar Solitaire variants (including Simple Simon boards). It is accompanied by several stand-alone command line programs.
Freeipmi Heckert gnu.tiny.png
FreeIPMI is a collection of in-band and out-of-band IPMI software in accordance with the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification. These programs provide a set of interfaces for platform management. Common functionality includes sensor monitoring, system event monitoring, power control and serial-over-LAN.
From the website: FriendlyCaptcha is a tool for preventing spam on your website. Other CAPTCHAs are a burden on your users, FriendlyCaptcha respects your users. FriendlyCaptcha is a proof-of-work based CAPTCHA in which the user's device does all the work.
ftputil is a high-level FTP client library for the Python programming language. ftputil implements a virtual file system for accessing FTP servers, that is, it can generate file-like objects for remote files. The library supports many functions similar to those in the os, os.path and shutil modules. ftputil has convenience functions for conditional uploads and downloads, and handles FTP clients and servers in different timezones.
The FusionDirectory project aim to fill this gap by providing a nice web application that allow you not only to manage your classical openldap data like users, groups, services... but also offer an API allowing to write new plugins to extent the application to be more useful to you. Bundled with more than 50 plugins today ranging from users management to service management and systems management, everything managed trough you ldap server.
  • User, group, roles , sudo ...
  • French education support : Supann, Sinaps, PArtage de Renater
  • Systems
  • Network services : SMTP / DNS / DHCP / Samba
and much more ... FusionDirectory is user-friendly and includes a number of features and modes including:
  • A copy and paste system
  • Template mode for all objects stored with FusionDirectory
  • Snapshot mode
  • Dashboard (user, password, expiration of users, installation and deployment)
  • trigger to create action on other systems after saving, modifying, removing
Library for fuzzy sets, fuzzy graphs, and general fuzzy mathematics for Python.
G-golf Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
GNU G-Golf (GNOME: (Guile Object Library for)) G-Golf is a tool to develop fast and feature-rich graphical applications, with a clean and recognizable look and feel. Here is an overview of the GNOME platform libraries, accessible using G-Golf. In particular, libadwaita provides a number of widgets that change their layout based on the available space. This can be used to make applications adapt their UI between desktop and mobile devices. The GNOME Web (best known through its code name, Epiphany, is a good example of such an adaptive UI. G-Golf uses Glib, GObject and GObject Introspection. As it imports a Typelib (a GObject introspectable library), G-Golf defines GObject classes as GOOPS (the Guile Object Oriented System) classes. GObject methods are defined and added to their corresponding generic function. Simple functions are defined as scheme procedures.
'G-Wrap' is a tool (and Guile library) for generating function wrappers for inter-language calls. It currently supports generating Guile wrappers for C functions.
'GAIL' is a GTK+ module that provides accessibility support for GTK+ and libgnomecanvas by implementing AtkObjects for widgets in the two libraries. For example, if the module is loaded in a program which calls gtk_widget_get_accessible() for a GtkEntry, an instance of GailEntry is returned. This module is normally used with the atk-bridge GTK+ module from at-spi to allow an assistive technology, e.g a screenreader, to query or drive the program.
The Genetic Algorithm Utility Library (GAUL) is a programming library designed to assist in the development of code requiring genetic algorithms. The steady-state, generation based and the island model of evolution are supported, using the Darwinian, Lamarkian or Baldwininan evolutionary schemes. Standard mutation, crossover and selection operators are provided, while code hooks additionally allow custom operators. It provides data structures and functions for handling and manipulation of the data required for a genetic algorithm. Additional stochastic algorithms are provided for comparison to the genetic algorithms. Much of the functionality is also available through a simple S-Lang interface.
GDB-Machine Interface library
A GDB/MI interface library for C and C++. It implements the GDB/MI (GNU DeBugger/Machine Interface) protocol as a library so you can create a GDB frontend without writing the "dialog" with GDB. Unlinke CLI the MI is intended for programs and not humans.
The Gnu Data Language (GDL) is a free alternative to the data visualization and analysis tool, called IDL (Interactive Data Language), frequently used by scientists. GDL and its library routines are designed as a tool for numerical data analysis and visualisation. GDL is dynamically typed, vectorized and has object-oriented programming capabilities. The library routines handle numerical calculations, data visualisation, signal/image processing, file input/output (incl. graphical and scientific data formats such as TIFF, PNG, netCDF, HDF etc) and interaction with host OS. Despite its name, GDL is not a GNU package.
The Generic Data Structures Library (GDSL) is a collection of routines for generic data structures manipulation. It is a portable and re-entrant library designed to let C programmers access common data structures with powerful algorithms and hidden implementation. Available structures are lists, queues, stacks, hash tables, binary trees, binary search trees, red-black trees, 2D arrays, and permutations.
GEGL is a graph-based image processing framework offering non-destructive image processing and compositing on large images. It is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off projects to interactive applications.
'GEOS' is a C++ implementation of the functions and predicates defined in the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" specification. It includes high quality implementations of all important spatial relationships and operations, robust versions of all functions in the dimensionally extended 9 intersection predicate model, and implementations of the operators Buffer(), Union(), and Intersection() and all other SFSQL functions including Area(), Length(), Centroid(), etc.
GGZ Gaming Zone
The GGZ Gaming Zone develops a free gaming environment, based on a client-server architecture. More than 20 games are already available directly from the project, and integration into the major free desktops like KDE and GNOME is also being done. Player privacy, lack of advertisements and source code availability for game routine verification make this project a reliable platform for free games. Several independent game projects do already support playing over GGZ.
A programmer's library for random numbers. Also random number generator testing code. Intended for simulation, games and "Monte-Carlo" algorithms.
'GLTT' is a library that allows you to read and draw TrueType fonts in any OpenGL application. It supports bitmapped and anti-aliased font drawing as well as vectorized and polygonized drawing.
The Guarded Memory Move tool is useful for studying buffer overflows and catching them together with a "good" stack image. Once a stack overflow has been exploited, the back trace is already gone, as is information about parameters and local variables that are very important in understanding how the attacker is working out the exploit. The GMM library uses dynamic function call interception to catch the most common functions that attackers use to exploit stack buffers. It uses the LD_PRELOAD capability and offers two services: first, it avoids buffer overflow to allow the attacker to execute shell-code on your machine. Second, where an exploit is detected, it saves the stack content and triggers a segmentation fault. The resulting core dump has the necessary information to debug the exploit and fix the software.
GNUe Common Library
GNUe Common Library is the basis for the GNUe tools, such as Forms, Reports, Application Server, and Designer. It implements a database-abstraction layer that provides support for most major databases. A builtin XML-to-Object parser and Object-to-XML marshaller are used by Forms, Reports, and Designer to save and read Forms/Report definitions to and from an XML file. It also defines and implements an RPC abstraction layer that will allow server processes to define their public methods once and have them available XML-RPC and Pyro clients.
GNUe Forms
GNUe Forms is a generator for data aware user interfaces with support for different platforms and data sources. From an XML file containing both the layout definition and the program logic required, GNUe Forms generates native interactive data entry screens for a number of user interface frameworks, including GNOME, KDE, and a curses based text interface. GNUe Forms can interact with all data sources supported by GNUe Common, which includes GNUe AppServer, SQLite, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, MaxDB, or plain CSV files.
GOffice is a library of document-centric objects and utilities building on top of GLib and Gtk+ and used by software such as Gnumeric.
GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) is a library designed to make access to GnuPG easier for applications. It provides a High-Level Crypto API for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification and key management. Currently it uses GnuPG as its backend but the API isn't restricted to this engine; in fact, there is already a backend for CMS (S/MIME).
'GPSTk' is a set of both fundamental and advanced GPS processing algorithms. The library provides functions including RINEX I/O, ephemeris calculation, atmospheric refraction models, and positioning algorithms. The applications include cycle slip detection and removal, calculation of the Total Electron Content (TEC) of the ionosphere, bindings to 'octave', and RINEX file manipulation.
GRX is a 2D graphics library originally written for DJGPP. It supports DOS, GNU/Linux console (svgalib and framebuffer drivers), X11, and Win32 (using the Mingw compiler).
GSConnect allows to connect savely your mobile device with the desktop on GNOME. Some features: - share files and links - sync contacts - send and receive messages - control media players - sync clipboard content
gSOAP is a toolkit for web services development. It includes utilities for conversion of C/C++ header files to SOAP stubs and generating C/C++ header files from WSDL. Also included are C/C++ development files needed for building SOAP client and server applications. gSOAP implements most current standards including SOAP 1.1/2, WSDL 1.1 and UDDI 2. It is compatible with many popular SOAP implmentations.

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