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Documentation-tool (189)

will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
AdaDoc is a tool for Ada 95 developers. It creates an HTML file from a package specification for documentation purposes.
Antiword is a free MS-Word reader for GNU/Linux, RISC OS, and DOS. It converts the documents from Word 2, 6, 7, 97, 2000, 2002, and 2003 to text, Postscript, and XML/DocBook. Antiword tries to keep the layout of the document intact.
AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing notes, documentation, articles, books, ebooks, slideshows, web pages, man pages and blogs. AsciiDoc files can be translated to many formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, man page.
'AsmRef' includes a menu system and search function to display data on the Linux kernel and most topics associated with x86 assembler development on GNU/Linux systems.
Auctex Heckert gnu.tiny.png
AUCTeX is an integrated environment for producing TeX documents in Emacs. It allows many different standard TeX macros to be inserted with simple keystrokes or menu selection. It offers an interface to external programs, enabling you to compile or view your documents from within Emacs. AUCTeX also features the ability to place inline previews of complex TeX statements such as mathematical formulae. AUCTeX provides by far the most wide-spread and sophisticated environment for editing LaTeX, TeX, ConTeXt and Texinfo documents with Emacs or XEmacs. Combined with packages like RefTeX, Flyspell and others it is pretty much without peer as a comprehensive authoring solution for a large variety of operating system platforms and TeX distributions. The latest version is available via GNU ELPA. To install this package, run in Emacs: M-x package-install RET auctex RET
AutoConvert is an intelligent Chinese Encoding converter. It uses built-in functions to judge the type of the input file's Chinese Encoding (such as GB/Big5/HZ), then converts the input file to any type of Chinese Encoding you want. You can use autoconvert to automatically convert incoming e-mail messages. It can also optionally handle the UNI/UTF7/UTF8 encoding.
BHL is an Emacs mode that lets you convert plain TXT files into HTML, LaTeX, and SGML (Linuxdoc) files. The BHL mode handles common font-styles, three levels of sections, footnotes, and any kind of lists, tables, URLs and horizontal rules. It also handles a table of contents: you can browse the toc, insert the toc where you want, and update the sections' numbers with one keystroke.
'bib2xhtml' is a program that converts BibTeX files into HTML (specifically, XHTML 1.0). The conversion is mostly done by specialized BibTeX style files, derived from a converted bibliography style template. This ensures that the original BibTeX styles are faithfully reproduced. Some post-processing is performed by Perl code. This is an update of the bib2html program written by David Hull in 1996 and maintained by him until 1998.
BibTeXConv is a BibTeX file converter which allows to export BibTeX entries to other formats, including customly defined text output. Furthermore, it provides the possibility to check URLs (including MD5, size and MIME type computations) and to verify ISBN and ISSN numbers.

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