Semantic search

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Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

3D Pong
A one-or-two player "pong" (ball and paddles) game for X-Window, drawn using vectors (lines). Different view modes are available, including split red/blue mode for using 3D glasses. Two players supported by connecting to multiple X-Window displays.
'3dFB' is a 3D file manager and browser. 2D file managers work nicely, but with 3D, you can display much more information. The aim of this project is to make a viable, workable, 3D file manager that is not a hog on resources and can actually be usable.
4Pane is a highly configurable GNU/Linux filemanager. It has dual twin-panes, each of which has a directory tree-view pane and a detailed-list pane for files. Advanced features include multiple undo and redo of most operations (including deletions), archive management including 'virtual browsing' inside archives, multiple renameand duplication of files, a terminal emulator and user-defined tools
A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It has a rich set of functions and operators, a modern GUI with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter. It is mainly used in a computationally-intensive business environment, but many critical applications written in A+ have withstood the demands of real world developers over many years. It is written in an interpreted language, so applications tend to be portable.
a2b is an abstract train game where you guide trains to their destination without letting them collide with each other. Each game is played on a set of tracks on which trains run at regular intervals. You pick a train and accelerate, brake, or stop as necessary to safely guide it to its destination. Since trains are continously being launched, more than 1 train will want to use the same section of a track, potentially leading to a collision. You must resolve this by making a train wait while you rush another train. As a last resort, you can send a train back to its base.
Automates most tasks on video and audio streaming. Besides being a free/libre software, its goals are:
  • Move past command-line based streaming, by automating things.
  • Provide audio/video feedback for the volunteer at the station to monitor the streaming.
Its current features include:
  • Behave slightly differently according to user actions or loss of the feed.
  • GTK+ graphical user interface.
  • Ease to switch between testing mode -- for testing the audio and video chain without broadcasting -- to stream mode, which broadcasts the feeds.
  • In the event of main camera source failure, ABYSS changes the pipeline to fetch the video source from a backup USB webcam and then starts broadcasting again.
  • Each stream is actually recorded locally in three forms to allow easy post-processing: audio-only, raw-video, and audio-video.
Was used during LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016. ABYSS was previously know as Libre-Streamer.
The ADG library (Automatic Drawing Generation) is a set of functions focused on automating the drawing of mechanical parts. It is not a CAD system but a library providing a non-interactive canvas where you can put common CAD entities such as paths, xatches and quotes, to create your technical drawings. The final result can be displayed inside a GTK+ widget or exported to any cairo available format, such as PostScript and PDF documents or PNG and SVG images.
ADM (Asterisk Desktop Manager) aims to integrate your desktop with the Asterisk PBX and hardware IP phone by providing some useful features such as automatic on-call volume reduction, one click dialling (from the clipboard), automatic messenger "away" status when on a call, and some Cisco 79xx specific features. It runs with any GNOME compatible window manager.
AFD is a program to automatically distribute files either locally or to remote hosts. The files are distributed by using FTP or SMTP, and can be sent in parallel and with priority. It provides a GUI to monitor and control the distribution and extensive logging of all activities.
AJAX Chat is a fully customizable free software web chat implemented in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.
AKFAvatar is a fancy graphical user interface for applications, where an avatar appears on the screen and tells things to the user via a speech bubble. There can also be recorded audio files, so that the user even can hear what it is saying. It can be used for infotainment systems. With AKFAvatar you can easily write cross platform applications in Lua. Lua scripts don't even need to be compiled for the target platform. It has an interface for C programs. Furthermore there is a binding for Free Pascal.
ALSA Midi Kommander
ALSA MIDI Kommander is a DCOP interface exposing many ALSA Sequencer features for shell scripts, Kommander scripts, or KDE programs requiring MIDI Sequencer services. A few MIDI utilities have been developed with this tool, which can be used both as programming examples and as real work tools.
For faster file search, with instant results as you type, take a look at the ANGRYsearch, a Python-based app. It displays results as you type the name of the file/folder you are looking for. With lots of configuration options and three search modes: Fast – default; fastest, but no support for substrings Slow – slightly slower, but can find substrings Regex – slowest, used for very precise searches using regular expressions this is a powerful tool.
APK Editor Studio
APK Editor Studio is an IDE-like software to explore and modify Android application packages (APK). It provides lots of modules for both simple editing and major reverse-engineering tasks.


  • Icon Editor
  • Title Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Code Editor
  • Android Explorer
  • Permission Editor
  • Manifest Editor
  • Resource Inspector
  • APK Signer
  • APK Optimizer
  • APK Installer
  • APK Cloner
'aRts' is a framework for developing modular multimedia applications. The sound server, artsd, lets multiple applications cooperatively process and output sound and music. aRts provides its filter and synthesis capabilities to other applications using the multimedia communication protocol (MCOP). The package is also capable of modular realtime synthesis. It can create sounds & music (realtime midi synthesis) using small modules like oscillators for creating waveforms, various filters, mixers, faders, etc. As of Dec 02, 2004, development on this project has been discontinued.
ASCEND IV is an object-oriented mathematical modeling environment, with similar functionality to programs such as GAMS, AMPL, Aspen, or Dymola. If can be used to solve difficult non-linear systems of equations and to plot dynamic behaviour of such systems. Although ASCEND has primarily been developed by Chemical Engineers, great care has been exercised to assure that it is domain independent. ASCEND can support modeling activities in fields from Architecture to (computational) Zoology.
'Accessibility' means enabling people with disabilities to participate in substantial life activities that include work and the use of services, products, and information. GNOME Accessibility is the suite of software services and support in GNOME that provides accessibility interfaces to other applications and toolkits.
The Aap program executes recipes. It is a kind of super-make program. In a recipe you describe how to perform a certain task. Like a Makefile it contains dependencies and build commands. Additionally, many powerful features are included, so that you can use a recipe to:
  • Build a program by just specifying the program name and the source files
  • Maintain a web site (the A-A-P site is generated and uploaded with a recipe)
  • Download the latest version of files
  • Distribute files to several servers at once
  • Obtain a module from CVS
  • Commit changes to CVS; add and remove files automatically
  • Generate and filter files
  • Build several variants and on multiple platforms with little effort
'abclock' gives a spatial representation of time. It isn't tied to the design of a mechanical clock, but instead uses the natural properties of bitmaps: straight lines and rectangles. The clock uses ordinary hours and minutes. Placement and movement of objects is analogous to mechanical clocks. Time has a symmetrical property that is reflected in the way time changes in this clock. It is clear and exact up to parts of minutes, even when the bitmap is very small.
'abcpp' is a simple yet powerful preprocessor designed for, but not limited to, ABC music files. It provides conditional output, macros, symbol renaming, and file inclusion. It was written to overcome incompatibilities between ABC packages, and to facilitate writing portable, and more readable ABC files.
abcsh, still in the planning stages, will be a shell for processing ABC music notation files. It could form the foundation of a larger system for music composition and orchestration using ABC music notation as a means of representing musical performance. The shell hopes to handle routine ABC transformation like part extraction, transposition, part merging etc. It will also be designed so that you can access the ABC notation file content from embedded scripting languages. It supports ABC music notation version 2.0.
AbiWord is a full featured word processor. Current features include:
  • basic character formatting
  • paragraph alignment
  • spell-check
  • import of Word97 and RTF documents
  • export to RTF, Text. HTML, and LaTeX formats
  • interactive ruler and tabs
  • styles
  • unlimited undo/redo
  • multiple column control
  • widow/orphan control
  • find/replace
  • images
Abuse is a 2D side-scrolling shoot-'em-up action/puzzle game.
Academic Teaching Planner
Academic Teaching Planner is a free software useful to plan university courses and various types of tests. It is designed as a personal tool beside management software used by academic institutions, and allows to: 1. manage and archive the documentation of each single course (objectives, bibliography, dates, information texts, lessons, files of all kinds, etc.) as well as the results of the tests, even the intermediate ones that are not always stored in management systems used by academic institutions; 2. manage the list of students who are enrolled in each individual course, easily retrieving their data from the management system in use at the academic institution, and their tests; 3. compare the distribution of bibliographic resources in the various lessons, made by the professor, with a reference model obtained by their homogeneous distribution throughout the course, to verify, also with the aid of diagrams, that the supposed planning is substantially realistic, that is, can be completed on schedule without omitting topics or lessons in excess. Academic Teaching Planner is a cross-platform software that runs natively on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It manages data with Sqlite, a well-known and reliable database, while saving attachments (i.e. files of any kind associated with the various sections of the software) in an external folder, in a transparent way for the user. Their number and size are limited only by the space available on the computer in use. Academic Teaching Planner has been written with Lazarus ( and uses the Sqlite database through the Zeos components (
Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. Accerciser has a simple plugin framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.
Acm Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU ACM is a distributed aerial combat simulator that runs on the X Windows System. Players engage in air to air combat against one another using heat seeking missiles and cannons. The program has support for 16, 24, and 32 bit graphics cards.
ACME is a small GNOME tool to make use of the multimedia buttons present on most laptops and Internet keyboards: Volume, Brightness, Power, Eject, My Home, Search, E-Mail, Sleep, Screensaver, Finance, WWW, Calculator, Record, Close Window, Shade Window, Play, Stop, Pause, Previous, Next, Groups, Media, Refresh, and Help buttons. It works on all the platforms GNOME supports (laptops and PCs). It uses either OSS or ALSA for Volume control.
Actim allows you to send and retrieve files, and to call command line programs on a target machine via emails. The application can handle both synchronous and asynchronous requests with basic security features. It has both command line and graphical user interfaces. This can be useful if, for example, your home PC does not have any access to your office workstation which is behind the company firewall.
Adie is a fast and convenient programming text editor written using the FOX Toolkit. It is also a convenient file viewer, supporting several methods to move from one file to the next. For each visited file, it remembers where you were last looking, and which special places have been bookmarked, so you can quickly return to frequently visited places. Users can optionally visit files with a single click by displaying the File/Directory browser side by side with the text.
Advance is a free software personal information management (PIM) system which is database-backed, Qt based, cross-platform, and includes support for KDE. Advance provides provides schedule, task and contact management.
Aegis is a transaction-based software management system. It provides a framework within which developers work on changes independently, and coordinates integrating those changes back into the master source code. The program supports geographically distributed development. Aegis supports distributed and multiple repositories, change sets, multiple lines of development, multiple simultaneous active branches, and branching to any depth. It enforces a development process which requires that change sets "work" (they must build successfuly and optionally include and pass tests) before being integrated into the project baseline. It also ensures that code reviews have been performed. The program also supports long transactions, which allows appropriately created changes to be treated as if they were projects and therefore to have changes made to them. This allows a hierarchy of changes within changes, to any depth. Each project is a separate repository, with separately configurable policies.
Aetherspace is a project to produce a multiplayer game that blends several different game genres. It is being developed by gamers as a way to learn programming. These games are currently under development and, while fun to look at, are not considered playable yet.
Aewm is a minimalist window manager for X11. It has no nifty features, but is light on resources and extremely simple in appearance. It should eventually make a good reference implementation of the ICCCM. A few separate programs are included to handle running programs, switching between windows, etc.
Affinty is a desktop search tool, which hopes to provide a quick way to get at all the different information on your desktop. It achieves this by having various back-ends, but implemented through one standard interface.
Current Features
  • Front-end to both the Beagl and Tracker desktop search engines.
  • Has actions (configurable through Desktop files), which speed up common tasks.
  • Has built-in, user-configurable, filters which work in the the entry box, so typing pics:london will only bring up pictures.
  • Super-fast application searching through an built-in list of applications.
  • Colours can be customised to your taste.
  • Lives in the system-tray, but can be called by a global key stroke. Default is Ctrl+Alt+a, but you can change it to anything you like!
AfterStep is a Window Manager for X which started by emulating the NeXTSTEP look and feel, but which has been significantly altered according to the requests of various users. Many adepts will tell you that NeXTSTEP is not only the most visually pleasant interface, but also one of the most functional and intuitive out there. AfterStep aims to incorporate the advantages of the NeXTSTEP interface, and add additional useful features.
AfterStep Clock Applet
NeXT-like clock, completely rewritten for gtk & gnome. Features the classic NeXT clock, a few themed digital clocks, Internet Beats clocks (Swatch-style), and coolest of them all fully pixmaped analog clocks. It can set the timezone for asclock
Agave - GNOME Colorscheme Generator
GNOME Colorscheme lets you select a starting color and generate six different kinds of color schemes. The colors can then be copied to the clipboard for easy use in HTML and CSS. It is currently a very simple but useful utility.
A clone of 'Asteroids' using fixed-point math, originally developed for the Agenda VR3 GNU/Linux-based handheld PDA.
The A-A-P GUI IDE is a framework in which separate tools can work together. Like any other Integrated Development Environment it supports:
  • Creating a project
  • Building and executing a program
  • Browsing files
  • Debugging a program while displaying source code
  • Framework Agide is not a monolitic application. Separate tools can be plugged in. Thus you are not forced to use one editor. Each tool implements part of the plugin interface. This interface makes it possible for a tool to communicate with other tools, without the need to know how the other tools work. For example, an editor can set a breakpoint in a file, without knowing what kind of debugger is being used. And the debugger can show the PC position in a source file, without knowing what editor is being used.
AirTraffic is a game that puts you into an air traffic controller's hotseat. Planes come into your airspace from various directions; you guide them safely to their final destinations. While not yet complete, the program is under active development; it currently consists of various server programs and a GTK/Gnome client. The client uses GTK/Gnome as its UI. The author welcomes contributions from UI designers and coders as well as individuals with air traffic experience.
Airs is a tool that can periodically check for new TV episodes online on a few of the popular Web sites. It will present to you if and when there are new episodes available. It supports lifetime management for the downloaded episode information where you can track which episodes you've already seen, which you are still retrieving, and which ones you still have to find.
'AKFQuiz' lets you make your own quiz games, learning exercises or psychotests. These can be used with grquiz in a graphical environment, or with scrquiz on the text-console. There is also a line oriented variant, linequiz, which can be used as a backend. A CGI-variant, cgiquiz, can be installed on a Web server to offer exercises via Internet or a local network. Or you can use mkquiz, which generates an HTML-file for to use with JavaScript. Those can then be published using any web-space provider.
'akregator' is a fast, lightweight, and intuitive feed reader program for KDE. It lets you browse quickly through hundreds of thousands of internet feeds quickly, efficiently, and in a familiar way. It is currently under an extended beta beta process, but is considered stable.
Launched in 2017, Alacritty is a terminal emulator that uses Rust (a memory-safe language) and OpenGL for rendering everything, aiming for perfomance, security, configurability, and simplicity. A list of Alacritty's features can be found here. Alacritty is currently in beta, but is already used as a daily driver by many people. It is also the default terminal emulator for Sway, a Wayland-native WM. Another Wayland-native, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator is kitty.
Album Cover Art Downloader 2
Album Cover Art Downloader will go through your collection of music albums and for each one download a set of matching cover images for you to choose from. It makes the selected image usable for programs such as KDE, Windows Media Player, etc.
Alerttail monitors a given file and executes a list of actions when a user-defined text pattern has been written to the file. For example, the user can pop up a GTK notification window when a certain message is written to a log file. Actions can be alerttail-built-in actions (GTK notify action, geoipLocalization action, or filtering text action) or a custom user defined shell command action.
Alfandega Firewall
Alfandega Firewall is a collection of Perl modules that helps users to implement iptables-based firewalls for two interfaces. It provides local and remote blacklists, spoofing checks, packet forwarding, ICMP control, service configuration, and more.
A shooting game similar to the arcade games "Space Invaders" and "Galaxian," originally created for the Agenda VR3 GNU/Linux-based handheld PDA.
AllCommerce is an e-commerce/content application based on Perl and SQL92 databases which runs under Unix/GNU+Linux/Win2000 using SQL database engines (MySQL/Postgres/etc). It provides a shopping cart as well as tools for content, merchandise, statistics, vendor, order, and inventory. Its modular design allows it to be used as a complete or partial solution.
AllTray is software that allows users to dock any application into the system tray. You can dock (for example) Mozilla Thunderbird, Evolution, and even terminals. A highlight feature is that a click on the close button of an application will minimize it to the system tray. It works well with Gnome, KDE, XFCE 4, Fluxbox, and WindowMaker.

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