| Description | Homepage | License | GNU? |
.NET | Microsoft's backend for C#, VB and F# | http://dotnet.microsoft.com/ | | |
0 A.D. | Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare | http://play0ad.com/ | PublicDomain Other GPLv2orlater Expat LGPLv2.1orlater Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 | |
123sqlengine | 123sqlengine is a functional relational database engine | https://sourceforge.net/projects/sql123engine/ | GPLv2orlater | |
2532 Gigs | A PHP/SQL gig lister. | http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/gigs-2532 | SimplePermissive | |
2wm | a dynamic window manager for X. | https://web.archive.org/web/20150924100340/http://git.suckless.org/2wm | Expat | |
389-admin | 389 Directory Administration Server | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | Other GPLv2 | |
389-admin-console | 389 admin server management console | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | GPLv2 | |
389-adminutil | Utility library for 389ds administration | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | Other | |
389-console | 389 Management Console | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | GPLv2orlater LGPLv2 | |
389-ds-base | 389 Directory Server suite - server | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | Other GPLv2orlater | |
389-ds-console | 389 Directory Server Management Console | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | GPLv2 | |
389-dsgw | 389 Directory Server Gateway | http://directory.fedoraproject.org | Other GPLv2 | |
3D Pong | A vector-based ball-bouncing game for X-Window | http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/3dpong/ | GPLv2 | |
3dFB | 3D file manager and browser | https://sourceforge.net/projects/dz3d/ | GPLv2 | |
3dldf | Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. | https://www.gnu.org/software/3dldf/ | SimplePermissiveNoNonWarranty SimplePermissiveNonWarranty GFDL Other GPLv2orlater with exception GPLv2orlater GPLv3orlater GPLv3orlater with exception |  |
3dpl GE | The 3D Programming Language | http://amigojapan.github.io/3dpl/ | GPLv3 with exception | |
4Pane | A dual twin-pane GNU/Linux filemanager | https://www.4pane.co.uk/ | GPLv3 | |
4digits | guess-the-number game, aka Bulls and Cows | http://sourceforge.net/projects/fourdigits/ | GPLv2orlater | |
4store | RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon | https://github.com/garlik/4store | PublicDomain Zlib Other GPLv2orlater with exception GPLv3orlater | |
4tH | Forth compiler with a conventional compiler instead of the standard Forth engine | http://www.xs4all.nl/~thebeez/4tH/foldtree.html | GPLv3orlater | |
6tunnel | TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications | http://toxygen.net/6tunnel | GPLv2orlater | |
7kaa | Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries: real-time strategy game | http://www.7kfans.com/ | GPLv2orlater | |
7kaa-data | Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries - game data | http://www.enlight.com/7k/ | GPLv2orlater | |
7zip | File archiver with a high compression ratio | https://www.7-zip.org/ | | |
86box | Cycle-accurate i386 PC emulator | https://86box.net/ | | |
8sync | Asynchronous programming for Guile. | https://www.gnu.org/software/8sync/ | SimplePermissiveNoNonWarranty SimplePermissiveNonWarranty Other Expat GPLv3orlater LGPLv3orlater Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 GFDLv1.3orlater |  |
9menu | Creates X menus from the shell | https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/9menu | Other GPLv3orlater | |
9mount | Tools for mounting 9p filesystems on the Linux kernel | http://sqweek.net/code/9mount/ | ISC | |
A Bingo | A/Bingo plugin for Rails. | http://github.com/ryanb/abingo | Expat | |
A+ | Programming language (APL interpreter) | http://www.aplusdev.org/ | GPLv2 | |
A2K | Small unobtrusive IRC bot | http://accutron2000.sourceforge.net/ | GPLv2orlater | |
A2b | An abstract train game. | https://github.com/marcosmendez/a2b | GPLv2 | |
A2png | Converts plain text into PNG images. | https://sourceforge.net/projects/a2png/ | GPLv2orlater | |
A2ps | Any to PostScript filter. | https://www.gnu.org/software/a2ps/ | SimplePermissiveNonWarranty Other GPLv2orlater GPLv3orlater GPLv3orlater with exception |  |
A5eq.lv2 | a5eq.lv2 - Another 5-Band Equalizer | https://github.com/ashafq/a5eq.lv2 | | |
AAAAXY | 2D Platformer game with strange geometry | https://divverent.github.io/aaaaxy/ | | |
AAK-Cont | Anti-Adblock Killer Continued | https://xuhaiyang1234.gitlab.io/AAK-Cont/ | GPLv3 | |
AB-Transfers | simple online banking application for online money transfers | http://schmufu.dyndns.org/dokuwiki/ab transfer:start | Other GPLv2orlater LGPLv3 | |
ABC | ABC - A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification | http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/ | Other GPLv2orlater | |
ABI Dumper | tool to dump ABI of an ELF object containing DWARF debug info | https://abi-laboratory.pro/ | GPLv2 | |
ABI compliance checker | tool to compare ABI compatibility of shared C/C++ library versions | https://abi-laboratory.pro/ | GPLv3orlater | |
ABINIT | package for electronic structure calculations | http://www.abinit.org/ | Other | |
ABX Tester | audio ABX testing software | http://phintsan.kapsi.fi/abx.html | GPLv3orlater | |
ABYSS | Automates some streaming operations and provides feedback for volunteers | https://vcs.fsf.org/?p=libre-streamer.git&a=summary | GPLv3orlater | |
ABridge | Online bridge game | https://github.com/pld-linux/abridge | GPLv2orlater | |
ACDK | Java-like C++ framework with scripting and distributed components | http://acdk.sourceforge.net | LGPL | |
ACE UC Sniffer | A simple VoIP corporate directory enumeration tool | http://ucsniff.sourceforge.net/ace.html | GPLv3orlater | |
ACL2 | Programming language for modelling computer systems and proving properties of those models | http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/ | | |
ACal | Simple Web-based calendar | http://acalproj.sourceforge.net/ | GPLv2 | |
AClock | Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep | http://gap.nongnu.org/aclock/ | GPLv2orlater | |