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Interface (7379)

123sqlengine is a functional relational database engine still under development but featuring fully original database engine design
2532 Gigs
2532 Pipe.pngGigs is a PHP/SQL gig lister designed for bands and music sites. The Web-based Control Panel allows admins to add, edit, and delete shows and artists. Multiple users are supported, with two security levels (admin and staff).
2wm is an extremely fast, small, and dynamic window manager for X. It is the little brother of dwm.
3D Pong
A one-or-two player "pong" (ball and paddles) game for X-Window, drawn using vectors (lines). Different view modes are available, including split red/blue mode for using 3D glasses. Two players supported by connecting to multiple X-Window displays.
'3dFB' is a 3D file manager and browser. 2D file managers work nicely, but with 3D, you can display much more information. The aim of this project is to make a viable, workable, 3D file manager that is not a hog on resources and can actually be usable.
3dldf Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
3DLDF Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. It is written in C++ using CWEB. It is intended, among other things, to provide a convenient way of including 3D graphics in TeX documents. This package includes an interactive program called `3dldf', which implements a language intended to resemble Donald Knuth's METAFONT language and John Hobby's MetaPost language, which is based on METAFONT.
4Pane is a highly configurable GNU/Linux filemanager. It has dual twin-panes, each of which has a directory tree-view pane and a detailed-list pane for files. Advanced features include multiple undo and redo of most operations (including deletions), archive management including 'virtual browsing' inside archives, multiple renameand duplication of files, a terminal emulator and user-defined tools
4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data. 4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist.
4tH is a Forth compiler with a little difference. Instead of the standard Forth engine it features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language. It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc. It comes with an RPN calculator, line editor, preprocessor, compiler, decompiler, C-source generator, a virtual machine, and a multitasking environment.
8sync Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
8sync (pronounced eight-sync) is an asynchronous programming library for GNU Guile. It makes use of delimited continuations to avoid a mess of callbacks, resulting in clean, easy-to-read, non-blocking code.

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