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organizing (160)

Academic Teaching Planner
Academic Teaching Planner is a free software useful to plan university courses and various types of tests. It is designed as a personal tool beside management software used by academic institutions, and allows to: 1. manage and archive the documentation of each single course (objectives, bibliography, dates, information texts, lessons, files of all kinds, etc.) as well as the results of the tests, even the intermediate ones that are not always stored in management systems used by academic institutions; 2. manage the list of students who are enrolled in each individual course, easily retrieving their data from the management system in use at the academic institution, and their tests; 3. compare the distribution of bibliographic resources in the various lessons, made by the professor, with a reference model obtained by their homogeneous distribution throughout the course, to verify, also with the aid of diagrams, that the supposed planning is substantially realistic, that is, can be completed on schedule without omitting topics or lessons in excess. Academic Teaching Planner is a cross-platform software that runs natively on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It manages data with Sqlite, a well-known and reliable database, while saving attachments (i.e. files of any kind associated with the various sections of the software) in an external folder, in a transparent way for the user. Their number and size are limited only by the space available on the computer in use. Academic Teaching Planner has been written with Lazarus ( and uses the Sqlite database through the Zeos components (
Achievo is a Web-based project management and tracking tool for small- to medium-sized companies, aiming to become a fully featured ERP-like system in the future. Features include a time registration module with several statistical tools. Achievo is multi-language, fully customizable, and uses a modular system to allow future extensions. The package is currently available in 13 languages. It's main website went down in mid-2015. As of 9/2016 it is only available via an copy of and its GitHub page, and has publicly announced security vulnerabilities that have been declared won't fix due to being semi-abandoned from lack of time and maintainers.
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
'Active' creates a set of Web pages that lets Web surfers contribute to a shared calendar, groups listing, and multimedia news feed with discussion. It's designed to be easy to use, and easy to read the results. The program is under ongoing development as the backend for, and
Advance is a free software personal information management (PIM) system which is database-backed, Qt based, cross-platform, and includes support for KDE. Advance provides provides schedule, task and contact management.
allocPSA is an online professional services automation solution. allocPSA is a suite of integrated applications designed for services-based organizations. It enables services organizations to improve staff efficiency through increased utilization of productive time, better planning, and integrated knowledge management.
This is a candidate for deletion: 1. No files/source found 'Almclk' lets you set an alarm on your terminal. It sends a message to your terminal when the alarm goes off, and pops up a window if possible. If you are not logged in at the time, it sends you a customizable e-mail message which is also printed. Also, a 5-minute warning is sent to your terminal and popped up as a window if possible. If you wish to kill the alarm, a script is created for you to do so.
Annif is a small Web-based birthday (calendar) monitoring tool. Users can add and remove birthday dates and ask to be notified of birthdays. No other usual calendar features will ever be included. It has multi-lingual support, and currently has translations for English and French.
Password hashing Python library.
Beehive is an event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It is modular, flexible and really easy to extend for anyone. It has modules, so it can interface with, talk to, or retrieve information from Twitter, Tumblr, Email, IRC, Jabber, RSS, Jenkins, Hue... Connecting those modules with each other lets you create immensly useful agents.

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