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Binkd is a Fidonet mailer designed to operate via TCP/IP networks. As a FTN-compatible internet daemon, it makes possible efficient utilization of TCP/IP protocol suite as a transport layer in FTN-based (Fido Technology Network) networks.
BIRD is an Internet routing daemon with full support for all the major routing protocols. It allows redistribution between protocols with a powerful route filtering syntax and an easy-to- use configuration interface. This package supports IPv4 and IPv6 versions of OSPF, RIP and BGP.
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth Manager Blueman is designed to provide a simple yet effective means for controlling the BlueZ API and simplifying Bluetooth tasks, such as: Connecting to 3G/EDGE/GPRS via dial-up Connecting to / Creating Bluetooth networks Connecting to input devices Connecting to audio devices Sending / Receiving files via OBEX Pairing It is lightweight, easy to use, Python based, and GPL licensed. The original project page of Valmantas Palikša can be found on Launchpad.
Briar is a messaging app designed for activists, journalists, and anyone else who needs a safe, easy and robust way to communicate. Unlike traditional messaging apps, Briar doesn't rely on a central server - messages are synchronized directly between the users' devices. If the internet's down, Briar can sync via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, keeping the information flowing in a crisis. If the internet's up, Briar can sync via the Tor network, protecting users and their relationships from surveillance.
This software meters the traffic on an SNMP-enabled broadband modem/router and then lets you find out your usage by calendar month. It's main purpose is to let you know what your usage is without having to resort to your ISP's website and without having to trust their accounting. If they get their accounting wrong (which can happen), this software gives you data that you might be able to use when contesting the invoice.
Brother ql
brother_ql is a software package to facilitate printing labels on Brother’s QL-Series label printers. It was designed to be used from the command line but also supports usage from other software packages (via its command line interface or via its Python API).
Allows the user to play shareable videos from various places like and CCC Media. This is the entry for the desktop version.
This is a candidate for deletion: Unclear licensing, potentially non-free. None of the PHP code (that I saw) mentions the GPL. Instead, states "Copyright (c) Andrew Godwin & contributors 2004". Documentation included with the software has no mention of a licence. Drw (talk) 09:34, 18 July 2018 (EDT) ByteHoard is a remote file storage system that provides a Web-based interface for users to upload, download, edit, delete, and share their files. It uses a database for user details, registrations, etc., and needs PHP 4 or higher. It has a fully-featured admin interface, along with moderated registrations, automatic email notification, and template-based layouts.
A simple, fast and secure PHP/AngularJS based single user feed and mail reader, password and bookmark manager. CacoCloud is divided into a RESTful PHP backend storing all data into a SQLite database and an SPA frontend based on AngularJs.
Canvas is a feature-rich learning management system.

This page describes the free/libre program Canvas which you can install in your own computers. There are also online services which operate by running Canvas, but we don't recommend that way of using software. The user community can check whether to trust running a free program. There is no basis for trusting a service run by a company or by strangers. You can read more about this issue here:[1]
Ccrtp Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU ccRTP is a high performance threadsafe C++ RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) stack. It can be used to build both client and server applications for audio and visual conferencing over the Internet, for streaming of realtime data, and for next generation IP based telephony systems.
Cgicc Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU cgicc is an ANSI C++ compliant class library that greatly simplifies the creation of CGI applications for the World Wide Web by doing the following:
  • Parses GET and POST form data transparently.
  • Provides string, integer, floating-point and single- and multiple-choice retrieval methods for form data.
  • Provides methods for saving and restoring CGI environments to aid in application debugging.
  • Provides full on-the-fly web-authoring generation capabilities, with support for cookies.
  • Supports web-authoring file upload.
Chestnut FTP Search
A Web application to search for files on FTP servers. Users can query files by part of the file name, the entire file name, a regular expression, or a shell pattern. To store file indexes, PostgreSQL or MySQL is used.
CID (Closed In Directory) is a set of bash scripts for inserting and managing GNU/Linux computers in Active Directory domains. Modifications made to the system allow GNU/Linux to behave like a Windows computer within AD.
Circle Blvd
Team task management. Intended for volunteer organizations, non-profits, and small groups. In agile-development terms, it is a streamlined backlog management tool.
Civikmind is Web software you can use to make solutions in your community. It is a state-of-the-art, System information,management platform that focuses on social solutions for communities, persons, and organizations.
Cjdns implements an encrypted IPv6 network using public key cryptography for address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. This provides near zero-configuration networking without many of the security and robustness issues that regular IPv4 and IPv6 networks have. Hyperboria is the largest cjdns network, with hundreds of active nodes around the world.
Claws Mail
Claws Mail is an email client (and news reader) based on GTK+. The appearance and interface are designed to be familiar to new users coming from other popular email clients, as well as experienced users. Almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard. Plus, Claws-Mail is extensible via addons which can add many functionalities to the base client.
Cluster SSH opens xterm windows with connections to specified hosts and an administration console. Any text typed into the administration console is replicated to all other connected and active windows. It is intended for, but not limited to, cluster administration where the same configuration or commands must be run on each node within the cluster. Performing these commands all at once with ClusterSSH keeps all nodes in sync.
'cmdftp' is a command line FTP client with shell-like functions which uses passive mode only, works in local and remote mode transparently, tries to keep the connection alive, and supports multiple and recursive file transfers.
cmogstored is an alternative implementation of the "mogstored" storage component of MogileFS. cmogstored is implemented in C and does not use Perl at runtime. cmogstored is the only component you need to install on a MogileFS storage node. Read more about MogileFS here: cmogstored is not directly affiliated with the MogileFS project nor any commercial interests behind MogileFS.
The CometVisu is a web technology based realtime visualization for home and building automation systems like the KNX bus or OpenHAB. It can be used on a wide range of systems, ranging from smart phones over tablets up to laptops and PCs.
Conversations is a Jabber/XMPP client for Android 5.0+ smartphones that has been optimized to provide a unique mobile experience. A port to iOS is envisaged in the medium-term future. Conversations allows you to easily send images, show if your contact has received and read your message, permit dynamic history and handles multiple devices (especially sync with desktop clients), allow you to create group chats and support one-to-one Audio/Video calls ! And thanks to the XMPP Protocol (that is a push protocol) you battery life is safe. Conversations also does not require a Google Account or specifically Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). Using the XMPP federated protocol, you can freely choose a trustworthy server (your own if you want) for yourself while still chatting with contacts that are using other servers. The communication between Conversations and the XMPP server as well as the communication between the individual servers is TLS encrypted. This way, not only your messages are safe but more importantly it is impossible for an outside attacker to intercept your meta data (with whom you are chatting) without attacking your server first. On top of that, Conversations gives you the choice to enable one of two end-to-end encryption mechanisms. The first one is OMEMO, a state of the art multi-end-to-multi-end encryption method which is very easy to setup and gives you forward secrecy and plausible deniability. For backwards compatibility reasons Conversations also supports OpenPGP.
This is a Python FUSE module for CouchDB. It allows CouchDB document attachments to be mounted on a virtual filesystem and edited directly. Use Cases
  • This is a great time-saver if you want to edit HTML, JavaScript, CSS or even image files directly using your favourite editor.
  • Uploading large numbers of files repetitively through Futon or even via a Python prompt becomes tedious very quickly: drag'n'drop or cp * is the way forward!
'csCSSc' is a client-side CSS compressor and decompressor. Currently it consists of a webpage and ECMA/javascript file. It runs on all web browsers which support ECMA/javascript.
Command line (CLI) network speed test for GNU/Linux servers, using libncurses to estimate network throughput between you and your server over an existing ssh connection. Works on any client platform that has a terminal that supports curses (e.g. iOS, Android, Mac OS, Windows, GNU/Linux, etc). Network speed is measured by writing screenfuls of random characters to the terminal, using the resulting framerate to estimate the throughput. It takes advantage of the implicit communication between the server and your terminal to measure network performance without any client software beyond the terminal you already have. Note: This software just needs to be installed on the server.
This is a file system client based on the FTP File Transfer Protocol.
Cyberduck CLI
The universal file transfer tool duck which runs in your shell on GNU/Linux and OS X or your Windows command line prompt. Edit files on remote servers, download, upload and copy between servers with FTP, SFTP or WebDAV plus support for cloud storage deployments.
DMBCS Embedded C++ HTTP Server
At DMBCS we like to do things in certain ways: all our code takes the form of C++17 (or, lately, C++20) libraries built with GNU autotools, providing user interaction through HTTP/HTML5/CSS3/EcmaScript web interfaces. It is thus a common requirement that our code links against a library of classes which implement the HTML paradigm and provide the TCP/IP plumbing to allow applications to easily take the form of self-contained web servers. At DMBCS we use NGINX at top-level to coordinate the set of such micro-servers which make up a complete web site. The library has been under constant development for over twenty years (yes, really), and in heavy production use. The code-base hasnʼt quite been brought up to our expectations of full production-quality code yet (it has always been a project on the side of other things), and so we still regard it as beta-quality software. We expect this situation to change in the near future.
DNSleak inspects DNS packets on the local network interface to detect leaks. Unlike web-based solutions, it works at the local computer level. No third party servers are used and DNS leak result is a true/false response.
DNSSEC DANE implementation manager: Generates and manages TLSA records (with certbot). Implements TLSA 3 1 1 current + next workflow. Also generates SSHFP, OPENPGPKEY, and SMIMEA records.
DataStatix is a free software for GNU/Linux and Windows useful to manage data of every kind (although it has been written to manage biomedical data), to create descriptive statistics and graphs and to export items easily to R environment or to other statistic softwares. In order to handle properly big amount of data and many concurrent users, DataStatix works with MySql database and it has been developed and tested with MySql community edition 5.5. Some features of the software are: users management (create, delete, modify password) within the software; different users levels of data access (administrator, default, read only); user defined templates (models) of data, to create new databases easily; importation and esportation of data in CSV format (used also by Calc and Excel); updating of existing data from a CSV file created with DataStatix; descriptive statistics from every data (some more kind of statistics to come); graphs from every data.
**DeepfakeHTTP** is a web server that uses HTTP dumps as a source for responses.
    • What are people using it for?**
- Creating the product POC or demo before even starting out with the backend - REST, GraphQL, and other APIs prototyping and testing - Hiding critical enterprise infrastructure behind a simple static facade - Hacking and fine-tuning HTTP communications on both server and client sides
a DHCP and DHCPv6 client. It's also an IPv4LL (aka ZeroConf) client. In layman's terms, dhcpcd runs on your machine and silently configures your computer to work on the attached networks without trouble and mostly without configuration. If you're a desktop user then you may also be interested in Network Configurator (dhcpcd-ui) which sits in the notification area and monitors the state of the network via dhcpcd. It also has a nice configuration dialog and the ability to enter a pass phrase for wireless networks. dhcpcd may not be the only daemon running that wants to configure DNS on the host, so it uses openresolv to ensure they can co-exist.
dhlan scans and updates to /etc/hosts with a MAC:name table. It's the most simple and easy replacement of DNS server, to customize named localization of computers, printers or any other device accross any Local Area Network. For example, 2 laptops can maintain valid name-to-ip although network changes.
Dino (instant messenger)
Dino is a modern open-source chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing a clean and reliable Jabber/XMPP experience while having your privacy in mind. It supports end-to-end encryption with OMEMO and OpenPGP and allows configuring privacy-related features such as read receipts and typing notifications. Dino fetches history from the server and synchronizes messages with other devices.
Kraken is a virtual currency exchange, which also handles fiat (real) currency amounts. Subscribers to the service have an account with associated funds attached. The web site ( provides the user with an account overview (i.e. current balance), currency-pair exchange market status (history of prices and current order book), and the means to place entries on the order book; bids for a currency which can be immediately met with orders to sell the currency are automatically transacted, with the Kraken site taking a small and variable cut of the deal. Kraken also provide a stateless, web-based API by which all of the above actions can be undertaken programmatically. This is fully open, and described at the Kraken exchange web site. The DMBCS client-side C++ library implements all features of the API in a fully encapsulated C++ class, allowing users to implement algorithmic or robotic trading and dynamic exchange modelling.
Dnsmasq is a lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases and BOOTP/TFTP for network booting of diskless machines.
docassemble is a system for guided interviews and document assembly. It provides a web application that conducts interviews with users. After each interview, docassemble generates documents in various formats based on user input and preconfigured templates. Though the name emphasizes the document assembly feature, docassemble interviews do not need to assemble a document; they might submit an application, direct the user to other resources on the internet, store user input, interact with APIs, or simply provide the user with information. docassemble was created by a lawyer/computer programmer for purposes of automating the practice of law, but it is a general-purpose platform that can find applications in a variety of fields.
Dolibarr ERP CRM
Dolibarr is Free Software software to manage a company (sme, freelancer or large companies) or a foundation. It provides a lot of features to manage your customers, partners, suppliers, proposals, orders, invoices, products, stocks, point of sales, etc.
DuckDuckGo on TOR
Search with DuckDuckGo using the TOR network without JavaScript
Ducker is a lightweight program that makes internet searchs with DuckDuckGo from the command line. It can search for images, websites, videos, news and a lot more.
Durruter is a command-line wizard to manage iptables entries like in a hardware router web interface. Forward ports and ranges from multiple interfaces, allow internet traffic from multiple nets to multiple network interfaces.
EMI eMailer
eMI eMailer is a simple cross-platform object-oriented SMTP client implemented in PHP. It is primarily intended to transfer MIME e-mail messages generated by PHP on the same host as the SMTP server of the sender.
EXo Platform
eXo Platform is an open-source digital workplace platform. Full-featured and user-centered, the solution enables a variety of use cases around internal communications, employee engagement, knowledge management and digital collaboration.
'Ec' supports reading, composing, and filtering messages. It can send and receive mail to and from POP3 and SMTP servers, and route mail using sendmail, exim, and qmail. It also supports base-64 MIME attachments and multiple accounts.
'ejabberd' is a multi-platform, scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant XMPP Jabber server. It supports advanced features such as multi-user chat, IRC transport, publish and subscribe services, Jabber user directory, a Web-based administration interface, an HTTP polling service, SSL and TLS support, LDAP and external authentication.
Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is a SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It supports HD sound quality and video up to DVD size and quality. It is interoperable with many other standard compliant software, hardware and service providers as it uses both the major telephony standards (SIP and H.323).
Empathy is a messaging program which supports text, voice, and video chat and file transfers over many different protocols, including Jabber (xmpp). You can tell it about your accounts on all those services and do all your chatting within one application. Empathy uses Telepathy for protocol support and has a user interface based on Gossip. Empathy is the default chat client in current versions of GNOME, making it easier for other GNOME applications to integrate collaboration functionality using Telepathy.
Encode Explorer
Encode Explorer displays the list of files in a folder. It was designed to be used in safe mode and so it is kept simple and functional. It's written in PHP, XHTML and CSS.
  • Files can be sorted by name, size and editing time
  • You can move in folders
  • Thumbnails for images and pdf files.
  • File uploading (needs PHP full mode)
  • Logging and notifications
  • Optional password protection
  • Interface for mobile devices
Encuestame has been developed by @jotadeveloper and @dianmora since mid-2008 and was created to fill empty space in the survey online world, there are only a few options ready to use and others only under expensive rates, is the time for an open source option. Along the last years we have been adding new features, being able to connect Encuestame with the most famous Social Networks, trying to give you a project easy to be installed, to be usable and to be easy manageable. In mid-2011 we release the first version of Encuestame, since then we managed to make usable Encuestame in the new mobile world. Also we've enjoyed the support of companies like Atlassian and Jetbrains that have offered pen source licenses to our team. The history doesn't finish here, it will have more features coming soon.
ActivityPub compliant server, designed for simplicity and accessibility. Includes calendar, news and sharing economy features to empower your federated community.
ethtool is the standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. It can be used to:
  • Get identification and diagnostic information
  • Get extended device statistics
  • Control speed, duplex, autonegotiation and flow control for Ethernet devices
  • Control checksum offload and other hardware offload features
  • Control DMA ring sizes and interrupt moderation
  • Control receive queue selection for multiqueue devices
  • Upgrade firmware in flash memory
Exim is a message transfer agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge for use on Unix systems connected to the Internet. It was originally based on Smail3, and has a similar configuration style, but has developed a more flexible and extensive set of facilities. The developers warn that v. 4.00 has had many changes, including incompatible changes to the run time configuration file.
FOSSology Scan files for licenses and copyrights, perhaps more analysis in the future.
From README: FRR is free software that implements and manages various IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols. It runs on nearly all distributions of Linux and BSD and supports all modern CPU architectures. FRR currently supports the following protocols:
  • BGP
  • OSPFv2
  • OSPFv3
  • RIPv1
  • RIPv2
  • RIPng
  • IS-IS
  • LDP
  • BFD
  • Babel
  • PBR
  • OpenFabric
  • VRRP
  • EIGRP (alpha)
  • NHRP (alpha)
farmOS is a web-based application for farm management, planning, and record keeping.


Client applications for mobile device platforms are packages separately, more information at
The Farstream (formerly Farsight2) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. This package provides Python bindings for Farstream.
Fdm (mail agent)
fdm (fetch/filter and deliver mail) is a program designed to fetch mail from POP3 or IMAP servers, or receive local mail from stdin, and deliver it in various ways depending on a user-supplied ruleset. Mail may be filtered based on whether it matches a regexp, its size or age, or the output of a shell command. It can be rewritten by an external process, dropped, left on the server or delivered into maildirs, mboxes, to a file or pipe, or any combination. fdm is designed to be lightweight but powerful, with a compact but clear configuration syntax. It is primarily designed for single-user uses but may also be configured to deliver mail in a multi-user setup. In this case, it uses privilege separation to minimize the amount of code running as the root user.
Feather is a free Monero wallet for GNU/Linux, Tails, macOS and Windows. It has many useful features and it is focused on privacy and security, it works through Tor network and websocket connection
Feedback Cat
Feedback Cat is a 100% free and open-source WordPress plugin to survey your users and customers. Set it up in 2 minutes.
FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Its components include:
  • ffmpeg – Converts one video file format to another and supports grabbing and encoding in real time from a TV card.
  • ffserver – HTTP (RTSP is being developed) multimedia streaming server for live broadcasts that supports time shifting.
  • ffplay – simple media player based on SDL and the ffmpeg libraries
  • ffprobe – a media file prober
  • libavcodec – library containing all FFmpeg audio/video encoders and decoders (most developed from scratch for best performances and high reusability)
  • libavfilter – video and audio filtering library
  • libavformat – library of parsers and generators for all common audio/video formats
  • libavutil – utility library containing functions used by all FFmpeg components
  • libswscale – video scaler and pixel format converter
  • libswresample – audio resampler and sample format converter
  • libpostproc – video post-processing library
ffsend allows you to easily and securely share encrypted files from the command line.
File Service Protocol
FSP is a UDP-based protocol for transferring files. It has many benefits over FTP, mainly for running anonymous archives. It is usable on lines with high packet loss ratio (70% WiFi), can go behind firewalls and unnoticed by port scans (because of UDP), does not overload networks when hosting ISOs or movies, share files on modem lines without eating all of the bandwidth, and keeps lamers away from your site (they don't know how to get to it). This project is an active continuation of the FSP code base (abandoned for the last 5 years).
FileZilla client
FileZilla is a FTP client with a nice graphical front-end. Features include:
  • Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
  • Configurable Speed limits
  • Drag & drop support
  • Bookmarking
  • Filename filtering on filename (regex support), file size, and user/group permissions.
  • Directory comparison to quickly see differences between files on the local machine and the server
  • Synchronized directory browsing, such that if you have an identical directory structure on the local machine and the server, means that any directory navigation on one machine is duplicated on the other.
  • Remote file search
  • IPv6 support
There is a free software server as well that runs only on Windows. See our FTP category for a list of free software FTP servers that run on GNU/Linux. Warning: the Windows installer bundles adware; use the ZIP download instead.
A modern computing facility consists of one user per host, and many hosts per site. To find out about logged on users at another site you must query each host to find out about an individual user. With GNU Finger, a single host is designated the finger "server" host and collects information about who is logged on to other hosts at that site. A user then needs to query only the server host, instead of each host at that site. GNU Finger follows the finger "protocol" (rules for communication) in responding to simple requests, since this protocol is simple. But it can also implement another protocol that lets two finger programs exchange information in a predetermined way; this allows faster and wider bandwidth communication.
Fire★ is a a simple platform for decentralized communication and computation. Provides a simple application platform for developing p2p applications and share these applications with others in a chat like user interface. You don't send a message to someone, you send an program, which can have rich content. All programs are wired up together automatically providing distributed communication, either through text, images, or games. The source code to all applications is available immediately to instantly clone and modify.
Fisoco is a command-line program which permit users to search and organize files on their system. First, tell Fisoco to find your files, then refine your selection, save it, and more to come (move, rename, delete, backup) ! At this stage of the development (0.8.4), only the command line interface is maintained, and it is only able to look for files into your local system (except /proc and /run), but this will progress soon ! Fisoco means FInd, Select, Order, and COnvert. Any contributions, comments, help, translations, ideas are all welcome !
Foodsoft is online software for a non-profit food coop. It features a product catalog, order cycle management, accounting, and tasks. A food cooperative is a group of people buying food from suppliers of their own choosing; a collective do-it-yourself supermarket. Members order their products online and collect them on a specified day, and all put in a bit of work to make that possible. Foodsoft facilitates the ordering and administration.
FreeNATS is a PHP and MySQL based automatic network status testing, alerting and reporting package from PurplePixie Systems and released under the GNU General Public Licence for free use. Current Test Types
  • Ping (ICMP)
  • HTTP/HTTPs (Web)
  • POP3/POP3s
  • MySQL Connection
  • MySQL Queries
  • TCP Port
  • Other Features Include
  • Email Alerting
  • URL Alerting
  • Test Schedules
  • Publishable Views
  • Availability Reports
  • Graph & Table History
  • Live Monitor
"" is a short script that, when given a URL for a Google Doc as input, will download that Google Doc in the current working directory in OpenDocument Format without running any of Google's nonfree JavaScript. Uploaded at the request of RMS.
Freetalk Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Freetalk is a command-line Jabber/XMPP chat client. It notably uses the Readline library to handle input, so it features convenient navigation of text as well as tab-completion of buddy names, commands and English words. It is also scriptable and extensible via Guile.
Friendica is a communications platform for integrated social communications utilising decentralised communications and linkage to several indie social projects - as well as popular mainstream providers.
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. No links to page. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 02:57, 31 July 2018 (EDT) 'ftp-outboxd' sends files and directories placed in certain folders to other hosts. It can handle any number of spools, and can send to multiple hosts for each spool. It can also recursively handle subdirectories placed in the outgoing "hot folders". It deletes pending files upon successful transfer, and preserves and retries upon failure.
ftputil is a high-level FTP client library for the Python programming language. ftputil implements a virtual file system for accessing FTP servers, that is, it can generate file-like objects for remote files. The library supports many functions similar to those in the os, os.path and shutil modules. ftputil has convenience functions for conditional uploads and downloads, and handles FTP clients and servers in different timezones.
'ftp.proxy' is an application level gateway for FTP. It allows either forwarding to a specific host or optional client side server selection w/o allowed host list, access and command control trough external programs.
The FusionDirectory project aim to fill this gap by providing a nice web application that allow you not only to manage your classical openldap data like users, groups, services... but also offer an API allowing to write new plugins to extent the application to be more useful to you. Bundled with more than 50 plugins today ranging from users management to service management and systems management, everything managed trough you ldap server.
  • User, group, roles , sudo ...
  • French education support : Supann, Sinaps, PArtage de Renater
  • Systems
  • Network services : SMTP / DNS / DHCP / Samba
and much more ... FusionDirectory is user-friendly and includes a number of features and modes including:
  • A copy and paste system
  • Template mode for all objects stored with FusionDirectory
  • Snapshot mode
  • Dashboard (user, password, expiration of users, installation and deployment)
  • trigger to create action on other systems after saving, modifying, removing
Firewall is a set of scripts (firewall, fwup and fwdown) that implement one or more ipchains firewalls that support various forms of network address and port translation. All you have to do is read the heavily documented policy file and edit it to reflect your network topology and filtering policy.
GNU SETL is a modest extension and implementation of SETL, the World's Most Wonderful Programming Language.
GNUpot is a wrapper that enables you to use git via SSH without repeating tedious jobs. GNUpot will take care of creating the repository, generating cryptoraphical keys, doing automatical commits, pushes and pulls when files are changed, and lots of other things.
Gajim is a Jabber/XMPP client written in PyGTK. Gajim works nicely with GNOME, but does not require it to run.
A videoconferencing server that is easy to deploy, easy to administer, and requires moderate server resources. A web client is included.
gamja is an IRC web client. It can work together with soju.
The garlic player is a SMIL compatible media player software for digital signage. It displays different digital signage content, such as images, videos, and interactive applications, on a screen. The garlic-player can be used and administrated locally or remote via Internet.
Geary is an email application built around conversations, for the GNOME 3 desktop. It allows you to read, find and send email with a straightforward, modern interface.
Email viewer and composer for locally stored emails
Gesdonis is a very simple helper to administer zone files, intended to DNS servers working with BIND9, to use it in command-line or embedded in other applications. DNS zone sheets are created from a main template.
Gevice: GNOME Network Device
The main features gevice includes are:
  • Allows you to draw the net model.
  • Allows you to print the net diagram in png, gif, or jpg formats.
  • Allows you to save your model in a database (Postgresql)
  • Allows you to manage the device, in terminal (telnet, ssh, or local)
  • Allows you to export data to CSV file. Use "
Pipe.png" to separate fields (or other).
Gnunet Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and privacy. GNUnet started with an idea for anonymous censorship-resistant file-sharing, but has grown to incorporate other applications as well as many generic building blocks for secure networking applications. In particular, GNUnet now includes the GNU Name System, a privacy-preserving, decentralized public key infrastructure.
GoVPN is simple virtual private network daemon, aimed to be reviewable, secure, DPI/censorship-resistant, written on Go. It uses fast strong passphrase authenticated key agreement protocol with augmented zero-knowledge mutual peers authentication (PAKE DH A-EKE). Encrypted, authenticated data transport that hides message's length and timestamps. Optional encryptionless mode, that still preserves data confidentiality. Perfect forward secrecy property. Resistance to: offline dictionary attacks, replay attacks, client's passphrases compromising and dictionary attacks on the server side. Built-in heartbeating, rehandshaking, real-time statistics. Ability to work through UDP, TCP and HTTP proxies. IPv4/IPv6-compatibility.
goptlib is a little Go library which understands the Tor pluggable transport managed-proxy protocol. It is useful for developers writing Tor pluggable transports in Go.
Gossip is a GUI client that allows users to post microblogs, follow other users, and host private chats using Nostr. It is very snappy and performant as it is written in Rust. It is highly configurable; there are 64 configuration options. Unlike other Nostr clients, Gossip strives to avoid web browser technologies like JavaScript to reduce bloat.
GProFTPD is a GNOME frontend for the ProFTPD standalone server.
grocy privately tracks your purchases, automates and optimizes your shopping list, helps you waste less, and helps you create and maintain recipes. Apart from a meal planning, grocy helps you manage your household equipment, your household chores, your tasks, and your batteries. You can connect to your grocy server through several tools.
GroupsServer is a server package for hosting mailing lists, like GNU Mailman, or Sympa. But like Discourse and Loomio, is also has a feature rich web interface, allowing each mailing list it hosts to also be used as if it were a web forum. In keeping with its name GroupServer refers to each mailing list forum as a 'group'. Users can send, receive, read, and reply, to group messages by email, or they can read and post to the group from the web interface. Group admins can manage and moderate their groups using email commands, as in older mailing list packages, or using the web interface. A single GroupServer instance can host multiple organisations, each with multiple groups.
Guile-debbugs Heckert gnu.tiny.png
This package provides a GNU Guile library to communicate with a Debbugs bug tracker's SOAP service.
Guile-rpc Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Guile-RPC is an implementation of ONC RPC and XDR (standardized as RFC 1831 and RFC 4506) in Guile Scheme, and for use by GNU Guile programs. ONC RPC is the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call protocol, allowing programs to invoke procedures of programs running on remote machines. XDR is the underlying binary data representation format.
Guile-toxcore provides high level Scheme bindings for the Tox protocol library, libtoxcore.
Guix , Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Guix is a transactional package manager and an advanced distribution of the GNU operating system. It can be used on top of any system running the Hurd or the Linux kernel, or it can be used as a standalone operating system distribution for i686, x86_64, ARMv7, AArch64 and powerpc64le machines. It can also cross compile applications for these architectures/OS combination and Windows 32/64 bit (mingw-w64), GNU/Linux mips64el, PowerPC 32/64 bit big endian, RiscV64. Support for Android is unofficial. In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management, per-user profiles, and garbage collection. When used as a standalone GNU/Linux distribution, Guix offers a declarative, stateless approach to operating system configuration management. Guix is highly customizable and hackable through Guile programming interfaces and extensions to the Scheme language.
The h-node project ( is a website and database of computer hardware which works with fully free operating systems. h-client is a GTK+ graphical client which is able to detect the hardware inside the computer it's running on, and peripherals connected to it, and help you submit that information to the h-node project, along with your observations (eg: how well the hardware works with a fully free operating system, any special configuration required, etc).

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