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animation (41)

Physically-based global illumination rendering engine primarily designed for animation and visual effects. Implements a modern workflow based on path tracing that enables artifact-free, single pass rendering with very little technical tuning. It is simultaneously capable of strictly unbiased rendering when total accuracy matters, and biased rendering when artistic freedom and shorter rendering time are paramount. Supports fully programmable shading via Open Shading Language (OSL), RGB/spectral/mixed rendering, fast and robust transformation and deformation motion blur, state-of-the-art ray traced subsurface scattering, exhaustive Python and C++ APIs and many other production-oriented features.
Art of Illusion can be used as a 3D Modeller and can be used to create movies. It can currently import and export Alias .obj files and export VRML97 files (without animation). To create movies, Art of Illusion has a offline renderer and set of tools to create animations. Highlights include subdivision surface based modelling tools, skeleton based animation, and a graphical language for designing procedural textures and materials.
'aview' is an high quality image (pnm) browser and animation (fli/flc) player which renders its output as ASCII-art. It is implemented using AA-lib.
BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing tools.
besssugo is a free computational tool specifically designed to aid a cognizant expert—i.e. you, whether an engineer, scientist, technician, geek, etc—to build videos showing the result of a certain scientific calculation or whatever data can be computed or storied in a digital computer. Technically speaking, it is a plugin for the computational tool wasora, which provides means to parse and understand a high-level plain-text input file containing algebraic expressions, data for function interpolation, differential equations and output instructions amongst other facilities. Therefore, any mathematical computation which can be done by wasora—i.e. solving systems of differential-algebraic equations, multidimensional interpolation of scattered data, numerical integration and differentiation, etc.—can be combined with the facilities that besssugo provides to create visual representations in the form of animations.
Blender supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video editing and game creation.
Blender-Pipeline ( known also as Blender-Organizer and VCStudio ) is a program to organize Blender Animation Projects. In about 2016 for the "I'm Not Even Human" project, J.Y.Amihud wrote a small GTK application to organize the project a little bit. Every animation asset required a folder and sub-folders that were tedious to maintain manually. Later more functionality was added, such as checklists for every asset and shot in the movie. Making it possible to calculate the progress of the film and compare it against the deadline. By 2018 a decision was made to rewrite a big chunk of the program to include a script editor. At first the idea was to develop a custom scene selector that would work similarly to a video editor. With a timeline and strips representing scenes in the script. But later the design changed a bit making those scenes instead be Nodes on a 2D plane connected together in the sequence of the movie. The arrangement of which on the 2D plane could be decided by the user based on the user's preferences. With that version a short film "The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out" was made. And later in 2020 "Moria's Race" project was started. This version of the program was known as Blender-Organizer and was under the GNU GPL version 2. It is still available at: In 2020 python2 support officially dropped from a lot of GNU / Linux distributions. And due to syntax and other changes between python2 and python3, a decision was made to re-do the program from scratch. The new version was published under the GPU GPL version 3 or later. And was briefly called "VCStudio". Later to avoid confusion with a text editor from Microsoft a name was changed to "Blender-Pipeline". With this program "Moria's Race" was finished. At LibrePlanet 2024 J.Y.Amihud presented "Moria's Race" and Blender-Pipeline on a talk.
'blib' is the Blinkenlights Library, a programming library that gives you a kick start into development with Blinkenlights/Arcade. 'blib' also provides the Game API with which games for Arcade can be developed. 'blib' provides functions to read and write BLM, BML, and MNG animations, and to receive and send the Blinkenlights protocol.
'blinkensim' is the Blinkenlights project's simulator. Using blinkensim you can receive the Blinkenlights Protocol as it is being sent by the Blinkenlights Chaos Control Center to the Matrix Control Units (the computers that take care of controlling the lamps). 'blinkensim' has graphic backends for DirectFB and GTK+ 2.0. It should run on all GNU/Linux systems using one of these backends.
'blinkentools' is a set of utilities related to Blinkenlights. It includes b2b, a converter for blinkenmovies that can apply some simple effects, b2mng, which creates MNG animations from blinkenmovies, and bsend, which sends movies over the net using the Blinkenlights network protocol.

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