Meeting Request Scheduling & Booking System

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Meeting Request Scheduling & Booking System
a system for scheduling meetings for anyone with an email address, regardless of what calendar system any individual uses.

MRSBS is a system for coordinating the scheduling of meetings. MRSBS allows a person to schedule a meeting with people who are not on the same (or any) calendaring system. The meeting host (or the host's delegate) prepares an invitation, specifying required and optional attendees, information about the meeting topic and duration, potential time slots, and potential locations. The invitation is sent to the invitees via email, the invitees reply via a web page with their availability. Once all replies have been received, MRSBS selects the best available time. Invitees are then notified with an RFC 2445 compliant iCalendar notification.



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Kelly Hopkins

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29 December 2008

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Kelly Hopkins

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29 December 2008



Verified by

Kelly Hopkins

Verified on

29 December 2008

Leaders and contributors

Benjamin Oshrin Maintainer

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DeveloperVCS Repository Webview

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