GUI GNU/Linux Command Line Interface (CLI) Helper
June 17, 2021
This is a GUI program designed to help the newcomer (and veteran) with the GNU/Linux Command Line Interface (CLI). It is currently available to build yourself, or by downloading a GNU/Linux AppImage: a fully self-contained program which runs in many tested GNU/linux flavours (with the exception of NixOS).
It is designed to be a 'helper' in the sense that one can store favorite / useful commands for quick retrieval and use later. It is designed to be a reference as well, it has a 'starter' database of 160+ GNU/Linux commands and examples. Notes and 'Threat Level' indexes are used to help the novice.
It can be helpful for veterans as well: store those complex, meter long, command lines here, no need to develop it again, simply search for it and use it as is or adapt it to the current issue.
The program is not a terminal emulator, but gives its own advantages including: run and test (most) Command Lines directly, it can serve as a launcher program, it supports pkexec, it supports variables and asks at run time for the values, complex boolean searching is implemented as well a "simple" search, it supports text based storage and sqlite databases (your choice), it supports an unlimited number of databases as you like, and help is written directly into the program through toggle-able mouse-over hints.
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Julius Schoen (Julius) | Earthling |
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