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web-browser (76)

will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
Anchors Reveal
“Anchors reveal” is an addon to show anchors in a web page. Its main use is to help a lazy blog redactor for rapidly linking to a relevant chapter in a long web page.
Better Angels Buoy
Better Angels' Buoy is an app designed to quickly connect survivors of domestic or dating violence (DV) with trusted friends, family members, advocates, and other allies in times of crisis.
Breach is a modular and lightweight Web browser. Everything in the browser is a module, a Web application running in its own process. Construct your own browsing experience by selecting the right modules for you.
Chameleon Addon
Chameleon is a WebExtension port of the popular Firefox addon Random Agent Spoofer. The UI is near identical and contains most of the features found in the original extension.
Chromium Embedded Framework
The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) is a simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications.
Conkeror is a Mozilla-based browser that brings an emacs-like experience to web browsing. It has a sophisticated keyboard system for running commands and interacting with web page content, modelled after Emacs and Lynx. For easier editing of form fields, it can spawn external editors. It is self-documenting and extensible with JavaScript. Conkeror is fully-customizable and highly-extensible, but is based on Mozilla XULRunner, which Mozilla has stopped supporting development in July 2015. N.B. Not to be confused with Konqueror.
CryptPad is a libre and encrypted collaboration suite that can be used for forms, presentations and other collaborative documents.
ddgr is a cmdline utility to search DuckDuckGo from the terminal. While googler is extremely popular among cmdline users, in many forums the need of a similar utility for privacy-aware DuckDuckGo came up. DuckDuckGo Bangs are super-cool too! So here's ddgr for you! Unlike the web interface, you can specify the number of search results you would like to see per page. It's more convenient than skimming through 30-odd search results per page. The default interface is carefully designed to use minimum space without sacrificing readability. A big advantage of ddgr over googler is DuckDuckGo works over anonymous networks. ddgr isn't affiliated to DuckDuckGo in any way.
debris is a free text mode HTML browser package. It provides support for tables and forms. It is a secure environment suited for public terminals, and is small (only 25% of the size of lynx) and fast.

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