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provides indexing and allows queries for objects based on attributes.

IndexedCatalog provides indexing and allows queries for objects based on attributes. Which is accomplished by indexing all fields by type (string/integer/float) and by a simple query language. The IndexedCatalog does not require any additional extensions apart from the ZODB, and it made for applications that use StandaloneZODB and not Zope. It is completely untested with Zope at this time. Features:

  • Provides a Shelf, which aggregates queries and is a front-end to all IC features.
  • Provides a Catalog class that stores objects and offers a query interface.
  • Provides Indexes for Strings, Floats, Integers, Dates and Instances.
  • Requires very little change to objects for catalogs and indexes to work: basically inherit from IndexedCatalog.IndexedObject, add some special attributes to the Classes, and use catalog.insert() to add the instances to the catalogs.
  • Supports composite objects, initializing and indexing sub-objects automatically.
  • Supports queries by type, and allows querying sub-object or referenced object attribute values.
  • Allows ordering query results by field, both ascending and descending.
  • Using Distutils means miminal effort to install.



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Kelly Hopkins

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27 October 2009

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