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engineering (72)
- Achoz
- will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
- AeroCalc
- AeroCalc is a python package that performs various aeronautical engineering calculations. Currently, it contains the following main modules:
- airspeed
- default_units
- ssec
- std_atm
- unit_conversion
- Aletheia
- In short, Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. So, Aletheia is software. But software without people is nothing. To comprehensively answer the question what is Aletheia, Aletheia is software surrounded by a community of people who want to change the world through open access to scientific knowledge. For a more in depth explanation, Aletheia is an Ethereum Blockchain application utilising IPFS for decentralised storage that anyone can upload documents to, download documents from, that also handles the academic peer review process. The application runs on individual PCs, all forming part of the IPFS database. This gives us an open source platform that cannot be bought out by the large publishers (and any derivitive works must also be open source) that should also be hard to take down due to the database being spread across the globe in multiple legal jurisdictions. Aletheia is designed to be a resilient platform run transparently by the community, not some black box corporation or editorial board, meaning all users can see the decisions Aletheia is making and have a stake in that decision making process if they so desire. By this nature, Aletheia is decentralised, it has no key person risk. Should the core group who invented Aletheia dissapear Aletheia won't cease to exist, it will continue to be run by the community. The community moderates content through various mechanisms (peer review, reputation scores etc.,) to ensure quality of content.
- BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing tools.
- Beremiz
- Beremiz is an integrated development environment for machine automation. It is Free Software, conforming to IEC-61131 among other standards. It relies on open standards to be independent of the targeted device, and let you turn any processor into a PLC. Beremiz includes tools to create HMI, and to connect your PLC programs to existing supervisions, databases, or fieldbuses.
- Brightway2
- Life cycle assessment, Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis, visualization of results
- C-graph
- GNU C-Graph is a tool for visualizing the mathematical operation of convolution underlying natural phenomena susceptible to analysis in terms of engineering signals and systems theory. "C-Graph" is an abbreviation for "Convolution Graph". The package is derived from the BSc. Honours dissertation in Electrical Engineering "Interactive Computer Package Demonstrating: Sampling Convolution and the FFT", Adrienne Gaye Thompson, University of Aberdeen (1983). The package computes the linear convolution of two signals in the time domain then compares their circular convolution by demonstrating the convolution theorem. Each signal is modelled by a register of discrete values simulating samples of a signal, and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) computed by means of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). GNU C-Graph is interactive, prompting the user to enter character or numerical values from the keyboard, dispensing with the learning curve for writing code. The software will be useful to students of signals and systems theory. C-Graph is written in contemporary Fortran. You can find pre-GNU development versions at: Code Art Now. Adrienne Gaye Thompson is the sole author of GNU C-Graph and looks forward to sharing further development with the Free software community.
- Chadeche
- This software is associated to an hardware part a modular battery charger/discharger. It allow to describe and control any kind of law of charge/discharge. Charge and discharge scenarios are described into a configuration file. During the charge/discharge process battery voltage is continuously monitored and some data are displayed and recorded for further analysis. Chyradeche has been tested on a Raspberry Pi A+ under Raspbian Lite operating system. The Rapsberry Pi needs to be connected to the Chadeche hardware.
- DAMASK is a unified multi-physics crystal plasticity simulation package. The solution of continuum mechanical boundary value problems requires a constitutive response that connects deformation and stress at each material point. This problem is solved in DAMASK on the basis of crystal plasticity using a variety of constitutive models and homogenization approaches. However, treating mechanics in isolation is no longer sufficient to study emergent advanced high-strength materials. In these materials, deformation happens interrelated with displacive phase transformation, significant heating, and potential damage evolution. Therefore, DAMASK is capable of handling multi-physics problems. Following a modular approach, additional field equations are solved in a fully coupled way using a staggered approach.
- Degate
- Degate is a tool that aids VLSI- reverse engineering of digital logic in integrated circuits (ICs). Degate helps you to explore layered images from ICs. It matches standard cells on the imagery given by graphical templates and to some degree degate matches vias and wires and assists you in tracing circuit paths and in reconstructing the net list. Degate is not a completely automatic analyzing tool. Degate helps you with some automation in your manual chip reverse engineering process.
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