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compressing (35)

7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
Archive is a fully drag-and-drop multi-format archiver. Drag a directory onto it to create an archive; drag an archive onto it to extract to a directory. It can also compress and decompress streams (for example, you could drag a .gz file onto Archive and from Archive into your text editor). Archive can create .tgz, .tar.bz2, .zip, .jar and .tar archives and can extract all the above as well as .rar, .rpm, .cpio and .deb formats. It can compress and decompress files to and from .gz, .uue and .bz2 formats.
atool manages file archives (tar, tar+gzip, zip, etc). 'aunpack' extracts files from an archive, andt overcomes the dreaded "multiple files in archive root" problem by first extracting to a unique subdirectory, and then moving back the files if possible. aunpack also prevents local files from being overwritten by mistake. Other commands provided are apack (for creating archives), als (for listing files in archives), and acat (for extracting files to stdout).
B1 Free Archiver
B1 Free Archiver is a free multi-platform universal archiver. Warning: There is also a proprietary B1 front-end and mobile app available that make use of the B1 java library. We do not recommend using those proprietary front-ends.
Backup Manager
Backup Manager is a small and basic tool for generating archives. It is designed for those who don't want an obfuscated tool for making tarballs. It can make tar, tar.gz,, and zip archives. It can be run in a parallel mode with different configuration files. Archives are kept for a given number of days. Its upload system can use ftp or scp to transfer the generated archives to a list of remote hosts .Automatically burning archives to removable media such as CD or DVD is also possible. The configuration file is very simple and basic.
'csCSSc' is a client-side CSS compressor and decompressor. Currently it consists of a webpage and ECMA/javascript file. It runs on all web browsers which support ECMA/javascript.
'dtrx' intelligently extracts many different archive types. It will get the contents from tar, zip, rpm, deb, and cpio archives, as well as compressed files, with one simple command. It helps keep your filesystem sane by putting every file's contents into a dedicated directory, and making sure the owner can read and write whatever's extracted. It can even recursively extract archives. To use dtrx you'll need the usual tools for the archive types you want to extract: for example, if you're extracting zip files, you'll need zipinfo and unzip. See the INSTALL file included with dtrx for a complete list.
FLIF is a novel lossless image format which outperforms existing image formats in terms of compression ratio. It works well on any kind of image (photographic, line art, computer graphics, etc.) and also supports animations. FLIF images (or animations) can be progressively decoded, which makes the format potentially very suitable for responsive web design. This is the reference implementation of FLIF, which includes a command-line tool (flif) to convert between FLIF and PNG/PNM/PAM, a decoding library (libflif_dec), an encoding library (libflif_enc), some scripts (gif2flif, apng2flif, raw2flif, ...), and a simple image/animation viewer (viewflif).
FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. Its components include:
  • ffmpeg – Converts one video file format to another and supports grabbing and encoding in real time from a TV card.
  • ffserver – HTTP (RTSP is being developed) multimedia streaming server for live broadcasts that supports time shifting.
  • ffplay – simple media player based on SDL and the ffmpeg libraries
  • ffprobe – a media file prober
  • libavcodec – library containing all FFmpeg audio/video encoders and decoders (most developed from scratch for best performances and high reusability)
  • libavfilter – video and audio filtering library
  • libavformat – library of parsers and generators for all common audio/video formats
  • libavutil – utility library containing functions used by all FFmpeg components
  • libswscale – video scaler and pixel format converter
  • libswresample – audio resampler and sample format converter
  • libpostproc – video post-processing library

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