Collection:GNOME Games
GNOME Games used to be a collection of small five-minute games in a variety of styles and genres for GNOME. Since GNOME 3.8, the games live on in separate modules, but the GNOME Games collection no longer exists. The games included were:
Aisleriot | a collection of card games which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse.
Gnome-chess | a 2D chess game.
Five-or-more | a GNOME port of the once popular “Color Lines” game.
Four-in-a-row | a strategy game for GNOME.
Iagno | a computer version of the game Reversi, more popularly called Othello.
Gnome-klotski | a clone of the popular Klotski game.
Lightsoff | a puzzle game.
Gnome-mahjongg | a solitaire (one player) version of the classic Eastern tile game, Mahjongg.
Gnome-mines | a puzzle game.
Gnome-nibbles | a GNOME port of the popular “Snake” game.
Quadrapassel | the GNOME version of Tetris
Gnome-robots | the classic robots game.
Gnome-sudoku | a logic-based number-placement puzzle.
Gbrainy | a brain teaser game and trainer.
Swell-foop | a puzzle game for GNOME.
Tali | a sort of poker played using dice.
Gnome-tetravex | a simple puzzle game. |
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