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Broaden your selection: Category/Text-creation

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dictionary (27)

The tool is designed as a password dictionary attack tool that targets windows authentication via the SMB protocol. It is really a wrapper script around the ‘smbclient’ binary, and as a result is dependent on it for its execution.
BibTeXConv is a BibTeX file converter which allows to export BibTeX entries to other formats, including customly defined text output. Furthermore, it provides the possibility to check URLs (including MD5, size and MIME type computations) and to verify ISBN and ISSN numbers.
Condict is a program for creating dictionaries. It is written in Python, and uses the wxPython GUI framework, as well as the PyXML library.
Ding is a dictionary lookup program that uses the 'agrep' or 'egrep' tools for searching. It comes with a German-English Dictionary with ca. 120,000 entries. It is a Tk based Front-End to [ae]grep, ispell, or dict. 'Ding' can also search in English dictionaries using 'dict' and check spelling using 'ispell.' Configuration options include search preferences, interface language (English or German), and colors. The package includes history functions, help functions, and comes key and mouse bindings for quick and easy lookups. The package has three different search behaviors: o Search after typing in a new word (standard, as before) o Search for selected text when moving the mouse over the ding window o Search immediately on new text selection in another window
'edictionary' is a command line interface to online dictionaries
Gcide Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GCIDE is a free dictionary based on a combination of sources. The dictionary can be used online and offline.
A simple gtk+ chinese dictionary online.
'Geiriadur' combines a dictionary lookup engine and a dictionary editing system. It's developed as a tool to create Welsh-Russian and Russian-Welsh dictionaries, but it can also be used for other languages. It consists of two components: a dictionary CORBA server and the Web interface for it. The system works through "words" and "translations". A "translation" is a pair of words or a word with explanation; a "word" means a string of letters without a space, possessing independent meaning in some language. Words can have transcription, attributes (gender, aspect etc.), and "stems" and irregular forms. Regular forms are produced dynamically during a search from "stems" and "endings". The system understands mutations and different spellings (American English, Middle Welsh etc.) If a direct search (with the first word in translations table) yields no results, the system performs an inverse search or asks the user to try a cross-search through a third language.
Glossword is a system to create and publish online multilingual dictionary, glossary, or encyclopedia. It includes multiple language support, themes, a powerful administration interface, built-in search and cache engines, export/import dictionaries in XML and CSV format, and W3C-validated code. It is useful for any kind of dictionary, including sites with game cheat codes, online translators, references, and various CMS solutions.
Gravit Sandbox
Gravit is a gravity sandbox made with python and pygame. It is composed of a launcher and a simulator.

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