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|Short description=AdaVenture is a kid-friendly retro point & click game, essentially intended to be a minimal extension to 3D of the original 2D Atari game named "Adventure".
|Short description=AdaVenture is a kid-friendly retro point & click adventure game written in Ada.
|Full description=# AdaVenture
|Full description=AdaVenture is intended to be a minimal extension to 3D of the original 2D Atari game named "Adventure".
## AdaVenture Game Description
AdaVenture is a kid-friendly retro point & click game, essentially intended to be a minimal extension to 3D of the original 2D Atari game named "Adventure".
Set in ancient Persia, it begins outside the castle of the young King Xerxes, who inherited a golden chalice from his father, Darius the Great.  Coveted by Greek foes King Leonidas of Sparta and King Minos of Crete, the chalice has been stolen.
Set in ancient Persia, it begins outside the castle of the young King Xerxes, who inherited a golden chalice from his father, Darius the Great.  Coveted by Greek foes King Leonidas of Sparta and King Minos of Crete, the chalice has been stolen.
Your quest is to seek and return the royal chalice to its pedestal within the castle of Xerxes...a stealth mission to avoid open hostilities.  But, there will be obstacles to overcome.  You must find the keys to various realms, defend yourself against dragons and the Minotaur, avoid pesky bats who steal things only to drop them in random locations, and survive the maze of the green mamba.
Your quest is to seek and return the royal chalice to its pedestal within the castle of Xerxes...a stealth mission to avoid open hostilities.  But, there will be obstacles to overcome.  You must find the keys to various realms, defend yourself against dragons and the Minotaur, avoid snakes and pesky bats who steal things only to drop them in random locations, and survive the maze of hungry beetles and the green mamba.
## AdaVenture Game Features
* When looking closely at a pickable object, a hand will appear indicating that a click will pick up the object.  When holding an object, another click will drop it at the current location.  Only one object at a time may be carried.
* Works on PCs or laptops running OS-X or GNU/Linux.  And if GNAT is installed you can build it yourself!  But first try the delivered binaries.
* Both GNU/Linux and OS-X binaries provided, as well as full source.
* Laptop friendly controls;  supports Mac Retina displays in high DPI mode.
* Serves as an example of modern OpenGL programming in Ada or C++ using GLSL 330 and shaders.
* The Ada bindings to OpenGL & SDL2 in this app are usable as a standalone library for most any modern Ada graphics project.
* Currenly, the game has two easy campains:  Greece or Crete.  So there is not yet any reset capability...you must replay from the beginning if you die.  You select the desired campain at the beginning of the game.
* To change the appearance of the avatar, simply download your favorite MineCraft Skin, rename it to "skin.png" and put it into the ./data/ directory.  You should probably backup the current skin before you do this, in case of trouble.  See http://www.minecraftskins.net/.
## Portable Avatar Using Shaders
* This approach encapsulates the details of avatar shape, color, and movement within GLSL shaders and a related code object that defines vertices and texture maps.  The object may be an Ada package or C++ class.
* Programmatic inputs include uniforms for time, position, and attitude.  The shaders then offload the realtime computational burdens onto the graphics processor.
* Data that defines shape and color, as well as the uniforms and functions that define behavior, reside completely within the object and shaders.  This data can ultimately be as detailed and refined as your imagination permits.  And any refinements made are not obfuscated in some esoteric or proprietary format with a limited audience, but remain fully portable and easily enhanced by most any developer using mainstream programming languages.
* One approach would be to completely define the avatar within the shaders alone, possibly without using any texture files.  Just look at the creatures in (glslsandbox.com).  This would require advanced GLSL skills.
* But a huge selection of available MineCraft skins lead to this avatar object design.
* In this example, the texture object is a cube with radius one that is defined in 6 disjoint cubelets.  The 2 upper quarters map to the head and torso.  The lower half is divided into 4 cubelets that are mapped to arms and legs.  The Minecraft images used for the texture also have 6 parts that map to the limbs, head and torso.
* The result is an utterly portable avatar defined by an image and 4 text files:
* texture object body, avatarobj.adb
* texture object spec, avatarobj.ads
* vertex shader, avatarobj.vs
* fragment shader, avatarobj.fs
* any MineCraft Skin png file
* Interfacing game code with such an avatar is simple.  Essentially you need only pass the required uniform values prior to drawing.
* Of course one still needs a decent camera positioning and pointing policy within the game code in order to fully appreciate and exhibit the avatar.
## mouse/touchpad/keyboard controls
[You might need to disconnect unused gamecontrollers to prevent spinning!]
Look direction is controlled by touch pad or mouse;
Movement is controlled by the WASD keys or the arrow keys:
(Lt) (Dn) (Rt)
*  (esc)-key => exit;
*  (space)-key => pick or drop
*  mouse-click => pick or drop
* (m)-key or (F1)-key => toggle mouse-view (1st-person) or avatar(3rd-person)
In case of [unforseen] problems with the game, please switch to 1st-person mode with the (m)-key.
### joystick (optional)
* joystick:  attitude
* thumb btn:  forward
* trigger btn:  backward
* other btns:  pick or drop items
### gamecontroller (optional)
* Lpaddle/hat:  attitude
* Rpaddle :  movement
* btns:  pick or drop items
### controller settings
If the need arises, copy the file "default_settings.txt" to "settings.txt".  Then you can manually edit the integers that define the controller-button-bindings or the floats that define the sensitivities.
## required for running:
* graphics card & driver that supports OpenGL version 3.3 or later;
* GNU/Linux or a Mac running OS-X;
* optional game controller or joystick.
* OS-X:  must have OpenAL.framework, which comes on v10.4 and newer
## Open Source libraries included for rebuilding:
* SFML, SDL2, FLAC, ogg, vorbis, freetype, jpeg, openal
* the included "bindings" directory contains Ada interfaces:
* AdaPngLib
* gl
* sdlada
## Rebuild Requirements:
* systems:  OS-X or GNU/Linux
* a recent gnat compiler
* Xcode g++ compiler, if using OS-X
Note that the module that defines the Ada interface to SFML-AUDIO, snd4ada_hpp.ads, was created with the command: "g++ -c -fdump-ada-spec -C snd4ada.hpp" which references a minimalistic C++ utility snd4ada.  Thus, if you redefine the interface snd4ada.hpp, you will need to recreate the interface spec snd4ada_hpp.ads by this method.
## Running adaventure:
Unzip the archive and you will see a new directory appear with a name like "bundle_date", that you should rename to something like "install_directory". 
Linux users should then cd to install_directory, then type "adaventure_gnu" to start the game.  You may also double click its icon in file manager.
Mac users may initiate the game by opening a terminal, navigating to the install_directory and typing "adaventure_osx",  or by navigating to the installation directory in Finder and clicking the "adaventure.app" icon named "AdaVenture".
The install_directory should contain a subdirectory named "data".  It contains shaders, skyboxes, sound and texture data, as well as the puzzle definitions.
Open source Ada developers are welcome to help improve or extend this game.
Developer or not, send improvements, comments, suggestions or questions to:
## Build instructions for AdaVenture:
Two [pre-compiled] binary executables are delivered, one for gnu/linux and one for OS-X.  The Mac binary, adaventure_osx, should run on most any standard Mac with a recent version of OS-X.  The linux binary, adaventure_gnu, is intended to run in the presence of the directory "./libs/gnu", which contains some dynamically loaded libraries that can be, but need not be present on a target system:  SDL2, SFML, FLAC, ogg, vorbis, freetype, jpeg, openal.
Build scripts for GNAT2015 or newer are provided.  Suggestions or help improving the build process is welcome.  And if anyone succeeds in building for the Windows platform, please let me know so I can try to include that too.
Three scripts for each OS have the form Xd.sh, Xs.sh, Xss.sh, where the "d" represents "dynamic", and produces the smallest executable.  The "ss" represents the "most static" choice, using more static libraries making its executable larger.  I believe that all of them should work.
Note that due to a recent script change, a linux build machine need not have a C++ compiler installed.  Only GNAT is required.
**MacOSX** => ocmps.sh, ocmpss.sh:
build scripts for generating a portable executable that will run on most OS-X platforms whether or not they have non-standard libraries SDL2 or SFML installed.  This is used to build the executable named adaventure_osx.  Macs with a recent but standard configuration of OS-X should be able to rebuild using these scripts, assuming you have GNAT GPL installed, as well as g++ from Xcode.
**GNU/Linux** => lcmpd.sh, lcmps.sh, lcmpss.sh:
utilize increasingly static linking, especially for the non-standard libraries SDL2 & SFML, as well as other more common shared libraries that are delivered in this bundle under ./libs/gnu/.  These are used to build the [gnu/linux] executable, which should run in the presence of ./libs/gnu/, whether or not your system has those shared libraries installed.
If the delivered linux binary does not run...
* Manually install GNAT GPL from libre.adacore.com/download/.
* Rerun the compile script lcmp.sh.
### Link Problems during linux build:
On a linux build machine, you might have repairable link errors, depending on its configuration.  If you are missing "libz", you can simply copy "libz.so" from /usr/gnat/lib/gps/ into /usr/local/lib/.  If "libGL" cannot be found, this literally means "libGL.so" was absent.  But you might have "libGL.so.1" present.  In this case, simply create a softlink by changing to the libGL directory, then type the line:
sudo ln -s libGL.so.1 libGL.so  (and enter the admin password)
whence the linker should now be able to find what it wants.  But if there is more than one file libGL.so present on your system, make sure you use the best one;  i.e. the one that uses your accelerated-graphic-driver.
## what is special about this project?
Uses the Ada programming language and fully modern OpenGL methods, with textures, shaders and uniforms.  Achieves version 3.3 core profile contexts.  Compiles and runs on both GNU/Linux and Mac OS-X systems.
Focusing on portability and freedom, no compromises have been made to accomodate proprietary operating systems.  This project uses only free open source software:  a thin SDL2 binding from Dan Vazquez, a thin OpenGL binding from "Lumen", a PNG reader by Stephen Sanguine, and SFML-Audio (because of its elegant audio interface).
The Ada bindings are thin, so the relationship to C++ methodology is transparent.  Developers should note that these Ada bindings can be used for any OpenGL Ada project.
For the C++ programmer the code should be easy to comprehend; and for the experienced Ada programmer there are many potential improvements to be made.  Suggestions are welcomed, as are coding or design improvements.  If you make improvements, please send then to fastrgv@gmail.com
## Legal Mumbo Jumbo:
AdaVenture itself is covered by the GNU GPL v3 as indicated in the sources:
  Copyright (C) 2017  fastrgv@gmail.com
The mazes have interconnections that are impossible in 3 dimensions, but as such, they are painstakingly exact reproductions of those in the original "Adventure" game from Atari. In fact, the "./mapRoom" subdirectory contains the original maps to help guide you.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Please read "sourceCode.txt", then...
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Download: grab the latest 7Z file @ https://sourceforge.net/projects/adaventure/
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
|Homepage URL=https://sourceforge.net/projects/adaventure/
|Version download=https://sourceforge.net/projects/adaventure/files/17feb2024/
GNU General Public License for more details.
You may read the full text of the GNU General Public License
at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## Media Files:
### General Note
The particular choices of sound, image, and fragment shader files [x.fs] delivered are not essential to the function of the game and are easily replaced.
### SoundFiles
Many sounds are from freesound.org and are covered by the Creative Commons Attribution noncommercial license documented in the accompanying file ccnc3_license.txt.  see also:  (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/legalcode/)
Some original Atari sounds were also used.
Credit and thanks to the Godfather of Exotica, Korla Pandit, for the excellent renditions of Turkish Dance and Miserlou...a song so old that its origins are vague, yet was known to have been popular in ancient Persia and the middle-east, as well as to all us fans of Dick Dale!
### ImageFiles
* the GPL2.0/GPL3.0-only section of OpenGameArt.Org. 
* http://www.mayang.com/textures.  See mayang_license.txt. 
* pixabay.com with a CC0 license.
* http://all-free-download.com/free-photos/.
### ShaderFiles
Several fragment shader files used were downloaded from http://glslsandbox.com/ and put under ./data/.  All frag. shaders from glslsandbox are under the MIT license (see mit_license.txt).  Existing comments or any identifying information was retained.
In order to make these usable, I had to modernize them to glsl version 330 specifications, and adapt them to utilize some programatic uniforms for input.
### SkyBoxes
* www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php
* www.OpenGameArt.org
* Some beautiful hi-res skyboxes used [from OpenGameArt.org] are the work of Heiko Irrgang <hi@93-interactive.com> and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  To view a copy of this license, visit (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.  See also the accompanying file ccsa3_license.txt.
## Best Download Sites for my games:
## Tags
## Update History
**ver 1.0.9 -- 5jan17**
* Corrected a duplicate window glitch.
* Refined compiler scripts.
**ver 1.0.8 -- 29dec16**
* Revised the avatar programming to allow the use of any Minecraft Skin.  You can simply rename your favorite png file to use it in the game.  See instructions in "game features".
* Added WASD keys for movement.
* Improved build system to be compatible with more linux distros.
* Improved OpenGL coding to run on less capable graphics hardware.
**ver 1.0.7 -- 20dec16**
* Added a Tux-the-penguin avatar.  Use the (F1)-key or (m)-key to toggle between mouse view (first person) and a third person avatar view.  This enhancement required the implementation of a preliminary camera handling strategy, which in general can be quite complex.
* Fixed the handlers for game controllers:  joysticks or gamepads.
**ver 1.0.6 -- 2dec16**
* Improved linux build scripts, with varying degrees of static linking.  See build instructions.
* Now uses an improved interface binding Ada to SFML audio.
* Now using SFML 2.4.1.
* Repaired OS-X bundling.
* Revised labyrinth.
* New prolog screen allows user to select game (1 or 2).
**ver 1.0.4 -- 3nov16**
* Enhanced castle.
* Added second level.  The Greeks are at it again!  This time the Minoans steal the coveted chalice.  The "orange" Atari maze leads to the labyrinth of the Minotaur;  the Red Dragon and the Bat are increasingly problematic.
* Added an endgame tribute to Korla Pandit, an extraordinary musician, and one of my favorites.
**ver 1.0.3 -- 10oct16**
* Improved sword & chalice icons.
* Fixed bad dragon behaviors.
* Added water feature with moorish pillars to castle.
* other minor improvements including a brighter world upon success.
* improved drawing methods for moorish arches using distance-sort.
**ver 1.0.2 -- 22sep16**
* Maze has many improvements.  It is now redesigned to match the "blue" maze from the original Atari Adventure game.  This involves weird and puzzling interconnections.
* Added a pesky bat, a lethal red-dragon, and an avoidable green-mamba to maze.  Beware!
**ver 1.0.1 -- 16sep16**
* improved final sound sequence;  added original roar to dragon encounters.
* significant improvements to scene transitions and views through doorways.
* larger, actual size castle within skybox exterior scene.
* improved dragon trajectory.
**ver 1.0.0 -- 9sep16**
* Initial version with only 1 level.  Enhancements and more levels coming.
* Foggy maze; dragon, keys to various realms, bat, golden chalice.
|Homepage URL=https://github.com/fastrgv?tab=repositories
|User level=beginner
|User level=beginner
|Computer languages=Ada, C++
|Computer languages=Ada
|Documentation note=Focusing on portability and freedom, no coding effort or compromise has been made to accomodate proprietary operating systems.  It relies on a thin SDL2 binding from Dan Vazquez, a thin OpenGL binding from "Lumen", a PNG reader by Stephen Sanguine, and SFML-Audio (because of its elegant audio interface).
|Related projects=AdaGate
|Related projects=AdaGate
|Version identifier=v1.1.0
|Version identifier=1.1.1
|Version date=2017/02/01
|Version date=2017/03/02
|Version status=stable
|Version status=stable
|Version download=https://github.com/fastrgv?tab=repositories
|Last review by=fastrgv
|Last review by=fastrgv
|Last review date=2017/02/02
|Last review date=2017/02/02
|Submitted by=Fastrgv
|Submitted date=2017/02/02
|Submitted date=2017/02/02
|Is GNU=No
|Is GNU=No
{{Project license
{{Project license
|License copyright= Copyright (C) 2017  fastrgv@gmail.com
|License copyright=Copyright (C) 2017  fastrgv@gmail.com
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Line 353: Line 44:
  You may read the full text of the GNU General Public License
  You may read the full text of the GNU General Public License
  at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
|License verified by=fastrgv@gmail.com, craigt
|License verified date=2021-12-01
|License note=https://github.com/fastrgv/AdaVenture/blob/master/LICENSE
{{Software category
{{Software category
|Runs-on=OS X, GNU/Linux
|Runs-on=Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux
|Use=gameplaying, playing
|Is GNU=No
{{Software prerequisite
{{Software prerequisite
|Prerequisite kind=Required to build
|Prerequisite kind=Required to build
|Prerequisite description=GNAT
|Prerequisite description=GNAT, Linux, MacOsx, Windows
{{Software prerequisite
|Prerequisite kind=Required to use
|Prerequisite description=Linux, MacOsx, Windows
|Is High Priority Project=No
|Decommissioned or Obsolete=No
|Accepts cryptocurrency donations=No
|Test entry=No

Latest revision as of 10:19, 19 February 2024



AdaVenture is a kid-friendly retro point & click adventure game written in Ada.

AdaVenture is intended to be a minimal extension to 3D of the original 2D Atari game named "Adventure".

Set in ancient Persia, it begins outside the castle of the young King Xerxes, who inherited a golden chalice from his father, Darius the Great. Coveted by Greek foes King Leonidas of Sparta and King Minos of Crete, the chalice has been stolen.

Your quest is to seek and return the royal chalice to its pedestal within the castle of Xerxes...a stealth mission to avoid open hostilities. But, there will be obstacles to overcome. You must find the keys to various realms, defend yourself against dragons and the Minotaur, avoid snakes and pesky bats who steal things only to drop them in random locations, and survive the maze of hungry beetles and the green mamba.

The mazes have interconnections that are impossible in 3 dimensions, but as such, they are painstakingly exact reproductions of those in the original "Adventure" game from Atari. In fact, the "./mapRoom" subdirectory contains the original maps to help guide you.

Please read "sourceCode.txt", then...

Download: grab the latest 7Z file @ https://sourceforge.net/projects/adaventure/



Verified by

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Verified by

fastrgv@gmail.com, craigt

Verified on

1 December 2021

Leaders and contributors

Resources and communication

Software prerequisites

Required to buildGNAT, Linux, MacOsx, Windows
Required to useLinux, MacOsx, Windows


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