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A free note-taking, document file and activity manager for GNU/Linux

Notes are gathered under different subjects and are made by a title, a date, a tags (keywords) list and a free-length text. This may be formatted: it is possible to change the font name, size and color of a selected text and of its background, and also to set bold, italic, underline and strike-through; the text may have pictures within it and hashtags. The software can manage paragraph alignment, bullets, numbered and alphabetic lists with automatic indentation. Each note may have any number of attachments (files of every kind), and has also a spreadsheet-like grid to manage a list of activities which is quite similar to the one used in many software of project management. A single file of MyNotex contains various notes filed in different subjects. Some features of the software:

  • a spreadsheet-like grid available for each note, in which it is possible to create and manage list of activities and sub-activities with state, dates, resources and cost specifications;
  • possibility to encrypt and decrypt a file of MyNotex, or any other file, with GNU Privacy Guard (GPG), if available in the system in use;
  • various attachments (files of every kind) for each note, zipped and stored in a directory with the same name and path of the MyNotex file in use and automatically managed by the software; the number of attachments is limited only by the available disk space;
  • encryption of the text of the selected notes with AES algorithm;
  • search for subjects, notes (also in the text), attachments, dates and tags (keywords);
  • search for more than one tag at a time (in OR condition) and for a range of dates;
  • importation and exportation of single subjects with the related notes and attachments from and to another file of MyNotex;
  • direct importation of an Writer or LibreOffice Writer file;
  • importation from Tomboy and Gnote notes;
  • export data in HTML format, which can be easily opened with a word processor like Writer or LibreOffice Writer;
  • possibility to link a note to another note;
  • possibility to insert images in the text of the notes, stored in the directory of attachments;
  • possibility to set the line space and paragraph space of the text of the notes;
  • alarm clock, to be alerted at a specified time;
  • zoom of the text with Ctrl + mouse wheel, or Ctrl + +/-;
  • copy selected text of a note in Latex format.

Finally it is possible to synchronize two different files of MyNotex so that the new, the changed and the deleted subjects, notes and attachments in each one of them are mirrored in the other; at the end of the process, the two files and attachments directories are identical. This feature allows to modify two or more files of MyNotex offline and then connect to the LAN or the Internet and synchronize them, also through a cloud services like Dropbox or Ubuntu One.



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22 March 2013

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Software prerequisites


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.