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GCstar is an application that can be used to manage collections of different types. Users can enter all the items they own, along with associated information and later perform searches using filtering criteria. A plugin system allows some information to be downloaded automatically from Internet sites. Collections can be exported to many formats, including HTML, XML, CSV, or Tellico file format, or imported from Ant Movie Catalog or Tellico, among others. It currently manages collections of movies and video games and lets users define their own types of collections.
The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a unifying C/C++ API for accessing raster geospatial data, and currently includes formats like GeoTIFF, Erdas Imagine, Arc/Info Binary, CEOS, DTED, GXF, and SDTS. It is intended to provide efficient access, suitable for use in viewer applications, and also attempts to preserve coordinate systems and metadata. Python, C, and C++ interfaces are available.
GDB-Machine Interface library
A GDB/MI interface library for C and C++. It implements the GDB/MI (GNU DeBugger/Machine Interface) protocol as a library so you can create a GDB frontend without writing the "dialog" with GDB. Unlinke CLI the MI is intended for programs and not humans.
"GDIS' is a GTK/OpenGL based program for displaying isolated molecules, periodic systems, and crystalline habits. It also acts as a GUI to packages such as GAMESS, GULP, and POVRay to provide energy minimizations and publication quality rendering.
Among other things, you can: display system information such as CPU usage, MP3 playing, etc., create custom toolbars, create little games or virtual pets that live on your desktop, and display information such as headlines or the weather from the internet.
The gEDA project is working on producing a full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, simulation, prototyping, and production. The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA tools for UNIX. The tools are being developed mainly on GNU/Linux machines, but considerable effort is being made to make sure that gEDA runs on other UNIX variants.
GENPO (GENeral Purpose Organ)
GENPO is the GENeral Purpose Organ. It replicates the essential features of any pipe, theatre, or reed organ. GENPO reads a description of an organ (a .org XML file) and presents a suitable user interface for operating that organ. There are a number of high quality organ SoundFonts freely available and the .org file maps the stop sounds to organ divisions, manuals and stops. Other facilities such and couplers and presets are available. You may connect one or more MIDI keyboards to GENPO to provide the organ manuals, you can also assign one to be the 'pedalboard'. The program was written as a result of the author trying some other 'virtual organs' and having a hard time either getting them installed, or using them. The philosophy behind the program is to combine a natural interface with full functionality. GENPO does not try hard to look exactly like an organ console - but an organist should feel instantly at home when presented with the console...
GENtle is bioinformatics software for everyday molecular biology tasks. It features DNA and amino acid sequence display and editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, primer design, virtual PCR, online database access, and more.
gElemental is a periodic table viewer that provides detailed information on the chemical elements. It is a port of GPeriodic to C++ and gtkmm, and it offers an improved UI, an updated and corrected data set, a better data format, a list view, and easier coloration.
GFlame is easy to use GTK2 Front-end for lame encoder written in C++, for just a couple of hours. It is developed using Glade2 GUI designer, and gtkmm2 wrapping engine for GTK+.
GFlame v0.1 is tested with lame v3.95 MMX. This version is fully functional, but requires more lame options to be supported, such as raw pcm input, recompression, streaming, resampling etc.
  • Multiple files for encoding.
  • Manual or preset encoding control for each file.
  • ID3 Tag editor.
'gFTP' is a multithreaded FTP client for X Windows written using GTK+. Features include simultaneous downloads, resumption of interrupted file transfers, FTP, HTTP, and SSH protocols, file transfer queues, downloading of entire directories and subdirectories, FTP and HTTP proxy support, remote directory caching, passive and non-passive file transfers, drag-n-drop support, and a connection manager. It has been translated into 17 languages other than English.
'GFXIndex' creates thumbnails (small representations of an original images) and some HTML files to make an album to organize your pictures and publish them on a Web page.
GGZ Gaming Zone
The GGZ Gaming Zone develops a free gaming environment, based on a client-server architecture. More than 20 games are already available directly from the project, and integration into the major free desktops like KDE and GNOME is also being done. Player privacy, lack of advertisements and source code availability for game routine verification make this project a reliable platform for free games. Several independent game projects do already support playing over GGZ.
GIMP Dynamic Text
GIMP Dynamic Text is a GIMP plug-in that works like the GIMP's built-in text tool but allows you to draw multi-line text which can be re-edited after it has been drawn.
The GNU Krell Monitors is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme.
GL-117 is an OpenGL- and SDL-based action flight simulator that provides a random terrain generator, lighting effects, sounds, and joystick support.
'GLE' is a package of C functions that draw extruded surfaces, including surfaces of revolution, sweeps, tubes, polycones, polycylinders and helicoids. The extruded surface is specified with a 2D polyline that is extruded along a 3D path. A local coordinate system allows for additional flexibility in the primitives drawn. Extrusions may be texture mapped in a variety of ways. The GLE library generates 3D triangle coordinates, lighting normal vectors and texture coordinates as output. It uses the GL or OpenGL API's to perform the actual rendering.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links work but no maintenance since 2000. Looks like a student project. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 11:36, 31 July 2018 (EDT) Glife is a simulation that uses the concepts found in Artificial Life. Its goal is to provide a limited number of rules, and then watch some sort of "society" emerge. Trends develop as animals interact with the terrain and with each other. This program is an "Artificial Society" program. The rules are placed in the program (and are somewhat customizeable). You then observe what happens; you can also find information on the individual animals or watch specific trends such as "wealth distribution." You place the rules and watch trends and structures emerge. The terrain is a grid, and the circles inside represent the terrain and the animals.
Generic Mapping Tools is a collection of ~60 GNU/Linux tools that allow users to manipulate (x,y) and (x,y,z) data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) to produce Encapsulated PostScript File (EPS) illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots through contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views in black and white, gray tone, hachure patterns, and 24-bit color. GMT supports 25 common map projections plus linear, log, and power scaling, and comes with support data such as coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries. Since the package is quite large, the authors suggest looking at the list of mirrors on the page to ensure that you download from the one closest to you.
gMobileMedia is a simple GTK application used to browse and handle a mobile phone filesystem. It can handle phones with more than one memory area (thanks to Gammu). It lets you easily upload and download images, ringtones, photos, and applications to/from your mobile phone. All you need is a data cable or any other connection method supported by Gammu.
GMonsters is a small game where you train, breed, and battle monsters.
GMonsters is a small game where you train, breed, and battle monsters.
GNOME BluePhone
BluePhone is a GNOME applet to allow you to remotely administer a bluetooth-enabled mobile phone from your desktop and also to control your desktop from your mobile phone.
GNOME CPUFreq Applet
GNOME CPUFreq Applet is a CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor for GNOME Panel
GNOME Color Chooser
GNOME Color Chooser is a GTK+/GNOME desktop appearance customization tool, but is not limited to the GNOME desktop. Unlike applications like Murrine Configurator, this utility does not modify your original themes. This way you can keep sharing your themes without any license or naming conflicts. See the Features List or FAQ for more details. This project aims to make the appearance of the GNOME desktop and GTK+ applications easily adjustable. It consists of the aforementioned application as well as patches and new concepts to GNOME. Don't worry, GNOME Color Chooser versions are usually published after having all needed patches included in official GNOME releases, so you don't have to patch anything!
GNOME Debian Package Manager
GDPM is GNOME-based graphical manager for Debian packages. It aims to fully replace the command-line tools apt-get, apt-cache, and dpkg by offering an easy way to install, remove, upgrade, and browse Debian packages.
GNOME Iconset Builder
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 11:51, 31 July 2018 (EDT) GIB is a tool which takes an existing icons/images (unorganized) and generates a GNOME compliant icon theme. It properly resizes, moves and converts the icons provided in PNG or SVG format. A conversion from ICO to PNG fromat is fully supported (including the Windows XP icon format with alpha channel). The final result is a ready-to-use icon theme for GNOME. Stock icons theming is also fully supported.
GNOME Mastermind
GNOME Mastermind is a little game that i've written mainly for fun while i was learning some programming with gtk and cairo. At first i was not intentioned to share it, but now i think it has become quite stable so i decided to distribute it. I like it and i hope someone else would like it too. It is a Mastermind clone for the GNOME desktop.
GNOME Schedule
GNOME Schedule is a system schedule maintenance tool. It has support for the cron and at scheduling systems. It aims to be as HIG compatible as possible. The target is to provide any sane desktop user with a tool to maintain the scheduling of his or her desktop tasks, while not requiring an understanding of the cron or at subsystems.
GNOME Sensors Applet
A GNOME panel applet to display system temperatures, fan speeds and voltage readings from hardware sensors under GNU/Linux.
GNOME Shell Extension TaskBar
TaskBar is a GNOME Shell extension. It displays icons of running applications on the top panel or alternatively on a new bottom panel. Activate, minimize or close tasks with a simple click. TaskBar is a dock-like windows list on the top/bottom bar. Development stopped Last stable version (Apr 5, 2018 / available here): 57.0 Last updates (Oct 17, 2018):
VGA Planets is a play-by-email space conquest strategy game, it can be played by 11 players max. This game is being played by strategy fanatics all over the world for some years now, is very addictive and there are several servers on the Internet that host various kinds of this games.
GNU Visual Debugger
GPS, the GNAT Programming Studio, is a cutting-edge Free Software IDE that streamlines the interaction between developers and their software. With its intuitive interface, GPS is easy to use, simplifying source navigation and highlighting the fundamental ideas in the program.
GNU Waveform Viewer
Gwave is a waveform viewer. Its purpose is for viewing analog data, such as the output from Spice-like simulations. Gwave can read binary or ascii files written by HSpice from transient, AC, or Sweep analyses, "raw" files written by Spice2, Spice3, or ngspice, and transient analysis files from the CAzM simulator. It can also read a generic tabular ASCII format suitable for use with ACS or homegrown tools. It supports multiple "panels" (graticlules) with multiple variables displayed in each. Two vertical-bar cursors are available for time-difference measurements. Multiple files can be loaded, for comparing the results of several simulations.
GNUMail is a clone of NeXT's excellent application. It uses the GNUstep development framework, which is based on the OpenStep specification provided by NeXT.
GNUe Navigator
GNUe Navigator is a menuing system for GNUe Forms and Reports.
This is a program for real-time sound effect processing. You can use it to add some distortion to your guitar, or some reverb to your voice.
GNUsTicker a GNOME panel applet RSS aggregator. It can feed RSS, RDF, etc. It is an RSS news ticker like the KNewsTicker for KDE, and may be extended for feeding from different sources (an example for a POP3 mail server is provided).
'gNumExp' is a GUI frontend to NumExp, a math-oriented programming language. It provides a graphic console with integrated help system, and a powerful function plotter.
The GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GOK) includes an alphanumeric keyboard and a keyboard for launching applications. Users specify keyboards and access methods in XML, which lets them modify existings methods and create new ones. Users can set key width, height, and spacing as well as visual and auditory feedback on highlighting and selection. GOK also dynamically creates keyboards to adapt to a specific situation by redisplaying user interface components of running applications directly within GOK as keyboards. The user then has efficient access to elements of the user interface and does not need to navigate the interface indirectly though keyboard accelerators. GOK also supports the redisplay of application menus and toolbars, and includes a window activator keyboard that lists the current windows and lets users switch between them.
GPG-Crypter is a GTK+ frontend to GPG and it is intended to de- and encrypt text into ASCII-armored gpg-ciphers. It provides textboxes to enter plaintext or ciphers. File encryption and decryption is available since version 0.2.
GPL Arcade Volleyball 2
GAV (GPL Arcade Volleyball) is an object-oriented multi-platform Arcade Volleyball clone. It supports multiplayer and theme customization.
GPLIGC analyzes IGC flight data from GNSS flight data recorders used by glider pilots. It can be used to optimize flights for the online contest (2003 rules). It uses Perl/Tk and gnuplot. The openGLIGCexplorer (written in C++) lets users view data in 3D with OpenGL, and can also be used as a digital elevation model terrain viewer.
'GPRename' is a GUI batch file renamer based on Gtk-Perl. It can rename files numerically, insert/delete characters at/between specified position(s), replace strings (either using regular express or not), and change case.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 12:14, 31 July 2018 (EDT) Gravitational Particle Simulator uses numerical methods to simulate the behaviour of particles that obey the gravitational laws of motion. The numerical method used to approximate the differential equations is a 4th order Runge Kutta method. Home page is in Italian only, but the README and the comments in the code are in English.
'GPSBabel' converts waypoint data between dozens of file formats, including Magellan and Garmin serial, Mapsource, Mapsend, Streets & Trips, Delorme, National Geographics, many Pal formats, and many others. It is endian and word-size safe, includes a GUI, and runs on a variety of operating systems. It also supports Groundspeak GPX extensions for geocaching.
GPSMan (GPS Manager) is a graphical manager for GPS data that lets users prepare, inspect, and edit GPS data in a friendly environment, having support for several data conversions and computations, map projections, and file formats. It can also be used in command-line mode. It supports communication with Garmin, Lowrance, and Magellan receivers, and real-time support for any receiver using NMEA-0183.
GPass is a simple GNOME application, released under the GNU GPL licence, that lets you manage a collection of passwords. The password collection is stored in an encrypted file, protected by a master-password.
GPeriodic is a periodic table application for GNU/Linux. It allows you to browse through a periodic table of the elements, and view detailed information on each of the elements. 118 elements are currently listed.
GPixPod is a pygtk application that let you upload and manage photos and photo albums on recent photo-capable Apple iPod models. GPixPod is free software released under the terms of the GNU GPL license ver. 2 or (at your option) any later version.

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