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Broaden your selection: Category/Version-control

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cvs (48)

CvsGraph is a utility to make a graphical representation of all revisions and branches of a file in a CVS/RCS repository.
CVSHistory is a Web-based tool for browsing CVS activity. It integrates with ViewCVS or CVSweb, supports sorting, range selection, and regular expession-based searching, and works with any CGI-capable Web server.
CVSSearch searches for code fragments using CVS comments. Since a CVS comment describes the lines of code involved in the commit and that this description will typically hold for many future versions. CVSSearch lets you to better search and understand the most recent version of the code by looking at previous versions. For each line of code in the most recent version, we build a profile consisting of all CVS comments that involved that line in past commits. This profile is used not only to search the most recent version of the code but also to understand what the code does --- including its motivation and history.
CVSTrac implements a low-ceremony Web-based bug and patch-set tracking system for use with CVS. Features include automatic changelog generation, repository change history browsing, user-defined bug database queries, Wiki pages, and Web-based administration of the CVSROOT/passwd file. CVSTrac operates either as CGI or as its own Web server. It automatically generates a patch-set log from CVS check-in comments, and includes a built-in repository browser. It is simple to setup and has minimal memory, disk and CPU requirements, so it runs effectively on old hardware. Access permissions are separately configurable for each user, and anonymous users are allowed. Since the program uses a built-in SQL database engine (SQLite), no external RDBMS is required.
CVSps is a program for generating 'patchset' information from a CVS repository. A patchset is defined as a set of changes made to a collection of files, and all committed at the same time (using a single 'cvs commit' command). This helps you see the big picture of the evolution of a cvs project. You can see the history of committed patchsets, restrict by author, date range, files affected, branches affected. The program can also generate a diff of a given patchset. It essentially gives you the equivalent of tagging before and after each commit.
Ccd2cue Heckert gnu.tiny.png
The program ccd2cue is a CCD sheet to CUE sheet converter for the GNU Operating System. It supports the full extent of CUE sheet format expressiveness, including mixed-mode discs and CD-Text meta-data. It plays an important role for those who need to use optical disc data which is only available in the proprietary sheet format CCD, but don’t want to surrender their freedom. It fills an important gap in the free software world because before its conception it was impossible to use complex forms of optical disc data laid out by CCD sheets in a whole/holy free operating system.
'ccvssh' is an external program called by cvs (via the :ext: method) which connects to remote CVS pservers through an SSL connection to a stunnel daemon. It is a reimplementation of 'cvssh' in C, and is fast and easy to use.
Cervisia is a graphical frontend for the CVS version control system. It runs with any window manager or desktop environment (not just KDE). Features include:
  • Update or retrieve the status of a working directory or single files
  • Importing into the repository
  • Diff against the repository and between different revisions
  • Annotated view of files
  • See log messages in tree and list form.
  • Conflict resolution in a file
  • Tagging, branching
  • Updating to a branch/date
  • Changelog editor
  • Command to see the last change in a file
'cl2html' converts a CVS log into chronological HTML output to give an overview of the CVS activities in a project. HTML output can include links to sources and patches, using viewcvs.cgi.
colorsvn is a Subversion output colorizer. It was extracted from kde-sdk, and was extended with build process and configuration.

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