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database-application-development (30)

Database load balancing class for PHP applications who need to deal with various MySQL servers. The class will properly detect write queries and will try the next available server(s) until running out of connections. Multi server connection handling in progress in order to allow running transactions in many servers at the same time.
BasApp is a software for friendly creation of web applications, based on your own database structure. Once BasApp is installed in a webserver, the developer can do all the job with a web browser, same as final user.
Beekeeper Studio Community Edition
Beekeeper Studio CE is a modern database management app that prioritizes ease of use. It's available for all desktop OSes. The community edition is full featured and supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and Redshift.
Cloudgizer is a tool for building web applications as Apache modules in C language enhanced with simple markup, with emphasis on performance, small-footprint, and more productive and safer programming in C. It combines the ease of scripting with the power of C, improving the resource utilization for cloud applications. The programmer writes simple markup language mixed with C code, which is then translated entirely into C code and compiled natively as Apache module. The resulting application is fast and takes less memory, as there are no interpreters or virtual machines. Features include easy markups to use MariaDB database, HTML input parameters, cookies, simpler outputting of web pages, files storage and manipulation, encryption, encoding, program execution, web calls, safer and easier string manipulation etc. - the list is too long to place in one sentence. Overall Cloudgizer does a lot of stuff for you that you'd otherwise need to do yourself. A memory garbage collection system and memory overwrite/underwrite detection comes in handy for program stability. The same goes for string and memory handling markups to help write applications that won't crash. Also included is an application packaging system and an automated application installer. This makes rollout of products and release cycle more manageable. Cloudgizer source files have extension .v. Cloudgizer pre-compiler (cld program) will turn your .v files into .c files, ready for compilation as pure C programs. Then, your program will be compiled and linked with Apache web server on RH/Centos systems. It links with Apache as an Apache module in a "prefork" configuration. It does the work of communicating with Apache, and it makes it easier to write high-performance/small-footprint web programs in C. Cloudgizer is not designed to be thread-safe as it works in a "prefork" configuration of Apache. You can also build command-line programs. The same program can serve as both command-line utility and a web program linked with Apache. Cloudgizer works with RedHat/Centos 7 operating system, Apache web server and mariaDB database.
Crypton is a software framework for remote storage, where the remote server has no knowledge of what is being stored. The content is encrypted client-side before it reaches the server. The framework is designed to be easy for application developers to use, without needing experience in encryption.
DynORM is an open source project which develop a new ORM (object-relational mapping) that can work with relational data (tables and its records) which structure (set of fields, its type, set of constraints etc) can be changed in run-time. “Dyn” for that reasons stands for “dynamic”). DynORM is written on C# and available with its source code (and the demo program that comes with it too). DynORM is a very young and small ORM system, but it has the following advantages: it allows change structure of tables it work with at run-time easily; it allows work with databases without any configuration files; it can work with different RDBMS engines (since it's very young project at the moment it can work with MSSQL and PostgreSQL. Support of other RDBMS will be added in few nearest relases); although it doesn't need any configuration file which describes structure of tables it works with, it's possible to retrieve structure of data and data itself and serialize/deserialize it to/from xml; just because DynORM can serialize/deserialize structure of tables and its records and because DynORM supports several RDBMS it can be used to easily deploy datastructure among servers with different database engines. Serialized structure of tables described in CLR datatypes. Mapping to appropriate datatypes used in every particular RDBMS done by DynORM.
GNUe Application Server
GNU Enterprise is developing tools to build portable database applications, and a complete ERP system building on these tools. The GNUe Application Server (AppServer) is the core of the n-tier variant of the GNU Enterprise system. To the front end (be it GNUe Forms, GNUe Reports or any other tool), it provides user-definable business objects with arbitrary fields and methods. While transforming access to those fields and methods into database communication and calling of scripts, it cares about stability, security, speed, and consistency.
GNUe Common Library
GNUe Common Library is the basis for the GNUe tools, such as Forms, Reports, Application Server, and Designer. It implements a database-abstraction layer that provides support for most major databases. A builtin XML-to-Object parser and Object-to-XML marshaller are used by Forms, Reports, and Designer to save and read Forms/Report definitions to and from an XML file. It also defines and implements an RPC abstraction layer that will allow server processes to define their public methods once and have them available XML-RPC and Pyro clients.
GNUe Forms
GNUe Forms is a generator for data aware user interfaces with support for different platforms and data sources. From an XML file containing both the layout definition and the program logic required, GNUe Forms generates native interactive data entry screens for a number of user interface frameworks, including GNOME, KDE, and a curses based text interface. GNUe Forms can interact with all data sources supported by GNUe Common, which includes GNUe AppServer, SQLite, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, MaxDB, or plain CSV files.
GNUe Navigator
GNUe Navigator is a menuing system for GNUe Forms and Reports.

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