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Dictionary lookup engine and a dictionary editing system

'Geiriadur' combines a dictionary lookup engine and a dictionary editing system. It's developed as a tool to create Welsh-Russian and Russian-Welsh dictionaries, but it can also be used for other languages. It consists of two components: a dictionary CORBA server and the Web interface for it. The system works through "words" and "translations". A "translation" is a pair of words or a word with explanation; a "word" means a string of letters without a space, possessing independent meaning in some language. Words can have transcription, attributes (gender, aspect etc.), and "stems" and irregular forms. Regular forms are produced dynamically during a search from "stems" and "endings". The system understands mutations and different spellings (American English, Middle Welsh etc.) If a direct search (with the first word in translations table) yields no results, the system performs an inverse search or asks the user to try a cross-search through a third language.



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Verified by

Janet Casey

Verified on

31 March 2005

Leaders and contributors

Dmitri Hrapof Maintainer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Bug Tracking,Developer,

Software prerequisites

Required to useApache
Required to useFnorb
Required to usemod_python
Required to usePostgreSQL
Required to useCLORB


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