User:David Hedlund/Bug tracker

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Early issue - Remove duplicated entries

This was asked to over one year ago:

The value of |Extension of= is displayed twice in some entries (one year ago perhaps 5 duplicated were displayed but John Sullivan managed to fix most of the duplicates either by himself or someone else). For example, "Add to Search Bar" appear twice there, but "Aardvark" appear only once.

The duplicates also affect lists that the entries are in, see this page for test purpose that I've set up:

       > I contacted Joshua in March this year about this and he responded.

       > "I will look into this. I am not sure why the redirects are making it
       > show-up twice. It shouldn't. However fixing it is not a simple matter of
       > removing them -- it is a bug in the software."

    Please report the bug to

    Dr Richard Stallman
    President, Free Software Foundation (,
    Internet Hall-of-Famer (
    Skype: No way! See

Bug tracker

AFAIK there are no pages on that deal with internal bugs and feedback and perhaps it should not: I vote for a dedicated bug tracker.

Meanwhile, we need to add the bug form seen at to Free_Software_Directory:IceCat_extensions_(proposed) but it is not simple and just copy the code. What is missing?

Invalid HTML

The IceCat entry in the FSD is not valid.

84 errors was discovered. Can you please work to make the wiki valid?

I found out that IceCat add-ons like Snap Links Plus cannot be used to open multiple links for example. I really need it to work to work effectively.

License list

How do we list all 251 licenses found in to "Edit -> Licenses" for entries?

All license _must_ be listed. Example:

Therefore is should neither be possible to enter licenses in free text.

Remove duplicated text in license link in form

"License:MPLv2.0" should go to not

 (which currently show as the page have not been created as it is not valid).

Please check if other licenses in the list are affected as well.

Steps to reproduce:

How to list incomplete software

I don't know how to to ask for empty values, please help me.

License = EMPTY
or License copyright = EMPTY
or License verified = EMPTY
or License verified date = EMPTY


From I think this should be added to the page:

  • Click on "Create account" at top right in this wiki to create a Free Software Foundation Central Login Username. Log in.
  • Adding a description at you profile page is optional but not doing so might trick people that your user is inactive as your link text will remain red.

--David Hedlund (talk) 00:09, 20 October 2016 (EDT)

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