Difference between revisions of "Free Software Directory:Backlog archive"

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(+Template:BacklogIssue for all archived tasks; *correct comment syntax; +missing User links; +minor graphic enhancements)
(archived elic342)
(9 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<!-- DO NOT EDIT -->{{DISPLAYTITLE:Backlog Archive|noerror}}  
<!-- DO NOT EDIT -->{{DISPLAYTITLE:Backlog Archive|noerror}}  
= Archived bugs =
= Archived bugs =
<div style="float:right;">{{Free_Software_Directory:Backlog/gobutton}}</div>
<div style="float:right;">{{Free_Software_Directory:Backlog/summarybutton}}</div>
This page is reserved for backlog administrators, who independently provide for the storage of obsolete bugs.<br>
This page is reserved for backlog administrators, who independently provide for the storage of obsolete bugs.<br>
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== General ==
{{BacklogIssue|id=JS meeting countdown|text=
== Uncategorized ==
=== Update the license field ===
<span id="Update-the-license-field"></span>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div>Semantic MediaWiki issue:<br>I've updated https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License but https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=MPL doesn't show the update. Same issue with the old server http://directory-dev.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License and http://directory-dev.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=Foo</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content" style="overflow-y:auto;max-height:200px;margin-top:1em;">
(19:29:54) David_Hedlund: I've removed MPL1.1 (replaced by MPL-1.1), and MPLv2.0 (replaced by MPL-2.0) in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License, but the "License and version:" drop down menu in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox&action=formedit&debug=true#tab=3__Licenses remain unchanged: Search for "MPL" in it and you'll find only "MPL1.1" and "MPLv2.0". I have clicked on More -> Refresh to purge the cache but it didn't help. Do you know how I can update the list?
Same with non-existing pages, example: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox6&action=formedit&debug=true#tab=3__Licenses
saper helped a lot on this issue.
Andrew said that it hopefully get fixed after they have solved `[directory] stale results from API call - https://rt.gnu.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1314342`
(21:37:23) saper: David_Hedlund: https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics "jobs": 16181
(21:40:33) sudoman: i'm running them in batches of 200
Hello David,
The job queue is currently at about 11 or 12 jobs, but it looks like the
changes for MPL licenses did not go through. i tried editing and saving
one of the MPL license pages and editing and saving template:license,
but this did not update those pages.
i'll look into this some more, but if you can find any hints about this,
that would be very helpful, but is not required. I suspect that it's an
issue with semantic mediawiki. perhaps it doesn't handle page renames
properly via the template:license code.
(17:00:55) sudoman: David_Hedlund: i sent you an email about the directory.fsf.org job queue. it's currently at about 11 or 12 jobs, but it looks like the license names didn't get updated. i suspect that this is an issue with semantic mediawiki not properly handling page renames.
(18:37:01) David_Hedlund: sudoman: 1 job left!
(23:03:22) David_Hedlund: sudoman: "jobs": 877 - https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics -- I assume all old jobs are solved.
(23:07:05) David_Hedlund: sudoman: Is this ticket solved? [directory] stale results from API call - https://rt.gnu.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1314342
(23:07:46) sudoman: David_Hedlund: it's not resolve yet...
(23:58:22) David_Hedlund: sudoman: Checking `'''License and version:''' {{{field|License|input type=combobox|values from property=License}}}` in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry
(23:59:19) David_Hedlund: It's used by https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:Project_license
After a full rebuild of SMW data with a command:
flock -w 1 /var/run/apache2/SMW.flock php /var/www/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php -v  --report-runtime
that took over 14 hours:
437206 IDs refreshed.
Memory used: 180260544 (b: 13003608, a: 193264152) with a runtime of 53171.62 sec (886.19 min)
https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=MPL returns only "MPL", so looks like the old entries
are gone.
;Adding MPLx for testing:
* [https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki?title=Property:License&diff=72708&oldid=72702 added MPLx]
* After that change there are 15459 jobs in the queue (previously zero).
* Started <code>flock -w 1 /var/run/apache2/SMW.flock php /var/www/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php -v  --report-runtime</code> again. It seems there not so many stale data, so it seems to be faster.
;MPLx assigned to [[Sandbox]]
* Changed license to [https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox&diff=72711&oldid=71795 MPLx]
* 5 jobs generated in the queue:
2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00 started 2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=0f9daa65837ad83184ef098150a8a3801a659bd6 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482276,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=0f9daa65837ad83184ef098150a8a3801a659bd6 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482276,timestamp=20180813131442) t=19 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 enotifNotify Sandbox editor=Saper editorID=1696 timestamp=20180813131435 summary=license: MPLx for testing minorEdit=0 oldid=71795 watchers=[1501] pageStatus=changed requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482279,timestamp=20180813131443) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 enotifNotify Sandbox editor=Saper editorID=1696 timestamp=20180813131435 summary=license: MPLx for testing minorEdit=0 oldid=71795 watchers=[1501] pageStatus=changed requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482279,timestamp=20180813131443) t=15 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=redirect recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=071d8bc99773d0c00cc4579b6b049e7c20840e82 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482277,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=redirect recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=071d8bc99773d0c00cc4579b6b049e7c20840e82 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482277,timestamp=20180813131442) t=8 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482278,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482278,timestamp=20180813131442) t=51 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 refreshLinksPrioritized Sandbox rootJobTimestamp=20180813131435 useRecursiveLinksUpdate=1 triggeringUser={"userId":1696,"userName":"Saper"} triggeringRevisionId=72711 causeAction=edit-page causeAgent=Saper requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482275,timestamp=20180813131438) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:03 refreshLinksPrioritized Sandbox rootJobTimestamp=20180813131435 useRecursiveLinksUpdate=1 triggeringUser={"userId":1696,"userName":"Saper"} triggeringRevisionId=72711 causeAction=edit-page causeAgent=Saper requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482275,timestamp=20180813131438) t=1200 good
2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00 ended 2018-08-13T09:15:03-04:00
* After this, MPLx is available in the dropdown (both for input type=dropdown or input type=combobox for https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry):
https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=MPL gives
=== 1521 ===
<span id="1521"></span>
=== Development testing ===
<span id="Development-testing"></span>
Tried to reset the license list on a dev server so we can rebuild it from scratch.
* I changed "input type=combobox" to "input type=dropdown" in https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry. However, some licenses starts with "License:" so:
* I removed all license entries from https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki?title=Property:License&diff=prev&oldid=72725
has caused at lest 12135 jobs to be generated (maybe ca. 300 has been processed).
Cron will deal with it within 121 hours, or it is possible to run
"runjobs 10000" to run, say, 10000 jobs in one go (this does not
conflict with cron).
Basically it seems that we should be prepared to handle ca. 15000 jobs
quickly. Maybe the system can be tuned to do that in a reasonable timeframe.
It mostly depends on the MySQL database server.
One can check the amount of jobs left by running "wikijobs" (it is cached but for not very long).
I deleted all licenses in https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License two days ago and there are no jobs left (https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics).
Some unexpected licenses, for example "BSD"
* It's still listed under "License and version", see https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox&action=formedit&debug=true#tab=3__Licenses
* "No pages were found containing the string "|License=BSD$"." in https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki/Special:ReplaceText
* "Showing 497 pages using this property." https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Property:License&limit=500&offset=0&value=&from=&until=
=== icliclst ===
<span id="icliclst"></span>
License list is incomplete. How do we list all 251 licenses found in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Category:License to "Edit -> Licenses" for entries?
=== licsyncd ===
<span id="licsyncd"></span>
Sync license data:
(18:11:38) David_Hedlund: saper: It would be super nice if we could generate https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License from https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=license%3A&namespace=0 -- do you know if that's possible?
(18:29:24) saper: David_Hedlund: see https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_value https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_value_list https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_pattern. I don't think it is possible (except for a bot rewriting it). The reason is that querying lists of pages on every page load will be slow and hard to cache.
(18:29:30) saper: (but alas Semantic MediaWiki is already slow).
(18:31:40) saper: or compare things and spit out the differences
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 14:05, 18 December 2020 (EST)
:: The dropdown of the entry form now correctly picks all licenses inside the License namespace. As such, the “allowed values” for Property:License can also be removed.<br>''Referring to <code>#1521</code>, <code>#Development-testing</code>, <code>#icliclst</code>, <code>#licsyncd</code>'': solved by the same changes which solved [[#Update-the-license-field]]. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 16:11, 18 December 2020 (EST)
=== JS meeting countdown ===
<span id="JS-meeting-countdown"></span>
JavaScript enhancement (TOP PRIORITY): Display a JavaScript countdown (precision: second; time: real; graphics: fancy; standalone: true; license: free) when the meeting is imminent. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:04, 3 April 2020 (EDT)
JavaScript enhancement (TOP PRIORITY): Display a JavaScript countdown (precision: second; time: real; graphics: fancy; standalone: true; license: free) when the meeting is imminent. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:04, 3 April 2020 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)
:: Added custom wiki-wide RT timer extension to show a real-time clock in any page of our choice, with the official time-zone of the FSF.<br>Use <code>.currentEDT</code> as CSS hook to embed the timer. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)
:: Added custom wiki-wide RT timer extension to show a real-time clock in any page of our choice, with the official time-zone of the FSF.<br>Use <code>.currentEDT</code> as CSS hook to embed the timer. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)
{{BacklogIssue|id=IRC text whitespace|text=
=== IRC text whitespace ===
<span id="IRC-text-whitespace"></span>
White space issue: I removed the white space in "( ": https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:IRC_text&diff=79361&oldid=79331, but I could not figure out how to remove the white space " (" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text. Can someone else please have a look? --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 23:42, 22 February 2020 (EST)
White space issue: I removed the white space in "( ": https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:IRC_text&diff=79361&oldid=79331, but I could not figure out how to remove the white space " (" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text. Can someone else please have a look? --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 23:42, 22 February 2020 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 18:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 18:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)
:: Prevented trailing/leading blanks caused by a bug in the transclusion engine. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 11:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)
:: Prevented trailing/leading blanks caused by a bug in the transclusion engine. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 11:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)
{{BacklogIssue|id=non JS meeting timer|text=
=== non JS meeting timer ===
<span id="non-JS-meeting-timer"></span>
A non-JS countdown timer for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text would be very nice. --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 14:42, 7 February 2020 (EST)
A non-JS countdown timer for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text would be very nice. --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 14:42, 7 February 2020 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 21:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 21:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)
:: Added a static countdown timer using wikicode. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)
:: Added a static countdown timer using wikicode. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)
{{BacklogIssue|id=entry preview button|text=
=== entry preview button ===
<span id="entry-preview-button"></span>
"Preview" button does not work for [[Template:Entry]]. It shows the unedited version, but I don' think there is a way around this from our end, as the displayed values are based on a query of the saved page.
"Preview" button does not work for [[Template:Entry]]. It shows the unedited version, but I don' think there is a way around this from our end, as the displayed values are based on a query of the saved page.
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:37, 15 November 2019 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:37, 15 November 2019 (EST)
::<i>    Created a specialized script (fixEntryPrevBug() @ Common.js) to hide the Preview button when appropriate.</i>
::<i>    Created a specialized script (fixEntryPrevBug() @ Common.js) to hide the Preview button when appropriate.</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=search raw template data|text=
=== search raw template data ===
<span id="search-raw-template-data"></span>
Fix search results, so that template data doesn't get dumped into the description below the page links. In other words, just put in the beginning of the description.
Fix search results, so that template data doesn't get dumped into the description below the page links. In other words, just put in the beginning of the description.
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:17, 8 November 2019 (EST)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:17, 8 November 2019 (EST)
::<i>    Created a specialized script (fixSrTmplBug() @ Common.js) to hide all bogus search descriptions, leaving all meaningful ones intact.</i>
::<i>    Created a specialized script (fixSrTmplBug() @ Common.js) to hide all bogus search descriptions, leaving all meaningful ones intact.</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=GNU package export|text=
=== GNU package export ===
<span id="GNU-package-export"></span>
Update the queries on [[GNU/Export]] to make sure the second column is the GNU package name property
Update the queries on [[GNU/Export]] to make sure the second column is the GNU package name property
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:25, 14 June 2019 (EDT)
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:25, 14 June 2019 (EDT)
::<i>    Was already resolved by [[User:Jgay|Joshua]] (2011). The export feature produces the correct output for CSV and other formats.</i>
::<i>    Was already resolved by [[User:Jgay|Joshua]] (2011). The export feature produces the correct output for CSV and other formats.</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=add tmpl entry nowiki|text=
=== add tmpl entry nowiki ===
<span id="add-tmpl-entry-nowiki"></span>
Add <nowiki>{{#info:}}</nowiki>to https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry
Add <nowiki>{{#info:}}</nowiki>to https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry
Line 58: Line 241:
'''License and version:'''{{#info:Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character}}
'''License and version:'''{{#info:Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character}}
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:42, 14 June 2019 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:42, 14 June 2019 (EDT)
{{BacklogIssue|id=license namespace spacing|text=
=== license namespace spacing ===
<span id="license-namespace-spacing"></span>
Make the license texts in License namespace preserve their initial space. Revisions [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:License&oldid=49613 49613] and [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:License&oldid=49636 49636] for the [[Template:License]] already implement a workaround for this issue, but this requires a mass replace in all calls to [[Template:License]], so as to replace <nowiki>|Full text=</nowiki> with <nowiki>|</nowiki>.
Make the license texts in License namespace preserve their initial space. Revisions [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:License&oldid=49613 49613] and [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:License&oldid=49636 49636] for the [[Template:License]] already implement a workaround for this issue, but this requires a mass replace in all calls to [[Template:License]], so as to replace <nowiki>|Full text=</nowiki> with <nowiki>|</nowiki>.
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:46, 24 May 2019 (EDT)
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:46, 24 May 2019 (EDT)
:: <i>This issue was declared obsolete (10/15/2019 FSD meeting).</i>
:: <i>This issue was declared obsolete (10/15/2019 FSD meeting).</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=add tmpl entry tooltips|text=Create HTML tooltips for the different fields in Form:Entry, or create a tutorial for Form:Entry that describes what each field is for.}}
=== add tmpl entry tooltips ===
<span id="add-tmpl-entry-tooltips"></span>
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:52, 26 April 2019 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:52, 26 April 2019 (EDT)
::<i>    Now all form fields have help popups and, before saving, the user is notified that all changes are permanent. Security policies are now stated explicitly and SPAM redirects are strictly forbidden.</i>
::<i>    Now all form fields have help popups and, before saving, the user is notified that all changes are permanent. Security policies are now stated explicitly and SPAM redirects are strictly forbidden.</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=lic list dropdown|text=
=== lic list dropdown ===
<span id="lic-list-dropdown"></span>
The license list should only be a drop down menu<br>Currently the license list found under "Licenses" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry is a hybrid of a dropdown but you can also add text by hand there too.<br>"input type=combobox" should not be changed to "input type=dropdown" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry because the edit form will not remember the licenses previously used, so saving a form without manually re-entering license may delete the license names from the entry by default.
The license list should only be a drop down menu<br>Currently the license list found under "Licenses" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry is a hybrid of a dropdown but you can also add text by hand there too.<br>"input type=combobox" should not be changed to "input type=dropdown" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry because the edit form will not remember the licenses previously used, so saving a form without manually re-entering license may delete the license names from the entry by default.
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:41, 5 April 2019 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:41, 5 April 2019 (EDT)
::<i>Now users won't be able to insert <i>arbitrary</i> values in the License field. This discourages the insertion of non-free software and prevents the accidental pollution of the namespaces. I've also added new and more explicative help texts, based on the current structure of GNU packages.</i>
::<i>Now users won't be able to insert <i>arbitrary</i> values in the License field. This discourages the insertion of non-free software and prevents the accidental pollution of the namespaces. I've also added new and more explicative help texts, based on the current structure of GNU packages.</i>
Line 86: Line 281:
{{BacklogIssue|id=empty lic fld date|text=Autopopulate ''License verified date'' field if it is empty. }}
=== empty lic fld date ===
<span id="empty-lic-fld-date"></span>
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:57, 22 March 2019 (EDT)
:<span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 14:57, 22 March 2019 (EDT)
::<i>The default value of the field is now the most recent date the server is able to produce, 0-padded for compatibility (MediaWiki >1.6).</i>
::<i>The default value of the field is now the most recent date the server is able to produce, 0-padded for compatibility (MediaWiki >1.6).</i>
{{BacklogIssue|id=FSD scripting space|text=There should be a space dedicated for scripts that can be downloaded by FSD volunteer. I suggest a link to a page in the side-bar that lists the scripts.}}
=== FSD scripting space ===
<span id="FSD-scripting-space"></span>
: <span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)
: <span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)
{{BacklogIssue|id=pread fsd staff tasks|text=
=== pread fsd staff tasks ===
<span id="pread-fsd-staff-tasks"></span>
Proof read: <span style="background-color:pink">I have emailed already emailed https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Free_Software_Directory:Backlog#FSF_staff_tasks to Donald and asked him to suggest the sysadmins to have a look on this. However, we must proof-read the '''FSF staff tasks''' section so the FSF sysadmins clearly understand the text so they can start working on this.</span>
Proof read: <span style="background-color:pink">I have emailed already emailed https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Free_Software_Directory:Backlog#FSF_staff_tasks to Donald and asked him to suggest the sysadmins to have a look on this. However, we must proof-read the '''FSF staff tasks''' section so the FSF sysadmins clearly understand the text so they can start working on this.</span>
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)
: <span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)
{{BacklogIssue|id=lic DB strip marks|text=
=== lic DB strip marks ===
<span id="lic-DB-strip-marks"></span>
Remove exposure of database strip marks from pages under [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=license%3A&namespace=0 License namespace]. Currently some (if not most) licenses in License namespace have a "pre"/"nowiki" element in their call text to their associated template. This is problematic because the template itself already wraps the text in "pre", so the result is a exposure of the database strip marks. When in the "Read" tab, pages in License namespace that are affected by this issue have a yellow triangle next to the start of the license text, for example see https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:BitTorrentOSL1.1&oldid=72843
Remove exposure of database strip marks from pages under [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=license%3A&namespace=0 License namespace]. Currently some (if not most) licenses in License namespace have a "pre"/"nowiki" element in their call text to their associated template. This is problematic because the template itself already wraps the text in "pre", so the result is a exposure of the database strip marks. When in the "Read" tab, pages in License namespace that are affected by this issue have a yellow triangle next to the start of the license text, for example see https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:BitTorrentOSL1.1&oldid=72843
:: [[File:ApacheAlertBlack.png|Link=]] Most of the licenses no longer present this problem, but are plagued by the presence of blank pages, malformed pages or non-SPDX redirects. Manual entry-by-entry analysis is required. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:15, 4 January 2019 (EST)
:: [[File:ApacheAlertBlack.png|Link=]] Most of the licenses no longer present this problem, but are plagued by the presence of blank pages, malformed pages or non-SPDX redirects. Manual entry-by-entry analysis is required. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:15, 4 January 2019 (EST)
::: Reviewed today: from ACDL to Apache. Many blank lines, bad parameters etc. but no PRE tags found/fixed. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:38, 11 January 2019 (EST)
::: Reviewed today: from ACDL to Apache. Many blank lines, bad parameters etc. but no PRE tags found/fixed. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:38, 11 January 2019 (EST)
Line 107: Line 318:
: <span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span>/<span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:40, 8 February 2019 (EST)
: <span style="color:green;">COMPLETED</span>/<span style="color:gray;">OBSOLETE</span> --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 12:40, 8 February 2019 (EST)
{{BacklogIssue|id=Show Changes preview|text=
=== Show Changes preview ===
<span id="Show-Changes-preview"></span>
When you click [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Backlog_active&action=edit edit] this page, and click on the '''Show changes''' button, you'll see the markup changes but not the visual changes of the page ("Remember that this is only a preview. Your changes have not yet been saved!"). --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 07:06, 5 April 2020 (EDT)
When you click [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Backlog_active&action=edit edit] this page, and click on the '''Show changes''' button, you'll see the markup changes but not the visual changes of the page ("Remember that this is only a preview. Your changes have not yet been saved!"). --[[User:David Hedlund|David Hedlund]] ([[User talk:David Hedlund|talk]]) 07:06, 5 April 2020 (EDT)
: According to Reedy in [irc://chat.freenode.net/#mediawiki Freenode #mediawiki channel], we can perhaps look at [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] (specially the <code><nowiki>fixEntryPrevBug()</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>hidePreviewButton()</nowiki></code> functions. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 15:50, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
: According to Reedy in [irc://chat.freenode.net/#mediawiki Freenode #mediawiki channel], we can perhaps look at [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] (specially the <code><nowiki>fixEntryPrevBug()</nowiki></code> and <code><nowiki>hidePreviewButton()</nowiki></code> functions. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 15:50, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
:: [[User:Adfeno|Felipe]], I've added those functions to fix existing bugs. All function in common.js won't block this functionality. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:55, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
:: [[User:Adfeno|Felipe]], I've added those functions to fix existing bugs. All function in common.js won't block this functionality. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 15:55, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
Line 116: Line 331:
::::: I've just extended the existing JavaScript code to gain even better performance and also had occasion to fix the issue with the button directly client-side so only the pages which can effectively hit the processing limits have the functionality disabled. This Active Backlog task should be now obsolete. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 08:56, 27 April 2020 (EDT)
::::: I've just extended the existing JavaScript code to gain even better performance and also had occasion to fix the issue with the button directly client-side so only the pages which can effectively hit the processing limits have the functionality disabled. This Active Backlog task should be now obsolete. --[[User:LorenzoAncora|LorenzoAncora]] ([[User talk:LorenzoAncora|talk]]) 08:56, 27 April 2020 (EDT)
{{BacklogIssue|id=sresults links|text=Fix search links: Fix links (multimedia, etc) at top of search results.}}
{{BacklogIssue|id=date cmd|text=
=== sresults links ===
<span id="sresults-links"></span>
=== date cmd ===
<span id="date-cmd"></span>
Add: date --date='TZ="America/New_York" 12:00 this Fri' to
Add: date --date='TZ="America/New_York" 12:00 this Fri' to
* https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text
* https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text
* The entries in https://www.fsf.org/blogs/directory/ -- updated by Ted
* The entries in https://www.fsf.org/blogs/directory/ -- updated by Ted
{{BacklogIssue|id=copyright current year|text=Add the current year in /var/www/w/skins/Vector/VectorTemplate.php "Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc."}}
{{BacklogIssue|id=favicon|text="I think I would just use the fsf.org (https://static.fsf.org/fsforg/img/favicon.ico) one for any fsf.org subdomain." -- [[User:quidam]]}}
=== copyright current year ===
<span id="copyright-current-year"></span>
=== favicon ===
<span id="favicon"></span>
=== Special page ask ===
<span id="Special-page-ask"></span>
{{BacklogIssue|id=Special page ask|text=[[Special:AdminLinks]] "[[Special:Ask|Semantic search]]" is blank.}}
:'''Comment:''' To fix all of the above [[:mw:Manual:How to debug|MediaWiki debugging]] needs to be enabled. It is also good to see the PHP error log. &nbsp;«&nbsp;[[User:Saper|Saper]]<span style="font-size: 70%">&nbsp;//&nbsp;</span>[[User talk:Saper|@talk]]&nbsp;»&nbsp; 13:17, 27 January 2018 (EST)
:'''Comment:''' To fix all of the above [[:mw:Manual:How to debug|MediaWiki debugging]] needs to be enabled. It is also good to see the PHP error log. &nbsp;«&nbsp;[[User:Saper|Saper]]<span style="font-size: 70%">&nbsp;//&nbsp;</span>[[User talk:Saper|@talk]]&nbsp;»&nbsp; 13:17, 27 January 2018 (EST)
::It seems to work some how now [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3AAsk&q=%5B%5BLicense%3AMPL%5D%5D&po=%3FLicense%0D%0A&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p%5Blimit%5D=&p%5Boffset%5D=&p%5Blink%5D=all&p%5Bsort%5D=&p%5Bheaders%5D=show&p%5Bmainlabel%5D=&p%5Bintro%5D=&p%5Boutro%5D=&p%5Bsearchlabel%5D=...+further+results&p%5Bdefault%5D=&p%5Bclass%5D=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&p%5Bsep%5D=&eq=yes asking for License:MPL] &nbsp;«&nbsp;[[User:Saper|Saper]]<span style="font-size: 70%">&nbsp;//&nbsp;</span>[[User talk:Saper|@talk]]&nbsp;»&nbsp; 15:59, 8 August 2018 (EDT)
::It seems to work some how now [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3AAsk&q=%5B%5BLicense%3AMPL%5D%5D&po=%3FLicense%0D%0A&eq=yes&p%5Bformat%5D=broadtable&sort_num=&order_num=ASC&p%5Blimit%5D=&p%5Boffset%5D=&p%5Blink%5D=all&p%5Bsort%5D=&p%5Bheaders%5D=show&p%5Bmainlabel%5D=&p%5Bintro%5D=&p%5Boutro%5D=&p%5Bsearchlabel%5D=...+further+results&p%5Bdefault%5D=&p%5Bclass%5D=sortable+wikitable+smwtable&p%5Bsep%5D=&eq=yes asking for License:MPL] &nbsp;«&nbsp;[[User:Saper|Saper]]<span style="font-size: 70%">&nbsp;//&nbsp;</span>[[User talk:Saper|@talk]]&nbsp;»&nbsp; 15:59, 8 August 2018 (EDT)
{{BacklogIssue|id=what links here|text=We want the "What links here?" enabled in the sidebar, it's the standard procedure to maintain MediaWiki instances. It's not stored in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar&action=edit. I got this response from #mediawiki "It's enabled by default on normal pages. I'd say there may be an extension installed on that wiki that's hiding it. Moonbook, https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat?useskin=monobook, has "What links here?". It's strange because it's not present in the original source code. it's not hidden with CSS or JavaScript"}}
{{BacklogIssue|id=double IRC link text|text=The IRC resource was displayed twice like this on [[IceCat]] for example.
=== what links here ===
<span id="what-links-here"></span>
=== double IRC link text ===
<span id="double-IRC-link-text"></span>
Line 143: Line 376:
I attempted to fix this but it seems that something is interfering with the formatting. Strangely enough, if I make a simple page without the form, and use the IRC template, it works as expected. I don't know if this is the case, but I think there is some template interfering. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 23:23, 26 January 2018 (EST)
I attempted to fix this but it seems that something is interfering with the formatting. Strangely enough, if I make a simple page without the form, and use the IRC template, it works as expected. I don't know if this is the case, but I think there is some template interfering. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 23:23, 26 January 2018 (EST)
: As requested in #fsf IRC channel, here is the comment I made there, describing my studies so far:
: As requested in #fsf IRC channel, here is the comment I made there, describing my studies so far:
: It basically involves three templates (it might involve more, but I only researched three so far) {{tl|Print entry}} {{tl|Entry}} and {{tl|Show}}. There is a fourth one ({{tl|IRC}}) but I think we might be able to replace it ({{tl|Print entry}} calls it, so instead of calling {{tl|IRC}}: we can take the code from it and insert in the caller template).
: It basically involves three templates (it might involve more, but I only researched three so far) {{tl|Print entry}} {{tl|Entry}} and {{tl|Show}}. There is a fourth one ({{tl|IRC}}) but I think we might be able to replace it ({{tl|Print entry}} calls it, so instead of calling {{tl|IRC}}: we can take the code from it and insert in the caller template).
Line 164: Line 397:
::::: Replace the numeric reference to the colon in "irc:" with the actual character when inside the "replace" ParserFunction that prepares the IRC URLs to be displayed. [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:Print_entry&oldid=74015]. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 14:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)
::::: Replace the numeric reference to the colon in "irc:" with the actual character when inside the "replace" ParserFunction that prepares the IRC URLs to be displayed. [https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:Print_entry&oldid=74015]. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 14:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)
== SPDX-related issues ==
=== elic342 ===
<span id="elic342"></span>
Entries with empty Licence fields should not be able to approve. It should only be possible to approve entries with filled License fields. This policy must include the automatic approval when pages are save.
== Import ==
Also add “required” text for License. For Create, when a user try to save the page with Homepage not filled out the text '''There were errors with your form input; see below.''' will appear on the Save tab. On the '''General info''' tab the text '''Homepage URL (required) cannot be blank''' text will appear. However, there are no text that says that License fields must be filled if they are not.
== Consistent CSS styling ==
: For the first case (existing entries with License field blank when edited with form), these entries do still have their old '''property value'''. This is due to the fact that such entries weren't updated after Update-the-license-field was solved. However, when viewing such entries, the information is displayed as expected. With this in mind, one can keep both an editing and a viewing tab open to ease the process of recollecting the old license to match the new one. Finally, provided no other change to page listing on License namespace is made, future revisions of an existing entry and also new entries should display the information fine both on the form and on the view page. --[[User:Adfeno|Adfeno]] ([[User talk:Adfeno|talk]]) 17:54, 18 December 2020 (EST)
This seems to be done. Moving to archive.
== Staff tasks ==
== Backlog Admin Group ==
=== FSF ===
=== Backlog Admin Group ===
== SPDX Group ==
== Software issues ==
== Outreachy Tasks ==
== FSF ==

Latest revision as of 11:40, 20 May 2022

Archived bugs

This page is reserved for backlog administrators, who independently provide for the storage of obsolete bugs.
You can find the old bugs you reported here.

The bugs are archived after at least one week from their resolution or if the bug cannot be identified due to lack of information.
If you find a regression (a bug on this page that comes back with your browser or your system), report it to the page of the active bugs and we'll take care of it as soon as possible. Thank you!


Update the license field


(19:29:54) David_Hedlund: I've removed MPL1.1 (replaced by MPL-1.1), and MPLv2.0 (replaced by MPL-2.0) in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License, but the "License and version:" drop down menu in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox&action=formedit&debug=true#tab=3__Licenses remain unchanged: Search for "MPL" in it and you'll find only "MPL1.1" and "MPLv2.0". I have clicked on More -> Refresh to purge the cache but it didn't help. Do you know how I can update the list?

Same with non-existing pages, example: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Sandbox6&action=formedit&debug=true#tab=3__Licenses

saper helped a lot on this issue.

Andrew said that it hopefully get fixed after they have solved `[directory] stale results from API call - https://rt.gnu.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1314342`
(21:37:23) saper: David_Hedlund: https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics "jobs": 16181
(21:40:33) sudoman: i'm running them in batches of 200

Hello David,

The job queue is currently at about 11 or 12 jobs, but it looks like the
changes for MPL licenses did not go through. i tried editing and saving
one of the MPL license pages and editing and saving template:license,
but this did not update those pages.

i'll look into this some more, but if you can find any hints about this,
that would be very helpful, but is not required. I suspect that it's an
issue with semantic mediawiki. perhaps it doesn't handle page renames
properly via the template:license code.


(17:00:55) sudoman: David_Hedlund: i sent you an email about the directory.fsf.org job queue. it's currently at about 11 or 12 jobs, but it looks like the license names didn't get updated. i suspect that this is an issue with semantic mediawiki not properly handling page renames.
(18:37:01) David_Hedlund: sudoman: 1 job left!
(23:03:22) David_Hedlund: sudoman: "jobs": 877 - https://directory.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics -- I assume all old jobs are solved.
(23:07:05) David_Hedlund: sudoman: Is this ticket solved? [directory] stale results from API call - https://rt.gnu.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1314342
(23:07:46) sudoman: David_Hedlund: it's not resolve yet...
(23:58:22) David_Hedlund: sudoman: Checking `'''License and version:''' {{{field|License|input type=combobox|values from property=License}}}` in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry
(23:59:19) David_Hedlund: It's used by https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:Project_license

After a full rebuild of SMW data with a command:

flock -w 1 /var/run/apache2/SMW.flock php /var/www/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php -v  --report-runtime 

that took over 14 hours:

437206 IDs refreshed.

Memory used: 180260544 (b: 13003608, a: 193264152) with a runtime of 53171.62 sec (886.19 min)

https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=MPL returns only "MPL", so looks like the old entries are gone.

Adding MPLx for testing
  • added MPLx
  • After that change there are 15459 jobs in the queue (previously zero).
  • Started flock -w 1 /var/run/apache2/SMW.flock php /var/www/w/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/maintenance/rebuildData.php -v --report-runtime again. It seems there not so many stale data, so it seems to be faster.
MPLx assigned to Sandbox
  • Changed license to MPLx
  • 5 jobs generated in the queue:
2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00 started 2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=0f9daa65837ad83184ef098150a8a3801a659bd6 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482276,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=templatelinks recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=0f9daa65837ad83184ef098150a8a3801a659bd6 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482276,timestamp=20180813131442) t=19 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 enotifNotify Sandbox editor=Saper editorID=1696 timestamp=20180813131435 summary=license: MPLx for testing minorEdit=0 oldid=71795 watchers=[1501] pageStatus=changed requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482279,timestamp=20180813131443) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 enotifNotify Sandbox editor=Saper editorID=1696 timestamp=20180813131435 summary=license: MPLx for testing minorEdit=0 oldid=71795 watchers=[1501] pageStatus=changed requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482279,timestamp=20180813131443) t=15 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=redirect recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=071d8bc99773d0c00cc4579b6b049e7c20840e82 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482277,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 htmlCacheUpdate Sandbox table=redirect recursive=1 rootJobIsSelf=1 rootJobSignature=071d8bc99773d0c00cc4579b6b049e7c20840e82 rootJobTimestamp=20180813131439 causeAction=page-edit causeAgent=unknown requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482277,timestamp=20180813131442) t=8 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482278,timestamp=20180813131442) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:02 recentChangesUpdate Special:RecentChanges type=cacheUpdate requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482278,timestamp=20180813131442) t=51 good
2018-08-13 13:15:02 refreshLinksPrioritized Sandbox rootJobTimestamp=20180813131435 useRecursiveLinksUpdate=1 triggeringUser={"userId":1696,"userName":"Saper"} triggeringRevisionId=72711 causeAction=edit-page causeAgent=Saper requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482275,timestamp=20180813131438) STARTING
2018-08-13 13:15:03 refreshLinksPrioritized Sandbox rootJobTimestamp=20180813131435 useRecursiveLinksUpdate=1 triggeringUser={"userId":1696,"userName":"Saper"} triggeringRevisionId=72711 causeAction=edit-page causeAgent=Saper requestId=69dc4b69b6232fe75f17ee66 (id=5482275,timestamp=20180813131438) t=1200 good
2018-08-13T09:15:01-04:00 ended 2018-08-13T09:15:03-04:00

https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=pfautocomplete&format=json&property=License&substr=MPL gives



Development testing

Tried to reset the license list on a dev server so we can rebuild it from scratch.


has caused at lest 12135 jobs to be generated (maybe ca. 300 has been processed).

Cron will deal with it within 121 hours, or it is possible to run
"runjobs 10000" to run, say, 10000 jobs in one go (this does not
conflict with cron).

Basically it seems that we should be prepared to handle ca. 15000 jobs
quickly. Maybe the system can be tuned to do that in a reasonable timeframe.
It mostly depends on the MySQL database server.

One can check the amount of jobs left by running "wikijobs" (it is cached but for not very long).


I deleted all licenses in https://directory2p.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License two days ago and there are no jobs left (https://directory2p.fsf.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics).

Some unexpected licenses, for example "BSD"


License list is incomplete. How do we list all 251 licenses found in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Category:License to "Edit -> Licenses" for entries?


Sync license data:

(18:11:38) David_Hedlund: saper: It would be super nice if we could generate https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Property:License from https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&prefix=license%3A&namespace=0 -- do you know if that's possible?
(18:29:24) saper: David_Hedlund: see https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_value https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_value_list https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Special_property_Allows_pattern. I don't think it is possible (except for a bot rewriting it). The reason is that querying lists of pages on every page load will be slow and hard to cache. 
(18:29:30) saper: (but alas Semantic MediaWiki is already slow).
(18:31:40) saper: or compare things and spit out the differences
COMPLETED --Adfeno (talk) 14:05, 18 December 2020 (EST)
The dropdown of the entry form now correctly picks all licenses inside the License namespace. As such, the “allowed values” for Property:License can also be removed.
Referring to #1521, #Development-testing, #icliclst, #licsyncd: solved by the same changes which solved #Update-the-license-field. --Adfeno (talk) 16:11, 18 December 2020 (EST)

JS meeting countdown

JavaScript enhancement (TOP PRIORITY): Display a JavaScript countdown (precision: second; time: real; graphics: fancy; standalone: true; license: free) when the meeting is imminent. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 13:04, 3 April 2020 (EDT)

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)
Added custom wiki-wide RT timer extension to show a real-time clock in any page of our choice, with the official time-zone of the FSF.
Use .currentEDT as CSS hook to embed the timer. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 12:25, 19 April 2020 (EDT)

IRC text whitespace

White space issue: I removed the white space in "( ": https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:IRC_text&diff=79361&oldid=79331, but I could not figure out how to remove the white space " (" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text. Can someone else please have a look? --David Hedlund (talk) 23:42, 22 February 2020 (EST)

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 18:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)
Prevented trailing/leading blanks caused by a bug in the transclusion engine. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 11:27, 23 February 2020 (EST)

non JS meeting timer

A non-JS countdown timer for https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Template:IRC_text would be very nice. --David Hedlund (talk) 14:42, 7 February 2020 (EST)

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 21:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)
Added a static countdown timer using wikicode. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:05, 14 February 2020 (EST)

entry preview button

"Preview" button does not work for Template:Entry. It shows the unedited version, but I don' think there is a way around this from our end, as the displayed values are based on a query of the saved page.

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:37, 15 November 2019 (EST)
Created a specialized script (fixEntryPrevBug() @ Common.js) to hide the Preview button when appropriate.

search raw template data

Fix search results, so that template data doesn't get dumped into the description below the page links. In other words, just put in the beginning of the description.

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:17, 8 November 2019 (EST)
Created a specialized script (fixSrTmplBug() @ Common.js) to hide all bogus search descriptions, leaving all meaningful ones intact.

GNU package export

Update the queries on GNU/Export to make sure the second column is the GNU package name property

OBSOLETE --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:25, 14 June 2019 (EDT)
Was already resolved by Joshua (2011). The export feature produces the correct output for CSV and other formats.

add tmpl entry nowiki

Add {{#info:}}to https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry

'''License and version:'''{{#info:Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character}}
COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 12:42, 14 June 2019 (EDT)

license namespace spacing

Make the license texts in License namespace preserve their initial space. Revisions 49613 and 49636 for the Template:License already implement a workaround for this issue, but this requires a mass replace in all calls to Template:License, so as to replace |Full text= with |.

OBSOLETE --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:46, 24 May 2019 (EDT)
This issue was declared obsolete (10/15/2019 FSD meeting).

add tmpl entry tooltips

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:52, 26 April 2019 (EDT)
Now all form fields have help popups and, before saving, the user is notified that all changes are permanent. Security policies are now stated explicitly and SPAM redirects are strictly forbidden.

lic list dropdown

The license list should only be a drop down menu
Currently the license list found under "Licenses" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry is a hybrid of a dropdown but you can also add text by hand there too.
"input type=combobox" should not be changed to "input type=dropdown" in https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Form:Entry because the edit form will not remember the licenses previously used, so saving a form without manually re-entering license may delete the license names from the entry by default.

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:41, 5 April 2019 (EDT)
Now users won't be able to insert arbitrary values in the License field. This discourages the insertion of non-free software and prevents the accidental pollution of the namespaces. I've also added new and more explicative help texts, based on the current structure of GNU packages.
Resolved by inheritance:
  • The "License" (friendly name: "License and version") input field is too liberal, it accepts any value and if the value is a non-existing page it will appear as a red link who will eventually be created by anyone who see it. Only licenses listed in https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#SoftwareLicenses should be on our "License and version:" drop-down menu.
    • Possible solutions:
      1. Change type from combobox to dropdown. Attempted, but reverted due to issues.
        • This would make the form edit misbehave, as it would not find the already existing values in old entries that are set before the change. Thus, in the form edit, if an already existing entry/page has MPLv2.0 set as License parameter for {{Project license}}, then it won't find it since it expects License:MPLv2.0. Making {{Project license}} set this doesn't work (it was already tried), the only fix for the already existing entries seems to be a mass-replace, so that every call for {{Project license}} that is like this {{Project license |License=MPLv2.0 }} becomes like this {{Project license |License=License:MPLv2.0 }}. The bug described in this item doesn't affect the show/read tabs of each entry.
          • Before attempting to fix this, see if fixing the item below would also fix this one.
        • Must make sure that the allowed values for Property:License or for that license-related input only point to pages at the :::License namespace. For example, currently Property:License describes Boost as one of the allowed values, however it seems to refer to Boost, not License:Boost.

empty lic fld date

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 14:57, 22 March 2019 (EDT)
The default value of the field is now the most recent date the server is able to produce, 0-padded for compatibility (MediaWiki >1.6).

FSD scripting space

COMPLETED --LorenzoAncora (talk) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)

pread fsd staff tasks

Proof read: I have emailed already emailed https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Free_Software_Directory:Backlog#FSF_staff_tasks to Donald and asked him to suggest the sysadmins to have a look on this. However, we must proof-read the FSF staff tasks section so the FSF sysadmins clearly understand the text so they can start working on this.

OBSOLETE --LorenzoAncora (talk) 13:44, 28 December 2018 (EST)

lic DB strip marks

Remove exposure of database strip marks from pages under License namespace. Currently some (if not most) licenses in License namespace have a "pre"/"nowiki" element in their call text to their associated template. This is problematic because the template itself already wraps the text in "pre", so the result is a exposure of the database strip marks. When in the "Read" tab, pages in License namespace that are affected by this issue have a yellow triangle next to the start of the license text, for example see https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=License:BitTorrentOSL1.1&oldid=72843

Link= Most of the licenses no longer present this problem, but are plagued by the presence of blank pages, malformed pages or non-SPDX redirects. Manual entry-by-entry analysis is required. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 15:15, 4 January 2019 (EST)
Reviewed today: from ACDL to Apache. Many blank lines, bad parameters etc. but no PRE tags found/fixed. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 15:38, 11 January 2019 (EST)
Reviewed today: from Arphic-PL to Boost-1.0. Same edits as before but also created a couple of redirects from empty licenses to the correct licenses, added missing license links and removed useless padding. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 15:38, 11 January 2019 (EST)
Link= After repeated analysis, it does not appear that the problem reported in the Active Backlog Task could compromise the functionality of MediaWiki. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 12:35, 8 February 2019 (EST)
COMPLETED/OBSOLETE --LorenzoAncora (talk) --LorenzoAncora (talk) 12:40, 8 February 2019 (EST)

Show Changes preview

When you click edit this page, and click on the Show changes button, you'll see the markup changes but not the visual changes of the page ("Remember that this is only a preview. Your changes have not yet been saved!"). --David Hedlund (talk) 07:06, 5 April 2020 (EDT)

According to Reedy in Freenode #mediawiki channel, we can perhaps look at MediaWiki:Common.js (specially the fixEntryPrevBug() and hidePreviewButton() functions. --Adfeno (talk) 15:50, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
Felipe, I've added those functions to fix existing bugs. All function in common.js won't block this functionality. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 15:55, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
LorenzoAncora: To clarify: the comment I made was not to blame anyone or any change made, but instead as a suggested place to look at (whether to improve, to study, or simply leave as is). --Adfeno (talk) 16:07, 24 April 2020 (EDT)
Hi Felipe!
I know, I wanted to ensure nobody wastes his/her energy seeking the issue in existing JavaScript, as the issue depends from the page itself (probably it hits a processing limit).
We can still use the [edit] link near each section to preview each change. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 07:32, 27 April 2020 (EDT)
I've just extended the existing JavaScript code to gain even better performance and also had occasion to fix the issue with the button directly client-side so only the pages which can effectively hit the processing limits have the functionality disabled. This Active Backlog task should be now obsolete. --LorenzoAncora (talk) 08:56, 27 April 2020 (EDT)

sresults links

date cmd

Add: date --date='TZ="America/New_York" 12:00 this Fri' to

copyright current year


Special page ask

Comment: To fix all of the above MediaWiki debugging needs to be enabled. It is also good to see the PHP error log.  « Saper // @talk »  13:17, 27 January 2018 (EST)
It seems to work some how now asking for License:MPL  « Saper // @talk »  15:59, 8 August 2018 (EDT)

what links here

double IRC link text

IRC general channel
    [irc:chat.freenode.net/icecat irc:chat.freenode.net/icecat] 

I attempted to fix this but it seems that something is interfering with the formatting. Strangely enough, if I make a simple page without the form, and use the IRC template, it works as expected. I don't know if this is the case, but I think there is some template interfering. --Adfeno (talk) 23:23, 26 January 2018 (EST)

As requested in #fsf IRC channel, here is the comment I made there, describing my studies so far:
It basically involves three templates (it might involve more, but I only researched three so far) {{Print entry}} {{Entry}} and {{Show}}. There is a fourth one ({{IRC}}) but I think we might be able to replace it ({{Print entry}} calls it, so instead of calling {{IRC}}: we can take the code from it and insert in the caller template).
I think that #replace will just mask the underlying issue. --David Hedlund (talk) 10:49, 27 January 2018 (EST)
I think there is so far the following possibilities:
  1. an issue between the templates used;
  2. an issue with the #ask: queries and the template result format;
  3. we have reached a setting limit that makes the formatting not work (perhaps a limit on the template result format, although I have tried to remove the call to {{IRC}} but it didn't work, we might have to make tests by simplifying the template result calls even further to see if this is indeed the problematic setting);
  4. an issue with the "IRC [level name]" properties when setting (#set:) or their query and display.
I think we can make use of #nowiki or #- display parameters when querying for the "IRC [level" properties of an entry (this is queried for in {{Show}}) in order to take the property value in raw (example: irc:chat.freenode.net/fsf) but then we will need to change either {{Print entry}} or {{IRC}} (the first one is the problematic, so I recommend to test with it first) so that it removes irc: but also allows any other : (because the URL scheme allows port numbers). --Adfeno (talk) 08:47, 27 January 2018 (EST)
While MediaWiki understands IRC URLs very well, Our copy Semantic MediaWiki gets confused if a property of type URL has a protocol different from HTTP, this problem also happens if the property definition/setting is invisible (using #set:), but in all cases it works as expected if the protocol is HTTP. I don't know if this is a bug in Semantic MediaWiki (or MediaWiki) but this affects at least our copy of it. An example of the issue with IRC property can be seen in: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Free_Software_Directory:Sandbox&oldid=48884 --Adfeno (talk) 11:32, 27 January 2018 (EST)
As of SMW 2.5.1, http https and ftp URL schemes will be printed with double slashes, all other without: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/blob/568d058ea68859d134654a959001ba0739c781e3/includes/dataitems/SMW_DI_URI.php#L68-L70  « Saper // @talk »  12:49, 27 January 2018 (EST)
Fixed in [1]. --Adfeno (talk) 14:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)
Adding #- didn't seem to help.  « Saper // @talk »  08:54, 27 January 2018 (EST)
We unfortunately need a function to remove irc: in order to use #nowiki or #-.--Adfeno (talk) 09:35, 27 January 2018 (EST)
Removed dependency on {{IRC}}: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:Print_entry&oldid=48860
Use #replace in IRC URL properties to get the address correctly: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:Print_entry&oldid=48889 --Adfeno (talk) 11:59, 27 January 2018 (EST)
Use #nowiki in the query for IRC URL properties to pass the property value to {{Print entry}}: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki?title=Template:Show&oldid=48890 --Adfeno (talk) 11:59, 27 January 2018 (EST)
Replace the numeric reference to the colon in "irc:" with the actual character when inside the "replace" ParserFunction that prepares the IRC URLs to be displayed. [2]. --Adfeno (talk) 14:43, 2 November 2018 (EDT)


Entries with empty Licence fields should not be able to approve. It should only be possible to approve entries with filled License fields. This policy must include the automatic approval when pages are save.

Also add “required” text for License. For Create, when a user try to save the page with Homepage not filled out the text There were errors with your form input; see below. will appear on the Save tab. On the General info tab the text Homepage URL (required) cannot be blank text will appear. However, there are no text that says that License fields must be filled if they are not.

For the first case (existing entries with License field blank when edited with form), these entries do still have their old property value. This is due to the fact that such entries weren't updated after Update-the-license-field was solved. However, when viewing such entries, the information is displayed as expected. With this in mind, one can keep both an editing and a viewing tab open to ease the process of recollecting the old license to match the new one. Finally, provided no other change to page listing on License namespace is made, future revisions of an existing entry and also new entries should display the information fine both on the form and on the view page. --Adfeno (talk) 17:54, 18 December 2020 (EST)

This seems to be done. Moving to archive.

Backlog Admin Group

SPDX Group


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.