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Broaden your selection: Category/Editor

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APK Editor Studio
APK Editor Studio is an IDE-like software to explore and modify Android application packages (APK). It provides lots of modules for both simple editing and major reverse-engineering tasks.


  • Icon Editor
  • Title Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Code Editor
  • Android Explorer
  • Permission Editor
  • Manifest Editor
  • Resource Inspector
  • APK Signer
  • APK Optimizer
  • APK Installer
  • APK Cloner
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
AlbumEasy generates ready-to-print PDF stamp album pages from a text file containing commands that specify what will appear on the album pages. The software includes comprehensive online help and a text editor with syntax highlighting for the AlbumEasy command set.
Anonymouth is a Java-based application that aims to give users the tools and knowledge needed to begin anonymizing documents they have written. It does this by firing up JStylo libraries (an author detection application also developed by PSAL) to detect stylometric patterns and determine features (like word length, bigrams, trigrams, etc.) that the user should remove/add to help obscure their style and identity. Anonymouth is developed by the Privacy, Security and Automation Lab (PSAL) at Drexel University, Philadelphia PA.
Aria Maestosa
Compose, edit, and play MIDI files. Has a graphical user interface with multiple instrument-specific views.
Birdfont is a font editor which lets you create vector graphics and export TTF, EOT and SVG fonts.
Boxes is extremely configurable filter for adding and removing ASCII art (comments, for example) around chunks of text. Most modern text editors support filtering text through external filters. Boxes is such a filter.
Whether you're looking for a job or trying to help a friend to find one, CVAssistant is the number one tool for you. It helps you by preparing resumes and cover letters and organizing your job application process. It: Stores all your skills and experiences. Creates resumes tailored for each job you apply. Creates cover letters summarized to match each job advertisement. Keeps a history of job applications so you are ready when you receive a phone call. Write resumes in your language. All languages are supported! It's a free and open source software which you can easily download to your computer and start using it out of the box. CV Assistant helps you create specialized resumes in Word .docx format fast and easy. The idea is to have a master resume with all skills and experiences in it. Then based on skills mentioned in the job advertisement, export a clean but well formatted word .docx file as a summarized resume with only relevant skills in it. This increases your chance of getting a job interview as most companies are using Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) or at best hiring managers which may be unaware of similarity between phrases like skilled in MS Word, familiar with Microsoft Word and Fully experienced with office suites. So job seekers need to create specialized resumes for each and every job position with the same wordings used in the advertisement. Add all your skills to CV Assistant, pick only relevant ones. It also creates cover letters! Again, write all possible sentences, and select those relevant ones per job post. CVAssistant helps you free of charge and this software remains for free!
Edit data held in the XML format using commands embeddedin Perl.
Dismal (Dis' Mode Ain't Lotus) is a major mode for GNU Emacs that implements a spreadsheet. It is designed to be keystroke driven rather than mouse/menu driven (although it can be menu driven), and it is extensible. Users can write their own commands and functions, for example, to allow a function cell to write to several nearby cells. A ruler can be put up that reflects the semantics of column names past the ones automatically provided as letters. Dismal has some useful functions that implement the keystroke level model of Card, Moran, and Newell. Dismal is now maintained within ELPA,

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