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Anise false
one software project administration tool for all environments
Anjuta false
Integrated development environment
Anki false
A spaced repetition flashcard program.
AnonAddy false
A privacy tool for anonymous email forwarding
Anontwi false
Tool to have more privacy on social networking sites
Anonymine false
curses mode minesweeper without guessing
AnonymousMessenger false
a peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over tor.
Anonymouth false
tools for text anonymization
Ansible false
Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
Ant false
Java-based build tool
Ant-phone false
ISDN telephony application.
Antidote false
IEEE 11073-20601 stack
Antimicro false
map keyboard and mouse controls to a gamepad
Antiparser false
a fuzz testing and fault injection API.
Antiright false
Desktop optimized to work with the Motif API.
Antlr false
ANother Tool for Language Recognition.
Anubis true
Processes outgoing mail.
Apache CouchDB false
is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API.
Apache HTTP Server false
Featureful HTTP server.
Apel false
Version of APEL maintained by the developers of Wanderlust.
Aping false
Advanced ping program.
Apl true
Interpreter for APL Programming Language.
Aplakons false
Activity plans constructor
App Manager false
A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
AppTools false
a set of packages for creating applications.
Appleseed false
physically-based global illumination production rendering
Apsfilter false
Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition
Apydia false
API Reference Documentation Generator for Python.
Arbitools false
Tools for chess arbiters
ArchZoom false
A Web-based browser for the GNU Arch revision control system.
Archimedes true
Designing and simulating submicron semiconductor devices.
Archives2git false
recreate a Git history from release archives
Arduino false
AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
Arfg false
Meta-language that combines m4, eperl, and divert
Arg-parser false
Argument parser that follows POSIX and GNU conventions.
Argbash false
Bash argument parsing code generator
Argp false
argp for bash
Aria false
Download tool with GUI that can pause, resume, and queue downloads
Aris true
Formal logical proofing.
Arkanoid (Uzebox) false
Implementation of the Arkanoid game to run on the Uzeboz
Aroundme false
Social networking and team interaction.
Arrangeit false
Cross-platform desktop utility for easy windows management
Artanis true
Web application framework written in Guile Scheme.
Article Difficulty Level false
Through this plugin, user can able to select the post difficulty level in admin dash board post area for each post.
Arvados false
Arvados is a free and open source platform for big data science.
Asciinema-player false
Web player for terminal session recordings
Asdf false
a system definition facility for Common Lisp programs and libraries
Asdf-vm false
Version manager for multiple programming languages
Aseprite false
Pixel art editor
Ash text editor false
a terminal based text editor

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.