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Broaden your selection: Category/Localization

Category/Localization Search icon.png

language-adaptations (30)

Acon monitors one or more virtual consoles while running in the backgrounds. If it finds arabic letters, Acon will write them in the correct direction. You must be root to run it. The program has two modes of operation. The first is a left to right console, in which the default language is English. Use this when most of your document is in english. The second mode is a right to left console, in which the default language is Arabic. Use this when most of your document is in arabic.
Apertium is a machine translation platform. Data for a language pair can be used to translate text in various formats from one language to another.
Argos Translate
From their git: Offline translation library written in Python. Uses OpenNMT for translations, SentencePiece for tokenization, Stanza for sentence boundary detection, and PyQt for GUI. Designed to be used as either a Python library, command-line, or GUI application. LibreTranslate is an API and web-app built on top of Argos Translate. Argos Translate supports installing model files which are a zip archive with an ".argosmodel" extension that contains an OpenNMT CTranslate2 model, a SentencePiece tokenization model, a Stanza tokenizer model for sentence boundary detection, and metadata about the model. Pretrained models can be downloaded here. Argos Translate also manages automatically pivoting through intermediate languages to translate between languages that don't have a direct translation between them installed. For example, if you have a es ➔ en and en ➔ fr translation installed you are able to translate from es ➔ fr as if you had that translation installed. This allows for translating between a wide variety of languages at the cost of some loss of translation quality.
B1 Free Archiver
B1 Free Archiver is a free multi-platform universal archiver. Warning: There is also a proprietary B1 front-end and mobile app available that make use of the B1 java library. We do not recommend using those proprietary front-ends.
The Corais platform is based on Open Atrium, which is itself based on Drupal. It is used for organizing collaborative projects.
ActivityPub compliant server, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community.
Free Bangla Fonts
The Free Bangla Fonts project is dedicated to creating free, completely Unicode compliant Open Type Bengali fonts. It also aims to be the central resource for getting and developing Free Bengali fonts. The initial goal is to release a full set of Bengali fonts that supports all the major Bengali Yuktakhars (conjuncts). The Akaash set of fonts aims to be such a set. We also plan to convert the other existing Free Bangla (non Unicode compliant) fonts into Unicode compliant Bengali Open Type fonts. Five sets of fonts are currently under development. The Akaash set will have three OTFs, AkaashNormal.ttf, AkaashWide.ttf and AkaashSlanted.ttf. Development is currently going on in the AkaashNormal.ttf, and we aim to move to AkaashWide and AkaashSlanted as soon as possible. The Ani set has two fonts, Ani.ttf and Mitra.ttf. The Mitra font is a monospaced fonts, which is useful in certain specialised applications. The Mukti set has four fonts, MuktiRegular.ttf, MuktiBold.ttf, MuktiNarrow.ttf, and MuktiNarrowBold.ttf. The Likhan and Sagar sets of fonts are also being developed.
The FusionDirectory project aim to fill this gap by providing a nice web application that allow you not only to manage your classical openldap data like users, groups, services... but also offer an API allowing to write new plugins to extent the application to be more useful to you. Bundled with more than 50 plugins today ranging from users management to service management and systems management, everything managed trough you ldap server.
  • User, group, roles , sudo ...
  • French education support : Supann, Sinaps, PArtage de Renater
  • Systems
  • Network services : SMTP / DNS / DHCP / Samba
and much more ... FusionDirectory is user-friendly and includes a number of features and modes including:
  • A copy and paste system
  • Template mode for all objects stored with FusionDirectory
  • Snapshot mode
  • Dashboard (user, password, expiration of users, installation and deployment)
  • trigger to create action on other systems after saving, modifying, removing
Gnubik Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNUbik is an interactive, graphical, single player game. It renders an image of a Rubik cube and allows you to manipulate it and hopefully solve it. GNUbik supports cubes of any size; 3x3x3 is the default. It also has a guile interface by which you can create your own scripts to solve the cube.
Hanterm is an xterm improvement for Hangul (Korean Language) support. Its features include support for johab* encoded fonts, UTF-8 encoding for output, in addition to usual wansung (KSC5601, KSX1001) encoded fonts.

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