Property:Has prerequisite description

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Showing 250 pages using this property.
[[pycares]] >= 3.0.0b4  +
[[chardet]] >= 2.0 < 4.0  +
[[attrs]] >= 17.3.0  +
[[multidict]] >= 4.5 < 5.0  +
[[yarl]] >= 1.0 < 2.0  +
[[async-timeout]] >= 3.0 < 4.0  +
[[typing_extensions]] >= 3.6.5  +
Client: Python 2.1.1. or later  +
orbit  +
python-orbit  +
python-gnome; Server: Python 2.1.1. or later  +
python-gtk  +
Python3  +
apache...)  +
cgiquiz: CGI-capable web-server (boa  +
diaquiz : [[Xdialog]]  +
mkquiz: Web browser with JavaScript 1.5  +
[[Free Pascal]] 2.0 *or* [[GNU-Pascal]]  +
grquiz : [[libSDL]] or [[GRX]]  +
kdelibs  +
Qt  +
kdepim  +
kdelibs  +
kontact  +
Qt  +
[[OpenGL]]  +
Qt 2.3 or later *or* 3.1 or later and PyQT  +
Python 2.2 or later with python-xmlbase  +
Python Imaging library  +
Ruby  +
gcc 3.x or later  +
[[bayonne]]  +
OpenJDK v11+  +
PostgreSQL 9.6+  +
iptables  +
Java  +
GNU Plotutils version 2.4.1 or later (allows for drawing from Algol 68) or GNU Scientific Library version 1.2 or later (extends math support)  +
Curses  +
POSIX Threads  +
dpkg-dev  +
dpkg  +
debhelper (all for converting to Debian packages; Red Hat Package Manager (for converting to Red Hat packages)  +
Perl 5.004 or later  +
Perl  +
Web server  +
Perl 5.6.0 or later  +
Perl modules CGI and Storable  +
PostGres  +
SQL-type database engine (MySQL  +
ssh  +
rsync  +
libwww-perl library (required for cookieless shopping)  +
perl 5.005 or later  +
etc.)  +
autoconf  +
xlib6g  +
svgalib  +
libvorbis-1.0rc3  +
allegro-4.0.0  +
libcurl 7.10 or later (to compile with URL support)  +
libogg-1.0rc3  +
pthreads (to compile with streaming thread support)  +
Snowpack  +
MeteoIO  +
cmake  +
Allegro  +
Python  +
Openssl  +
[[FreeCAD]]  +
[[Perl]]  +
KDE 4.7 or later  +
phonon 4.7  +
libtag1c2a >=1.7  +
Unified XUL Platform  +
MySQL 4.0  +
PHP 5.x  +
XML  +
Perl; list of required Perl modules available from  +
Perl 5.8 or later  +
GNU libmicrohttpd  +
GNU Taler  +
GNU Gtk+  +
libcurl  +
GNUnet  +
GNU libgcrypt  +
JAVA 8-17  +
perl  +
vstr  +
socket_poll  +
perl  +
scons  +
timer_q  +
python  +
python (>= 2.3)  +
python-support (>=0.7.1)  +
python-pygame (>=1.6.2)  +
spamassassin  +
procmail  +
bogofilter  +
mail-transport-agent  +
Python 2.0 or later  +
python  +
{{{Prerequisite description}}}  +
indent  +
gnome-xml  +
grep  +
gdb  +
scrollkeeper  +
gnome-terminal  +
automake  +
GTK+  +
ctags  +
gnome-help-browser (or Nautilus)  +
bash  +
pyaudio (for audio recording)  +
lame (for audio recording)  +
sox >=14.1 (for audio recording)  +
PyQt >=4.4  +
python-numpy (for graph generation)  +
mplayer (for audio playback)  +
Python >=2.4  +
python-beautifulsoup (for importing SuperMemo XML and exporting text files)  +
python-sqlalchemy >=0.4.3  +
python-matplotlib (for graph generation)  +
python-simplejson >=1.7.3  +
PySQlite >=1.3 or Python 2.5  +
gettext  +
MySQL  +
[[php-imagick]]  +
[[Postfix]]  +
[[Redis]]  +
([[SpamAssassin]], [[OpenDKIM]], [[OpenDMARC]], [[postfix-policyd-spf-python]])/[[Rspamd]]  +
[[MariaDB]]/[[MySQL]]  +
[[Nginx]]  +
[[php-mailparse]]  +
- python-pycurl - python bindings to libcurl  +
python-crypto - cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python  +
- python-glade2 - GTK+ bindings: Glade support  +
- python-httplib2 - comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python  +
PyPy is recommended  +
curses library plus bindings for Python  +
Python 3 or 2.7  +
build tor for android CPUs  +
JAXP-compliant XML parser  +
Apache  +
MySQL  +
PHP  +
{{{Prerequisite description}}}  +
locate-database  +
wget  +
automake  +
File_Locate  +
Config_Simple  +
Digest_MD5  +
Perl  +
libusb-1.0 for USB support  +
Linux kernel >= 2.6.36 or >= 3.2 (for bluetooth HDP)  +
D-Bus for Health Service  +
BlueZ >= 4.90 for HDP support  +
[[OpenMotif]] or [[LessTif]]  +
[[GnuPG]] with [[GPGME]]  +
[[Guile]]  +
[[PAM]] (Pluggable Authentication Modules)  +
[[libwrap]] (TCP wrappers), an access control library  +
[[PCRE]]  +
[[GDBM]], [[MySQL]] or [[PostgreSQL]]  +
[[gsasl]], an implementation of the SASL framework  +
[[GnuTLS]]  +
The TCP/IP Identification Protocol (RFC 1413) server (any)  +
Storable  +
Digest_MD5  +
Emacs  +
zlib  +
SSL  +
[[Python]]  +
"Terminal (-emulation) with Unicode support"  +
SQLite  +
GNU Scientific Library  +
Android version 5.0 (Lollipop) and later  +
Java 14 or later  +
Linux or macOS  +
Gradle 7.2 or later  +
libc  +
acroread  +
A converter for each file format (typically ghostscript if you don't have a true PS printer and a bunch of other filter like: a2ps  +
ImageMagick  +
psutils  +
netpbm utils).  +
psutils  +
ghostscript (for non-PostScript printers)  +
BitTorrent  +
libargparse  +
GTK+-2.0  +
libXML  +
Cheetah (  +
Web server  +
xlrd, xlwt, lxml, latex  +
python3  +
Lazarus  +
pygtk2  +
Python  +
ROX-Lib2  +
ROX-Filer  +
fuser  +
mbxcvt or mailutil (for mbx mailboxes support)  +
gzip/gunzip  +
mv  +
cp  +
bzip2 (for bzip compression)  +
cat  +
rm  +
GNU toolchain  +
AVR Libc  +
m4  +
eperl  +
divert  +
autoconf  +  +  +  +  +
{{{Prerequisite description}}}  +
argus-clients  +
A software synthesizer such as Fluidsynth or Timidity  +
GTK+ 1.2.6 or higher  +
gettext 0.10.35 or higher  +
Gnome 1.2 or later  +
[[gtk+]]-2.24  +
[[libxml]]-2.7  +
Python  +
avr-libc  +
packrom  +
avr-gcc  +
[[cron]] (for sending bulk newsletters)  +
[[aspell]] (for spell checking)  +
[[libgd]]2.x or later  +
[[PHP]] 4.x  +
libnet (  +
libpcap (  +
python-xlib  +
pynput  +

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.