Free Software Directory:Participate/Project Team
This page is for cataloging larger or important projects on the Directory. These can be projects to fix a particular issue, or organizing a team to focus on improving a certain category of software. This page lists current projects, their team captains, and a brief summary of the project. You can also add your own project, or add a project as a suggestion that someone else could take and run with. Many projects are currently looking for a team captain, so please take them on if you are interested. All project teams are looking for new volunteers as well.
- 1 High-performance computing
- 2 Backlog Admin Group
- 3 Volunteer Recruitment Team
- 4 COVID-19 Response Team
- 5 Import
- 6 Firmware
- 7 Software
- 8 Maintainers Outreach
- 9 SPDX Group
- 10 Translators
- 11 UserNotices
- 12 Cryptocurrency Donations
- 13 Free software replacements
- 14 Privacy
- 15 Operating systems
- 16 Hardware replacement
- 17 Misc
- 18 Free software evaluation
- 19 Golden Oldies
- 20 Free Software Directory Theme
- 21 Free Software Directory Mobile Theme
- 22 Internet Project
High-performance computing
Artificial Intelligence Team
The Artificial Intelligence Team gathers free software resources regarding machine learning / artificial intelligence.
Big Data Team
Big data refers to the vast amounts of complex and diverse data that exceed the processing capabilities of traditional software, requiring specialized tools and techniques to manage and analyze effectively.
Quantum Computing Team
Conventional software is not specifically designed for quantum computing, which requires a fundamentally different approach to data storage and processing due to the unique properties of quantum systems. Quantum data representation utilizes qubits, reflecting the distinct operational principles of quantum computing.
Backlog Admin Group
The Backlog Admin Group (BAG) is a group dedicated to work on client-side technical issues of our Backlog.
Volunteer Recruitment Team
A team dedicated to recruit free software volunteers (from IRC channels, mailing-lists, etc) to various Project Teams.
COVID-19 Response Team
The COVID-19 Response Team gathers free software resources to help slow the spread of COVID-19. This is an incident response team dedicated work on medical software relevant to COVID-19, and COVID-19 3D printing files.
The project enables us to import package information from free software repositories. Long ago a friend put together scripts that we used to import thousands of entries. But thousands upon thousands more could be added if we update the import scripts. The project has been sitting idle for a while now at <>, but waiting for volunteers to jump in and refine it.
Software repositories
Package repositories for GNU Emacs
Mozilla-based software
IceCat WebExtensions (proposed)
Free Software Directory:IceCat WebExtensions (proposed)/About
Icedove extensions (proposed)
This page lists proposed Icedove add-ons, except add-ons that are also compatible with GNU IceCat (except uBlock Origin and Master Password+).
3rd-party data for IceCat add-ons
This collection do not contain 3rd party softwares, only 3rd party data files that are used with the listed softwares.
IceCat plugins
IceCat plugins installable as packages from free GNU/Linux distributions like Trisquel GNU/Linux. In most cases plugins are unnecessary in web browsers so using a separate browser profile with plugins enabled for sites that require them is recommended for security. This project catalogs these plugins on the Directory.
Iridium extensions (proposed)
Chromium and Iridium are free variants of Google Chrome. This page lists proposed Chromium and Iridium add-ons.
LibreOffice extensions (proposed)
This project lists all-free-software extensions for both and LibreOffice applications.
MediaWiki extensions (proposed)
MediaWiki is a free wiki application. It was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation and runs on many websites, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary and Wikimedia Commons, and the Free Software Directory. It is written in the PHP programming language and uses a backend database.
Forensics and penetration
Imports from BlackArch GNU/Linux Tools and Kali GNU/Linux Tools.
Schoolforge (proposed)
The website maintains it's own list of educational free software, which looks like it has many entries that the Directory lacks. This project would involve reviewing that list to bring over any packages that meet FSD criteria. Schoolforge is also looking for volunteers, so if you're interested you can join their mailing list.
Team Captain: Position available
Flatpak Compatible Software
Home automation
Home automation or domotics is building automation for a home, called a smart home or smart house. A home automation system will control lighting, climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. It may also include home security such as access control and alarm systems.
It might make sense to link to this page on the Main Page after Home Assistant gets a review.
Team Captain: Position available
- "Bistro" firmware for clicky-switch lights"
- "full-featured configurable e-switch firmware for tiny45/85"
- Corluma: "For Hues, LIFX, Nanoleafs, and Arduinos."
- "Philips Hue will soon force users to create a Hue account to control their lights" -
- Home Assistant
- There is some FOSS for controlling Xiaomi Yeelights over wifi:
Maintainers Outreach
Project for doing outreach to maintainers of software published on the Free Software Directory.
SPDX Group
The project enables us to import FSF approved Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) identifiers.
A group dedicated to translate the translatable pages and collections on the FSD.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers defines the term feature in IEEE 829 as "A distinguishing characteristic of a software item (e.g., performance, portability, or functionality)". UserNotices are flags applied to applications to warn of issues that may be undesirable from the user's perspective. Frequently it is behavior that benefits the developer, but that the end user of the software would prefer not to be there.
Cryptocurrency Donations
Many free software projects accept Bitcoins or other cryptocurrency as donations. This team is working to make clear which projects on the Directory accept Bitcoin.
Team Captain: Position available
Free software replacements
Team Captain: David Hedlund
Summary: Pages of popular free software applications for different categories that we recommend replacing common proprietary applications. Ceasing to use proprietary applications is a good way to start migrating to freedom.
Operating systems
We have a separate list for each operating system because some free replacements don't run on all the operating system. After you replace the nonfree apps, how about replacing the nonfree system with a free GNU/Linux distribution next? For your freedom's sake.
Free operating systems
- GNU/Linux
- Replicant — for mobile devices
- Replicant-expanded — Replicant page with new experimental design.
Non-FSDG compliant distributions
Distros that don't follow the free system distribution guidelines (FSDG).
Nonfree operating systems
Hardware replacement
Computer and video game console emulators
See Computer and video game console emulators.
Games for video game consoles
- File format
- Service as a Software Substitute (SaaS)
- Text mode browsers, and IceCat WebExtensions for text editors
Free software evaluation
Evaluates if suspected software is nonfree so we can remove them from the Directory or avoid to add them.
Golden Oldies
This project focuses on making sure that entries don't get too out of date. This team goes through entries that haven't been updated in a few years and checks to see if there are updates that can be made. These GNU packages are looking for a maintainer. Check the list of decommissioned GNU packages if you have time and interest in resurrecting one. Maintained and rescued GNU packages will eventually these GNU packages will be listed in the FSD again.
Free Software Directory Theme
MediaWiki theme development for the FSD.
Team Captain: Panos Alevropoulos
Free Software Directory Mobile Theme
A project to improve the mobile theme for the site. See MediaWiki:Common.css and MediaWiki:Timeless.css.
Team Captain: Position available
Internet Project
Can we make something like Free Software Directory:Internet_Group ? Especially Internet on Space ?
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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.