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Broaden your selection: Category/Audio

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editor (48)

Think of a radio station. Airtime is software that allows multiple people to run it over the internet. Airtime helps them manage the audio archive, upload files, create shows, manage staff, edit the programme calendar and cue playout. Designed specifically for independent media, it's free software.
Aria Maestosa
Compose, edit, and play MIDI files. Has a graphical user interface with multiple instrument-specific views.
Audacity is a cross-platform multitrack audio editor that lets you record sounds directly or import Ogg, WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, or MP3 files. It features a few simple effects, all of the editing features you should need, and unlimited undo. The GUI is built with wxWidgets and the audio I/O currently uses PortAudio.
audio convert is a script that converts between WAV, Ogg, MP3, MPC, FLAC, APE, and WMA files. It has an easy-to-use interface that makes it possible to fill in the tags for a few formats and choose the quality of compression. The script was initially designed for the Nautilus file browser and can be easily installed into Nautilus by copying it to the nautilus-scripts directory. You can then right-click on files and choose "audio-convert" from the "scripts" menu. The script is also known to work on rox or directly from a shell.
Compose continuous voices using Bézier curves. If you want more control over your portamento, explore tuning and detuning or create flexible glissandi for your synths, this program is for you. Features:
  • Realtime output using JACK (CV/Gate) or Open Sound Control (frequency & gate)
  • Sync to other software using Jack Transport
  • Polyphonic: create multiple tracks
  • Flexible: Connect it to any synthesizer that supports CV/Gate, including most frameworks like SuperCollider, FAUST, ...
CYTHAR is multi-platform, pattern-oriented, polyphonic MIDI step-sequencer, which makes its own path. 16 parallel patterns with six tracks and 16 bars -- equating to 256 bars and 96 tracks. The six pattern tracks imitate the strings of a guitar and will be tuned e.g. to “EAdgbe”. For example, you can set a guitar chord to a pattern tune and then by enabling a few events or triggers the sequencer will start a solo or plays with the chords. You can program drum sets, melodies, arpeggios and complete songs.
Cadencii is a multi-track piano roll editor. A synthesis backend, such as vConnect-STAND or EFB-GW-PL is needed.
DelVj is a tool that provides real-time 3D composition and algorithmic video composition in which the computer composes 3D forms as indicated by the user as a virtual extension of the users mind. It can be given indications for the objects, videos, and effects, and the computer can do the rest. It features a GTK+ interface that runs puredata in the background, controls xmms, and allows tweaking of all patch parameters, recording of videos, and streaming to an Icecast server.
dirogg is a script to migrate your entire music collection to the Ogg Vorbis format. It's a recursive script, meaning that you run it from the top level of your music directories, and it will automatically recurse and convert all MP3 files to Ogg.
Command-line tools for audio playback, processing, and whatever else related to audio. dtas follows the worse-is-better philosophy and acts as duct tape to combine existing command-line tools for flexibility and ease-of-development. dtas is currently implemented in Ruby (and some embedded shell), but may use other languages in the future. Currently, primarily wraps sox commands but may also use ecasound (or any command-line driven audio processing tools).

... further results

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