Semantic search

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Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

'G-Wrap' is a tool (and Guile library) for generating function wrappers for inter-language calls. It currently supports generating Guile wrappers for C functions.
GAA Argument Analyzer
The GAA Argument Analyser helps programmers to analyze the arguments given to their program from the command line or from a configuration file. You will only have to write a text file in GAA language, and GAA will provide you .c and .h files to manage arguments.
GENDIST (the Distribution Generator) lets you easily create your own distribution. It is particularly intended for special-purpose mini-distributions, which typically consist of a kernel and a root-filesystem, both packed together on one or a few floppies or CD-ROMs. It creates a makefile-based build system for your distribution, and helps you to automate the following three tasks: maintaining your root filesystem, maintaining your "CD filesystem" (in case you create a bootable CD), and packaging everything on media.
A series of GIT utilities to streamline working with remote branches and reviewing code. You can think of git-goggles as 'git branch -a' on steroids. Just install and run 'git goggles' git-goggles is a git management utilities that allows you to manage your source code as it evolves through its development lifecycle.
GK Log
This is a candidate for deletion: can't find software anywhere, not on, my email to maintainer was returned to sender. Danm (talk) 12:30, 18 November 2017 (EST)
'gatO' (GTK At Operation) is an interface to the UNIX command 'at.'
Gazpacho is a GUI builder for the GTK+ toolkit designed to be ultra easy to use. It is strongly inspired by the Glade project but it is written from scratch in Python. As a result there are few lines of code to read, understand and maintain. One of the project's goals is that the .glade files that Gazpacho generates be fully compatible with libglade so you can use Gazpacho regardless of the language in which your application is written.
GConf is a "registry" system, a library applications can use to store key-value pairs persistently. It's written for GNOME, but it does not require GNOME or even X to work. Use outside GNOME is encouraged and will be supported.
GeSHi is a generic syntax highlighter for PHP that takes any source code and highlights it in XHTML and CSS. It features case-sensitive or insensitive highlighting, auto-caps/non-caps of any keyword, an unlimited scope for styling, the use of CSS in which almost any aspect of the source can be highlighted, the use of CSS classes to massively reduce the amount of output code, function-to-URL capabilities, line numbering, and much more. Over 50 languages are supported, including Java, C, PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, Pascal, C++, XML, ASP, and ASM.
Gecode is an open, free, portable, accessible, and efficient environment for developing constraint-based systems and applications. It is written in C++.
Generic Coloriser
Inspired by logcolorizer, colorlog, acl, colorgcc, colortail, and others, Generic Colouriser can be used to colourise any files or outputs of commands. It's written in python and configurable via regular expressions.
Gengen Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Gengen (GENerator GENerator) is a tool that, starting from a parameterized text, called template, generates a text generator that can substitute parameters with values. At the moment Gengen can generate C++ or C code, other target languages are under development (e.g., Java).
Gengetopt Heckert gnu.tiny.png
'gengetopt' takes an easy-to-do description of options and generates a C function that uses the GNU getopt_long(3) function to parse and validate the options. gengetopt is perfect if you don't want to write all the stuff required to call GNU getopt_long(3), or if you have a program and wish it took many options. The generated code works if you use autoconf or automake.
'genroms' is a utility meant to aid in generating ROM files for arcade machines or emulators. You pass it in a standard Intel Hex File (.IHX) along with a description of the ROM layout in memory (.ROMS), and it will generate the ROM files as specified in the ROM layout file. It is meant for programers who are developing for arcade machines, or for circumstances where the ROM layout may be strange or non-contiguous.
'getAbsPath' is a C header (getAbsPath.h) or an ANSI C tool (getAbsPath) which converts relative path to absolute ones. It uses the current working directory (CWD) as its basis. It can be used (for example) to find out the current path of a shell script.
This is yet another C++ version of the getopt function, that is, for parsing command line options and environment variables. However, unlike other versions, the design goals of this one are:
  • EASY to use
  • EASY to learn
  • mimc STL's streams
  • minimum code to type
  • smooth integration with STL types
  • Platform independant (ANSI C++)
  • EASY to extend for your own types
'getargs' is a Python module that implements a command line parser that Python scripts can use to parse their command line arguments in sys.argv. It is designed as a more powerful and flexible alternative to 'getopt'. 'getargs' supports all features provided by getopt. It also allows a command line option to take an arbitrary number of arguments, permits switches (options without arguments) and options with arguments to be interleaved on the command line, and allows the developer specify the maximum and minimum number of arguments an option can take.
Chop up/Stitch together large files.
GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. GitPython provides object model access to your git repository. Once you have created a repository object, you can traverse it to find parent commit(s), trees, blobs, etc. GitPython is a port of the grit library in Ruby created by Tom Preston-Werner and Chris Wanstrath.
Glade is a rapid application development (RAD) tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML and these can be loaded by applications dynamically as needed by using GtkBuilder or used directly to define a new GtkWidget derived object class using Gtk+ new template feature. The Glade XML files can also be used in numerous programming languages.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 15:24, 2 August 2018 (EDT) Glib Binding Properties binds properties in GLib and GTK+ objects. This lets you synchronize the properties of several objects; when one property changes the others automatically change accordingly, so you don't need to write callbacks watching for property change notifications. It supports one-way and mutual bindings and bindings with transformation by transformation functions.
Global Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GLOBAL is a source code tagging system that functions in the same way across a wide array of environments, such as different text editors, shells and web browsers. The resulting tags are useful for quickly moving around in a large, deeply nested project. GNU GLOBAL has the following features:
  • supports C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP4 and assembly.
  • works the same way across diverse environments including vi, emacs, less, bash
  • finds locations of specified symbol quickly.
  • locates not only definitions but also references.
  • allows duplicate tags.
  • locates paths which matches to the specified pattern.
  • hierarchical searches by default.
  • searches not only in a source project but also in library projects.
  • generates completion list for completing input method.
  • supports various output formats.
  • allows customizing of a set of candidate files to be tagged.
  • understands POSIX 1003.2 regular expression.
  • supports idutils as an external search engine.
  • tag files are independent of machine architecture.
  • supports incremental updating of tag files.
  • plug-in parser is available to treat new language.
  • supports customizing using ‘gtags.conf’.
  • generates a hypertext of source code.
  • compact format to save disk space.
  • supports client/server environment (TRAMP ready).
  • ignores binary files, dot files and specified files.
  • includes cscope-compatible program (gtags-cscope).
  • includes grep-like command (-g command).
  • supports grep-like symbol highlighting.
GNOME-DB is a complete framework for developing database-oriented applications. It allows access to PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and ODBC data sources. It also includes several applications and utilities which make it suitable for many database-related tasks.
gnostic is a program which executes shell scripts according to certain criteria. It is aimed at applications where there is a need to codify some types of "recipes" for doing things. It is a rule-based task execution system.
Gnulib Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Gnulib is intended to be the canonical source for most of the important "portability" and/or common files for GNU projects. These are files intended to be shared at the source level; Gnulib is not a library meant to be installed and linked against. Unlike most projects, Gnulib does not normally generate a source tarball distribution; instead, developers should just grab modules directly from the repository. While portability across operating systems is not one of GNU's primary goals, it has helped introduce many people to the GNU system, and is worthwhile when it can be achieved at a low cost. This collection helps lower that cost.
Gnumach Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU Mach is the microkernel of the GNU system. A microkernel provides only a limited functionality, just enough abstraction on top of the hardware to run the rest of the operating system in user space. The GNU Hurd servers and the GNU C library implement the POSIX compatible base of the GNU system on top of the microkernel architecture provided by Mach. Currently, GNU Mach runs on IA32 machines. GNU Mach should, and probably will, be ported to other hardware architectures in the future. Mach was ported to many operating systems in the past.
Google Mock
Google Mock is an object mocking framework for C++ unit testing. One of its important features is its collection of matcher predicates which ease unit testing. It can be used with most unit testing frameworks.
Google Test
Google Test is a unit testing framework for C++.
Gorm Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Gorm (Graphic Object Relationship Modeller) is a GNUstep application for building user interfaces and application objects relationships. Its major features include drag-and-drop creation of GUI elements from palettes, run-time loading of additional palettes, direct on-screen manipulation of GUI elements, manipulation and examination of objects via inspectors, and creation of connections between objects using mouse. It is a clone of the former Interface Builder application.
Grammatica is a parser generator (or compiler compiler) for C# and Java. It reads a grammar file and creates source code for a parser. The grammar file format describes the language in EBNF, with tokens described as regular expressions. Currently only LL(k) grammars are supported, but future versions will probably contain support for other grammar types.
'Gtk2Hs' is a GUI library for Haskell based on Gtk. It features automatic memory management, Unicode support, and bindings for the Mozilla browser rendering engine. It also includes bindings for several Gnome modules: libglade, for loading GUIs from xml files at run-time, so you can design an interface visually using the Glade user interface builder; GConf, for storing application preferences; and SourceView, a source code editor widget with syntax highlighting.
'GtkExtra' is a set of widgets for creating GUIs for the X windows system using GTK+. Widgets included are GtkSheet, GtkPlot, GtkPlotCanvas, GtkItemEntry, GtkComboBox, GtkColorCombo, GtkBorderCombo, GtkFontCombo, GtkDirTree, GtkIconList, GtkFileList, GtkIconFileSelection, GtkCheckItem
Dylan is an advanced, object-oriented, dynamic language which supports the rapid development of programs. It is based on Scheme, but with a block-style syntax similar to Pascal. It includes a Dylan-to-C compiler.
The httpdrun project is intended to automate development and testing of projects with apache. It supports full apache configuration abstraction using only python, autogenerate httpd.conf and autodetect apache installation and available modules.
Hachoir project- hachoir parser
hachoir-parser is a package of the most common file format parsers written for the Hachoir framework. Not all parsers are complete, some are very good and other less so: for example some only parser the first level of the tree. A perfect parser has no "raw" field: with a perfect parser you are able to know *each* bit meaning. Some good (but not perfect ;-)) parsers are:
  • Matroska video
  • Microsoft RIFF (AVI video, WAV audio, CDA file)
  • PNG picture
  • TAR and ZIP archive
  • GnomeKeyring parser requires Python Crypto module.
Hachoir project- hachoir subfile
hachoir-subfile is a tool based on hachoir-parser to find subfiles in any binary stream. It searches images, videos, SWF files, and all sub files in a drive.
Hachoir project- hachoir urwid
hachoir-urwid is a binary file explorer based on Hachoir library for parsing files. Using this tool you can exactly know the meaning of each bit/byte of your files. With direction keys, you can navigate in the field tree. The key 'h' will disable 'human display' and switch to 'raw display'. It's sometime useful when you would like to compare hexadecimal data and Hachoir representation.
Hakmatak implements the w10n specification. It is used to create WSGI applications that RESTfully expose complex data stores.
Hierarchical alloc (halloc) is an extension to a standard malloc/free interface that simplifies memory disposal tasks when allocated structures exhibit hierarchical properties. It can be used for various tasks including memory pooling, limited garbage collection, and simplified dynamic structure management.
Hello Heckert gnu.tiny.png
The GNU Hello package serves as an example of GNU package distribution and code. It also prints a nice greeting in a variety of languages. The "Hello, world!" program is the classic beginner's programming task. The GNU version takes this a step further by processing its argument list to modify its behavior, by supporting internationalization, and by including a mail reader; it's a true demonstration of how to write programs that do these things.
This is a candidate for deletion: 1. Is the same as: 2. Proof of redirect: 3. New HP:!/halloc Hierarchical heap is an extension of the standard C malloc/free interface, which organizes memory blocks into naturally occurring hierarchies. HH can be used for a number of tasks including memory pooling, limited garbage collection, and simplified dynamic structure management.
'HighLine' eases and simplifies the tasks of doing console input and output with low-level methods like gets() and puts(). It provides a system for requesting data from a user, without needing to code all the error checking and validation rules and without needing to convert the typed Strings into what your program really needs.
'hilite' is a utility which executes whatever command you specify, highlighting anything it prints to stderr. It's most useful when compiling, since warnings are printed in bright red and are therefore very hard to miss.
Hitch allows developers to be properly credited when Pair Programming and using Git.
Hk classes
'hk_classes' is a set of C++ libraries for rapid development of database applications with all features a modern database application should have, like forms and reports. hk_classes is database and GUI independent. It also includes command line tools to use hk_classes in scripts.
Hoard is a fast, scalable and memory-efficient allocator for multiprocessors. It solves the heap contention problem caused when multiple threads call dynamic memory allocation functions like malloc() and free() (or new and delete), and can dramatically improve the performance of multithreaded programs running on multiprocessors. it is a drop-in replacement for malloc(), etc., so you don't have to change your source code.
Honeycomb is an object-oriented hover intent library. A lot of hover intent libraries give you a single in-point for invoking hover functionality, assuming you will always want action to take place on hover in and hover out. This can allow for fairly light weight libraries but can be very difficult to work with if you need any customization. If you have use cases for hover intent that aren't always straight forward, Honeycomb may be a good fit for you.
Hugs 98 is a functional programming system based on Haskell 98, the de facto standard for non-strict functional programming languages. Hugs 98 provides an almost complete implementation of Haskell 98, including:
  • Lazy evaluation, higher order functions, and pattern matching.
  • A wide range of built-in types, from characters to bignums, and lists to functions, with comprehensive facilities for defining new datatypes and type synonyms.
  • An advanced polymorphic type system with type and constructor class overloading.
  • All of the features of the Haskell 98 expression and pattern syntax including lambda, case, conditional and let expressions, list comprehensions, do-notation, operator sections, and wildcard, irrefutable and `as' patterns.
  • An implementation of the Haskell 98 primitives for monadic I/O, with support for simple interactive programs, access to text files, handle-based I/O, and exception handling.
  • An almost complete implementation of the Haskell module system. Hugs 98 also supports a number of advanced and experimental extensions including multi-parameter classes, extensible records, rank-2 polymorphism, existentials, scoped type variables, and restricted type synonyms.
Icarus Verilog
Icarus Verilog is a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool. It operates as a compiler, compiling source code writen in Verilog (IEEE-1364) into some target format. For batch simulation, the compiler can generate an intermediate form called vvp assembly. This intermediate form is executed by the ``vvp command. For synthesis, the compiler generates netlists in the desired format. The compiler proper is intended to parse and elaborate design descriptions written to the IEEE standard IEEE Std 1364-2001. The standard proper was released towards the middle of the year 2001, though in a rather pricey electronic form. This is a fairly large and complex standard, so it will take some time for it to get there, but that's the goal. NOTE: Under the Version information please browse the Installation link to find the proper download link.
Idutils Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Idutils includes tools to create an index of textual tokens used in a list of file names and then to query that index. Thus, it allows the user to, for example, find all the uses of a particular function in a large programming project. In addition to handling textual tokens, it can also handle numeric constants and the contents of character strings. Database queries can be issued from the command-line, or from within Emacs, serving as an augmented tags facility. Programs included are:
  • mkid: (id-utils)mkid invocation. Creating an ID database.
  • lid: (id-utils)lid invocation. Matching words and patterns.
  • fid: (id-utils)fid invocation. Listing a file's tokens.
  • fnid: (id-utils)fnid invocation. Looking up file names.
  • xtokid: (id-utils)xtokid invocation. Testing mkid scanners.

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