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ham-radio (14)

Aldo is a Morse code tutor with three kinds of exercises: Classic exercise, the Koch method, and exercises read from files. In classic exercise, you must guess some random strings of characters that Aldo plays in Morse code. The package has 6 skills; speed can be selected in cpm or wpm.
'atlc' (Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator) is a computer aided design (CAD) package for designing and analysing electrical transmission lines and directional couplers of totally arbitrary cross section, with an arbitrary number of different dielectrics. The analysis programs in 'atlc' lets users find the electrical properties of a transmission line or coupler whose physical dimensions are known. The design programs lets users physically realise a transmission line or coupler with certain given electrical properties. The package supports multiple CPUs, as some parts are CPU intensive. It is most likely to be useful to radio amateurs.
CWirc is a plugin for the X-Chat IRC client to transmit raw Morse code over the internet using IRC servers as reflectors. The transmitted Morse code can be received in near real-time by other X-Chat clients with the CWirc plugin. CWirc tries to emulate a standard amateur radio rig: it sends and receives Morse over virtual channels, and it can listen to multiple senders transmitting on the same channel. Morse code is keyed locally using a straight or iambic key connected to a serial port, or using the mouse buttons, and sound plays through the sound card, or through an external sounder.
CubicSDR "allows you to navigate the radio spectrum and demodulate any signals you might discover" utilizing a modular 'piping' architecture that simplifies real-time analysis of discovered signals. CubicSDR creates live "waterfall" visual graphs representing a spectrum bandwidth and associated signal intensity.
'cwdaemon' uses a PC parallel or serial port and a simple transistor switch to output Morse code to a transmitter from a text message sent to it via the UDP protocol. It uses the soundcard or PC speaker to generate a sidetone. Cwdaemon can also handle PTT, and band index output for automatic switching of antennas, filters etc. Pinout is compatible with the standard (CT, TRlog).
'cwtext' accept ASCII text as input and generates International Morse Code as output. The output formats can be: stdin to ASCII Morse code (dotscii- dots and dashes on the console), raw 8-bitPCM suitable for piping to /dev/audio, .wav files, or even mp3 or ogg. It also has tools for pulling info from the Internet and presenting it in Morse code.
GQradio interfaces with FM radio cards through the video4linux API. Stations can be tuned manually, set to presets, or auto seek can find the next available frequency. The application supports theming (skins), and includes a built-in skin editor.
'Grig' is a graphical user interface for the Ham Radio Control Libraries. It is simple and generic, presenting the same interface to the user regardless of which radio he or she uses.
Ham Radio Control Libraries
The HAM radio equipment control libraries allow you to write amateur radio equipment control programs for transceivers which use CAT or similar computer interfaces for control.
KLog features include:
  • * DXCC award support
  • * Basic IOTA support
  • * Importing from TLF
  • * Adding/Editing QSOs
  • * Save/read to/from disk file the log - ADIF format by default
  • * English/Spanish/Portuguese support
  • * QSL sent/recv support
  • * Read/Write ADIF
  • * Delete QSOs
  • * DX-Cluster support

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