QDot 8086

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QDot 8086

QDot 8086 is a mid-level programming language targeting the original IBM-PC architecture written as a set of macros for NASM — the Netwide Assembler

QDot 8086 is a mid-level programming language targeting the original IBM-PC architecture written as a set of macros for NASM — the Netwide Assembler. The idea behind it is to make it easy to write small, fast, correct and maintainable code in a language almost as expressive as C but without giving up all control Assembly language grants to programmers. It features support to functions of an arbitrary number of parameters and multiple return values, global and function-local variables, loop and conditional flow-control constructs, evaluation of arbitrarily complex stack-based expressions, symbol importing and primitive debugging. In order to accomplish this, NASM’s powerful preprocessing and assembling capabilities are used to achieve a machinery that very closely resembles a compiler. QDot has also a companion standard library that is fully BIOS-based, thus OS-independent, which provides array processing, keyboard, video, disk and speaker I/O, timing, low-level debugging, math functions, user interface procedures and last but not least a versatile metamorphic boot-loader, that makes it simple to build a binary that is simultaneously a valid DOS executable and a bootable image — a property known as run-within-OS-or-bootstrap-itself-without-OS. There are already a couple of programs implemented in QDot as a proof of concept: Terminal Matrix 8086 and DeciMatrix 8086. QDot currently supports only the tiny memory model (.COM binaries — whose code, data and stack fit all within 64kb segment boundaries).



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Verified by

Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix)

Verified on

12 August 2015


Source code

Verified by

Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix)

Verified on

12 August 2015



Leaders and contributors

Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (Ofelix)Author

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
DevelopersVCS Repository Webviewhttp://github.com/oitofelix/qdot-8086/

Software prerequisites

Required to useNASM


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