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wxwidgets (14)

Audacity is a cross-platform multitrack audio editor that lets you record sounds directly or import Ogg, WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, or MP3 files. It features a few simple effects, all of the editing features you should need, and unlimited undo. The GUI is built with wxWidgets and the audio I/O currently uses PortAudio.
Beremiz is an integrated development environment for machine automation. It is Free Software, conforming to IEC-61131 among other standards. It relies on open standards to be independent of the targeted device, and let you turn any processor into a PLC. Beremiz includes tools to create HMI, and to connect your PLC programs to existing supervisions, databases, or fieldbuses.
Code Blocks
Code::Blocks is a C++ IDE built specifically to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It was designed, right from the start, to be extensible and configurable.
Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PC equipped with a webcam. No additional hardware is required.
FileZilla client
FileZilla is a FTP client with a nice graphical front-end. Features include:
  • Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
  • Configurable Speed limits
  • Drag & drop support
  • Bookmarking
  • Filename filtering on filename (regex support), file size, and user/group permissions.
  • Directory comparison to quickly see differences between files on the local machine and the server
  • Synchronized directory browsing, such that if you have an identical directory structure on the local machine and the server, means that any directory navigation on one machine is duplicated on the other.
  • Remote file search
  • IPv6 support
There is a free software server as well that runs only on Windows. See our FTP category for a list of free software FTP servers that run on GNU/Linux. Warning: the Windows installer bundles adware; use the ZIP download instead.
FreeFileSync is a program that lets you synchronize files and folders. Features:
  • Detect moved and renamed files and folders
  • Copy locked files (Volume Shadow Copy Service)
  • Detect conflicts and propagate deletions
  • Binary file comparison
  • Configure handling of Symbolic Links
  • Automate sync as a batch job
  • Process multiple folder pairs
  • Comprehensive and detailed error reporting
  • Copy NTFS extended attributes (compressed, encrypted, sparse)
  • Copy NTFS security permissions
  • Support long file paths with more than 260 characters
  • Fail-safe file copy
  • Expand environment variables like %USERPROFILE%
  • Access variable drive letters by volume name (USB sticks)
  • Keep versions of deleted/updated files
  • Prevent disc space bottlenecks via optimal sync sequence
  • Full Unicode support
  • Highly optimized runtime performance
  • Include/exclude files via filter
  • FreeFileSync portable and local installation available
  • Handle daylight saving time changes on FAT/FAT32
  • Use macros %time%, %date%, et al. for recurring backups
  • Case-sensitive synchronization
  • Built-in locking: serialize multiple jobs running against the same network share
GNU Messenger is a messaging system that attempts to keep your conversations private from everyone except the intended recipient. It is compatible with existing IM networks and lets you to communicate with other GM users even when you're not using a native server. Features include autoconf support, interoperability with other popular IM networks, separate frontend and backend (which makes it easy to write new clients, a buddy list, and taskbar docking.
Programs for Information Topology Data Analysis Information Topology is a program written in Python (compatible with Python 3.4.x), with a graphic interface built using TKinter [1], plots drawn using Matplotlib [2], calculations made using NumPy [3], and scaffold representations drawn using NetworkX [4]. It computes all the results on information presented in the study [5], that is all the usual information functions: entropy, joint entropy between k random variables (Hk), mutual informations between k random variables (Ik), conditional entropies and mutual informations and provides their cohomological (and homotopy) visualisation in the form of information landscapes and information paths together with an approximation of the minimum information energy complex [5]. It is applicable on any set of empirical data that is data with several trials-repetitions-essays (parameter m), and also allows to compute the undersampling regime, the degree k above which the sample size m is to small to provide good estimations of the information functions [5]. The computational exploration is restricted to the simplicial sublattice of random variable (all the subsets of k=n random variables) and has hence a complexity in O(2^n). In this simplicial setting we can exhaustively estimate information functions on the simplicial information structure, that is joint-entropy Hk and mutual-informations Ik at all degrees k=<n and for every k-tuple, with a standard commercial personal computer (a laptop with processor Intel Core i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz * 8) up to k=n=21 in reasonable time (about 3 hours). Using the expression of joint-entropy and the probability obtained using equation and marginalization [5], it is possible to compute the joint-entropy and marginal entropy of all the variables. The alternated expression of n-mutual information given by equation then allows a direct evaluation of all of these quantities. The definitions, formulas and theorems are sufficient to obtain the algorithm [5]. We will further develop a refined interface (help welcome) but for the moment it works like this, and requires minimum Python use knowledge. Please contact pierre.baudot [at] for questions, request, developments (etc.): [1] J.W. Shipman. Tkinter reference: a gui for python. . New Mexico Tech Computer Center, Socorro, New Mexico, 2010. [2] J.D. Hunter. Matplotlib: a 2d graphics environment. Comput. Sci. Eng., 9:22–30, 2007. [3] S. Van Der Walt, C. Colbert, and G. Varoquaux. The numpy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. Comput. Sci. Eng., 13:22– 30, 2011. [4] A.A. Hagberg, D.A. Schult, and P.J. Swart. Exploring network structure, dynamics, and function using networkx. Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science Conference (SciPy2008). Gel Varoquaux, Travis Vaught, and Jarrod Millman (Eds), (Pasadena, CA USA), pages 11–15, 2008. [5] M. Tapia, P. Baudot, M. Dufour, C. Formisano-Tréziny, S. Temporal, M. Lasserre, J. Gabert, K. Kobayashi, JM. Goaillard . Information topology of gene expression profile in dopaminergic neurons doi:
Openbaar is a window based client for the Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language (MRML), specifically for requesting images from servers implementing the Gnu Image Finding Tool ( GIFT) for content based image retrieval (CBIR). The program aims at using viewing times of images to determine their relevance values for query by example (QBE). The viewing times are obtained using eye-tracking or the mouse focus.
Pcynlitx is an alleged outcome of the scientific research study that is carried out by Erkam Murat Bozkurt about meta-programming. The software has been developed by Erkam Murat Bozkurt that lives in Istanbul / TURKEY. He has graduated from Istanbul Technical University ( ITU ) Control Systems Engineriing division with M.Sc degree. The main purpose of the research study is to develop an easy and efficient way to develop multi-threaded C++ programs. Pcynlitx is the name for a vaporware allegedly existing software project with unclear aims.

... further results

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