David Hedlund đŸ§™đŸŒ

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 Free Software Directory LibrePlanet 
Me and Richard Stallman together in quarantine during the initial COVID-19 lock-down in Boston.

My real name is David Hedlund. I am a bureaucrat and an administrator on the Free Software Directory. (verify) I was an intern with the FSF tech team during the summer in 2018. Sometimes, you may find me hosting the FSD meeting when the FSF staff Craig isn't available.

I'm usually available as David Hedlund on irc.libera.chat in the #fsf channel between 13:00-23:00 in my local time (run TZ="Europe/Stockholm" date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" to see it).



My favorite programs

Programs that I think are extra useful.

Browser add-ons:

Really useful tools

LibreOfficeOffice suite supported by the free software community.https://www.libreoffice.org/MPL, LGPLv3
MediaWikiWiki engine used by Wikimedia projects such as Wikipediahttps://www.mediawiki.org/GPLv2orlater
VentoyAn free tool to create bootable USB driveshttps://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html
Virt-managerManage virtual machineshttps://virt-manager.org/

Really useful tools (not added to this wiki yet):

Software that I use sometimes but could live without:

EtherpadServer software for real-time collaborative editing which allows users to edit documents using their web browserhttps://etherpad.org/Apache2.0

Software that I don't use but respect:

ElectrumA secure, forgiving, lightweight and easy to use Bitcoin clienthttp://electrum.org/GPLv3orlater
Matrix-synapseSynapse: Matrix reference homeserverhttps://matrix.org/Apache2.0
Monero CoreMonero (XMR), after the Esperanto word for money, is a CryptoNight-based cryptocurrency forked from Bytecoin (BCN).https://getmonero.org/BSD 3Clause



Programs that force you are useful to help you spend time on other things like cleaning your apartment, improve your cooking techniques, etc. Excessive computer use can be compared with problematic smartphone use.


  • Android
  • GNU/Linux
    • Workrave -- block the screen or annoy you -- even if they can be disabled

Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

For wide computer monitors.

  • Firefox-based browsers: Install the WebExtension Zoom Page WE.
    • Zoom Page WE Options
      • General -> Zoom Type: Text
      • Zoom Levels -> Default Text Levels: 130 [for a 32-inch monitor]

Top priority

FSD core issues

My time to contribute to the Directory is limited. From the start of 2022 I will only help out to solve the core issues of the project. When they are stalled by the FSF, then I simply stop participating in the meetings until you have time to continue working on them.

  1. It is useless to add or update entries. The Debian project has 51 000 packages! The FSF should fix, maintain, and run the Debian meta-data import script: See Free_Software_Directory:Backlog_active#Directory_import. This is a very important issue to fix that has been unresolved for years.
    1. Craig mentioned that Yuchen Pei (IRC nick: dragestil) might be interested in working on the script.
    2. Craig might be asking the FSF tech team: "It is a question of time for them (very busy folks)... [however] I also don't have a problem getting in the sysadmin's work queue, so I can do that as well."
  2. We should finish the new bug tracker, so we can merge old issues.
  3. SPDX is an ISO/IEC JTC 1 standard: The issues in the SPDX Group should be solved.
    1. It is hard to cooperate between organizations occasionally. I recommend the FSF to work with Gary from the SPDX organization, he's humble.
  4. Make the Sopel both announce approved revisions, see Free_Software_Directory:IRC_bot#Methods

Using github.com without JS for the FSF staff

See Backlog#Haketilo since the client may not allow registration.

(20:19:12) david_hedlund: craigt: Perhaps we should document how to create GitHub issues with https://docs.github.com/en/github-cli/github-cli/ at the FSD?
(20:20:49) craigt: david_hedlund: I am interested in that.
(20:21:19) david_hedlund: craigt: "For many years, hub was the unofficial GitHub CLI tool. gh is a new project that helps us explore what an official GitHub CLI tool can look like with a fundamentally different design. While both tools bring GitHub to the terminal, hub behaves as a proxy to git, and gh is a standalone tool. Check out our more detailed explanation to learn more." - https://github.com/cli/cli#installation
(20:22:07) craigt: david_hedlund: Can you create accounts with the CLI?
(20:22:46) david_hedlund: craigt: This is more important than Ventoy, please save your spare time. So you can report the issue during your work time instead.
(20:22:49) david_hedlund: I'll help you.
(20:23:26) david_hedlund: craigt: https://docs.github.com/en/github-cli/github-cli/about-github-cli does not mention if an account can be created, but you can report that issue to GitHub with your current account using gh.
(20:24:07) david_hedlund: gh = GitHub CLI
(20:27:18) david_hedlund: https://github.com/cli/cli -> https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/README.md -> https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/docs/install_linux.md
(20:35:18) craigt: david_hedlund: ok
(21:02:24) craigt: I will invest some time into it.
(21:10:25) david_hedlund: +


FSD Tracker

I requested the FSF to install a bug-tracker 24th August 2016: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Backlog_active&oldid=37166#Bug_tracker but they declined to avoid maintainance. To solve the issue, I wrote a functional MediaWiki-based minimalist bug-tracker, called FSD Tracker, from scratch overnight consisting of 25 lines of code, on 14 May 2020. It's a minimalist software to avoid maintenance for the admins of the Free Software Directory where the source code is hosted.

About me

Top priority: Collection:Electronic identification

Contact me

Feel free to email me at public@beloved.name, chat with me on IRC, or contact me on my talk page (which will send a copy to my email). I'm also a free software developer.

Free software contributions

Note that private email conversations, forums that cannot list contributions if not logged in (eg forums.mozillazine.org), and chat logs are excluded here. Feel free to copy/paste the source of the table below to your own user page, just make sure to exclude my own data. ;)

My Project Website Wiki Source repo Bug tracker Mailing-list Forum
Feedback for websites - Freedom (IceCat promo) GitHub
WILB - Website Incompatibilities for Libre Browsers (IceCat promo) GitHub
Software facility profile Website Wiki Source repo Bug tracker Mailing-list Forum
F-Droid (upstream bugs for Replicant) gitlab.com/fdroid/ (Client App, App Data, Request for Packaging, website) forum.f-droid.org
Free Software Directory directory.fsf.org (11 000+ edits) directory.fsf.org directory-discuss@gnu.org
GitHub See "Source repo" github.com github.com (900+ issues filed)
GNU GNOME gitlab.gnome.org
GNU packages debbugs.gnu.org (how to report)
h-node h-node.org h-node.org
KDE bugs.kde.org
Launchpad bugs.launchpad.net
Mozilla (Firefox (GNUzilla IceCat), Thunderbird) wiki.mozilla.org mozdev.org bugzilla.mozilla.org discourse.mozilla-community, support.mozilla.org
Major software Website Wiki Source repo Bug tracker Mailing-list Forum
Bitcoin (anonymous cryptocurrency promo) bitcoin.it
Debian (upstream bugs for Ubuntu -> Trisquel) bugs.debian.org (how to report)
Libreboot notabug.org
LMMS lmms.io/wiki/ github.com lmms.io/lsp/
Coreboot (upstream bugs for Libreboot) coreboot.org review.coreboot.org coreboot.org (no search)
GNU IceCat bug-gnuzilla@gnu.org
Jami jami.net git.jami.net: Android, GNU/Linux
LibreOffice bugs.documentfoundation.org
MediaWiki ~25000 edits (see Wikipedia) phabricator.wikimedia.org
Tor Browser (IceCat promo) trac.torproject.org (account deleted)
Monero (contributions planned) github.com forum.getmonero.org
VLC code.videolan.org (GitHub authorized login)
Operating systems Website Wiki Source repo Bug tracker Mailing-list Forum
Arch GNU/Linux (upstream bugs for Parabola, Hyperbola) wiki.archlinux.org
Replicant redmine.replicant.us redmine.replicant.us
Trisquel GNU/Linux gitlab.trisquel.org (40+ submitted issues). trisquel.info (merge to gitlab.trisquel.org)
Ubuntu GNU/Linux (upstream bugs for Trisquel) bugs.launchpad.net (30+ submitted issues, for subiquity, ubuntu, ubuntu-desktop-installer, etc) (how to report: Launchpad's own bug report form for feature requests, or issues in unknown packages)
Misc Website Wiki Source repo Bug tracker Mailing-list Forum
LibrePlanet libreplanet.org libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org
Wikipedia wikipedia.org (see MediaWiki)
Stack Overflow stackoverflow.com
YouTube youtube.com github.com productforums.google.com

GNU Sovix

The Python-based web framework Django, initially released on 21 July 2005, follows the model–template–views (MTV) architectural pattern.

I'm the author of GNU Sovix (savannah.gnu.org, initially released in 15-Sep-2008, that followed the same pattern, but not as a clone of Django. The next year, programmers ported Django's template engine design from Python to other languages, providing decent cross-platform support, including the PHP-based software called Twig (Wikipedia). Twig was initially released on October 12, 2009, it is still maintained, and it has become very popular:

“Twig is used by many Open-Source projects like Symfony, Drupal8, eZPublish, phpBB, Matomo, OroCRM; and many frameworks have support for it as well like Slim, Yii, Laravel, and Codeigniter — just to name a few.” - https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/intro.html#installation

Since Sovix became superseded by Twig, I stopped maintaining Sovix.


Free Software Foundation

Joshua Gay

To Whom it May Concern,

It is my pleasure to recommend David Hedlund, whom I have known for a number of years when I was an employee at the Free Software Foundation (FSF), a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization based in Boston, MA USA. I found David had a great mix of not only being able to work hard and independently, but to also work as a team-player. His knowledge of free software and Internet technologies in general is extremely broad.

David was and remains a volunteer for the FSF. While David helps the organization in a variety of ways (including constructive and helpful feedback on all aspects of our work), most of my interactions with David were from his great many contributions to the Free Software Directory, a digital catalog of useful free software that runs under free operating systems. The Directory is a complex Wiki-based system for which David contributed data and information to in a variety of different ways. To help his own work, David even went so far as to write his own set of scripts to help organized and scrape data from other sites. His contributions to Directory not only helped the FSF as an organization, but have been used by countless members of the public, including academic researchers, who rely upon the Free Software Directory as a trusted and convenient source of information.

Please feel free to contact me at jgay@gnu.org if you wish to a discuss David's qualifications and experience further. I'd be happy to expand on my recommendation.


Joshua Gay Former Licensing & Compliance Manager Free Software Foundation

Donald Robertson III

Work on the FSD

  • 2015: "Free Software Directory volunteers are making a concerted effort to add many more IceCat extensions to the FSD. Driving much of this work is David Hedlund, who has curated lists of hundreds of popular add-ons for our community of volunteers to review and hopefully add to the FSD. David's approach is creative. His top tier list is browser add-ons with over one million daily users, his second tier list have between 100k and 999k daily users, and so on. In addition to creating these lists, David has made over a thousand edits and has added many new packages and pages to the FSD over the past few months." - Joshua Gay, Licensing and Compliance Manager, Free Software Foundation, GNU IceCat and the Free Software Directory, 2015-07-08
  • 2016: I made my ten thousandth edit 30th October.

Notorious contribution to the FSD:


See Free Software Directory:Participate/Project Team for all Free Software Directory projects I'm involved in.


When I was 23 years young, I read the biography Free as in Freedom by Dr Richard Stallman (RMS) who is also the founder of the Free Software Foundation, the GNU Project, and the GNU General Public License which all had a great impact on me. I had already mostly used Debian GNU/Linux at the time that I migrated 100% to GNU/Linux after I read the book and contacted RMS eagerly because I was so happy that his book and the free software movement had helped me to let go of my ego and developed me into a free spirit. Stallman gave a positive response to my emails and since I was fascinated by his political philosophy in free software, it didn't take long before I helped him to add political notes to his website, stallman.org. A few years later I decided that I wanted to contribute to the GNU Project, so I wrote GNU Sovix, a website revision system that at its time was quite innovative since its pragmatic code could modify both PostreSQL and MySQL databases. Stallman was my free software consult for GNU Sovix.

Several years later I joined volunteers to improve the free content in Wikipedia and Free Software Directory, and more recently PsychonautWiki. I've been the add-on repository maintainer for GNU IceCat a few years now. I've spent over 10k hours on free software activism and over 10 k to document about entheogens in overall. Furthermore, I've filed hundreds of bug reports.

Documentation contributions


Please don't take Wikipedia to seriously, they are not scientific, for example they say that "Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution... The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to describe the operating system, which has led to some controversy.".

I was finally blocked because I could not remember all their editing rules which cover at least a book. I don't mind so much, I used to merge my own MediaWiki articles to Wikipedia. Now I cannot do that any longer, but that does not stop other people to keep doing it for me.

The pages I've submitted

ARChon Runtime for ChromeRun Android Apps in Chrome in OS X, GNU/Linux and Windowshttps://archon-runtime.github.io/
Chromium Embedded FrameworkThe Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is a simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications.https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cefBSD 3Clause
IceCat/InFormEnterInFormEnter adds a small, clickable icon next to every input field in a web form, from where you can select the item to be inserted - no typing required.http://firefoxer.ru/

My subpages


pages with license name: 0


Contact list

#fsf channel on freenode

Contact list

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.