Tiling window manager
i3 is a tiling X11 window manager that dynamically manages tiled, stacked, and tabbed window layouts.
It primarily targets advanced users. Windows are managed manually and organized inside containers, which can be split vertically or horizontally, and optionally resized.
i3 uses a plain-text configuration file, and can be extended and controlled from many programming languages.
version 4.21.1
released on 24 October 2022
OpenPGP signature URL: https://i3wm.org/downloads/i3-4.21.1.tar.xz.asc
User level
VCS Checkout
git clone https://github.com/i3/i3.git
Verified by
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Verified on
25 April 2020
Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
Michael Stapelberg | Maintainer |
Resources and communication
Audience | Resource type | URI |
Debian | Developer | https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/i3 |
Wikidata | General | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1652973 |
GitHub | Bug Tracking | https://github.com/i3/i3/issues |
Download | https://i3wm.org/downloads/ | |
GitHub | VCS Repository Webview | https://github.com/i3/i3 |
FreeLists | Mailing List | https://i3wm.org/contact/ |
Software prerequisites
This entry (in part or in whole) was last reviewed on 24 October 2022.
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