ABYSS Broadcast Your Stream Successfully
Automates some streaming operations and provides feedback for volunteers
Automates most tasks on video and audio streaming.
Besides being a free/libre software, its goals are:
- Move past command-line based streaming, by automating things.
- Provide audio/video feedback for the volunteer at the station to monitor the streaming.
Its current features include:
- Behave slightly differently according to user actions or loss of the feed.
- GTK+ graphical user interface.
- Ease to switch between testing mode -- for testing the audio and video chain without broadcasting -- to stream mode, which broadcasts the feeds.
- In the event of main camera source failure, ABYSS changes the pipeline to fetch the video source from a backup USB webcam and then starts broadcasting again.
- Each stream is actually recorded locally in three forms to allow easy post-processing: audio-only, raw-video, and audio-video.
Was used during LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016.
ABYSS was previously know as Libre-Streamer.
- Interface:command-line
- Interface:console
- Interface:x-window-system
- Interface:gnome-app
- Interface:text
- Interface:window-manager
- Internet-application:tool
- Live-communications:conferencing
- Programming-language:python
- Runs-on:GNU/Linux
- UI Toolkit:gtk
- Use:live-communications
- Use:video
- Video:manipulation
- Video:viewing
- Works-with:audio
- Works-with:video
- Works-with-format:opus
- Works-with-format:webm
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Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
David Testé (Soonum) | Developer |
Resources and communication
Software prerequisites
Kind | Description |
Required to use | Python Gstreamer 1.0 module |
Required to use | Python GTK 3.0 module |
Required to use | Python 3.4 |
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