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bug-tracking-system (50)

Bosco is a rewrite of the popular Bugzilla defect tracking software in PHP. It is database-independent, and aims to be easy to maintain and modify. It also has an API to allow external applications to work with its data.
'Bug-A-Boo' is a bug reporting and tracking system that runs on any Web server that supports CGI. It can handle any number of projects, users, and bug classifications, and is really flexible in their setup. It features fast fulltext search, query storage, themes, and bug watches. It uses the tdbengine as a database backend.
Bugdar is a bug tracking system that is meant to replace other solutions that are slow and cumbersome. It features a completely comprehensive permissions and usergroups system that allows for extremely flexible control over what users can access. To ensure that your server never lags, portions of Bugdar's data is cached to both reduce load and increase speed. If you want to change any aspect of Bugdar's appearance, all you have to do is edit the semantic XHTML templates or one of the CSS definitions that control the entirety of Bugdar. One of the unique features in Bugdar is the "automations" system. This allows administrators to define a macro that will change any field in a bug and then add a comment with the click of a button. This makes marking a bug closed, fixed, and leaving a comment when a bug is done very easy. Other features include: custom fields, email notifications, Atom syndication, historical logging, "favorite" bugs, voting, and internationalization support.
Bugtrack is a Web-based bug tracking system written in Perl. It supports multiple users and projects with multiple components and versions, provides e-mail notification, and should work with any DBI compliant database. The program was designed to be more prtable and have a simpler interface than programs like bugzilla or jitterbug. It should also have an easy setup, since there are only 6 required files.
'calltree' is a static call tree generator for C programs. It parses a collection of input files and builds a graph that represents the static call structure of the files.
'Carp::Clan' reports errors from the perspective of the caller of a "clan" of modules, similar to "" itself. But instead of giving it a number of levels to skip on the calling stack, you give it a pattern to characterize the package names of the "clan" of modules which will never be blamed for any error. So these modules stick together like a "clan"; any error will be blamed on the "outsider" script or modules not belonging to the "clan".
Double Choco Latte
Double Choco Latte is a GNU Enterprise package that provides basic project management capabilities, time tracking on tasks, call tracking, email notifications, online documents, statistical reports and a report engine. DCL assists in project management by providing work orders and call center tickets. It can be used for tracking project history and other statistics. This web-based system is one component of the GNU Enterprise (GNUe) collection of business-related software tools.
'EnterTrack' is a web-based artifact tracking and management system. It provides large organizations with complete tracking of artifacts (artifacts can be problems, bugs, requests, projects, etc.), group collaboration for artifact management, and status reports for high-level performance metrics.
Eventum is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs.
Originally developed for the Psi project, Flyspray is an easy to use bug tracking system for those who don't require all the complexities of something like Bugzilla. It supports multiple users, file attachments, and Jabber notifications.

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