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Automates most tasks on video and audio streaming. Besides being a free/libre software, its goals are:
  • Move past command-line based streaming, by automating things.
  • Provide audio/video feedback for the volunteer at the station to monitor the streaming.
Its current features include:
  • Behave slightly differently according to user actions or loss of the feed.
  • GTK+ graphical user interface.
  • Ease to switch between testing mode -- for testing the audio and video chain without broadcasting -- to stream mode, which broadcasts the feeds.
  • In the event of main camera source failure, ABYSS changes the pipeline to fetch the video source from a backup USB webcam and then starts broadcasting again.
  • Each stream is actually recorded locally in three forms to allow easy post-processing: audio-only, raw-video, and audio-video.
Was used during LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016. ABYSS was previously know as Libre-Streamer.
aMule is short for "all-platform eMule-like file-sharing program", or, in short, "all-platform Mule". It's a port of the well-known eMule P2P client for the eDonkey2000 file sharing network, and supports most of eMule features. It also provides a small separate Web server and command line interface to connect to a running aMule via the network.
ANK djbdns
'ANK'_djbdns is a simple Web interface to configure djbdns written in mod_perl. It uses a MySQL database to hold DNS records. Features include advanced management of the file "data" including recording backups of all generated "data's", ability to keep a history of all changes, and the ability to show status of all registered domains at the local/remote DNS. The packages also alerts you about wrongly entered information, and when an error occurs while mounting "data".
AVideo /ævə'dɛjo:/ is a powerful, 100% libre video and audio downloader for GNU/Linux. With your freedom and privacy a #1 priority, avideo offers you peace of mind in watching everything from world news and documentaries to the latest cat videos. AVideo builds on the power of the infamous youtube-dl to ensure that the user's liberty is not sacrificed. YouTube-DL incorporates JS, SWF, and SDK interpreters in order to deliver some functionality. However, packaging these runs contrary to delivering freedom as a number 1 priority.
Active Spam Killer
Active Spam Killer (ASK) confirms the sender's email address before actual delivery takes place. A "confirmation message" is automatically sent to all "unknown" users. Once the sender replies to that message (a simple reply will do), all future emails from that person are delivered immediately. You can also specify (regexp) addresses to be immediately accepted, rejected (with a nastygram) or ignored. The package also includes a utility to scan your old mailboxes and generate a list of emails to be accepted automatically.
AdacURL is an Ada95 binding to the popular curl library for fetching files over various protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or TELNET.
'aircrack' is a set of tools for auditing wirelessnetworks. It consists of: airodump (an 802.11 packet capture program), aireplay (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), and airdecap (decrypts WEP/WPA capture files).
Anontwi - is a tool for OAuth2 applications (such as: GNUSocial, Twitter...) that provides different layers of encryption and privacy methods.
App Manager
== Features ==

General features

  • Material design 3
  • Displays as much information as possible in the main page
  • Lists activities, broadcast receivers, services, providers, app ops, permissions, signatures, shared libraries, etc. of an application
  • Launch activities and services
  • Create shortcuts of activities
  • Intercept activities
  • Scan for trackers and libraries in apps and list (all or only) tracking classes (and their code dump)
  • View/save the manifest of an app
  • Display app usage, data usage (mobile and wifi), and app storage info (requires “Usage Access” permission)
  • Install/uninstall APK files (including APKS, APKM and XAPK with OBB files)
  • Share APK files
  • Back up/restore APK files
  • Batch operations
  • Single-click operations
  • Logcat viewer
  • Profiles (including presets for quick debloating)
  • Open an app in Aurora Store or in your favourite F-Droid client directly from App Manager
  • Sign APK files with custom signatures before installing
  • Backup encryption: OpenPGP via OpenKeychain, RSA (hybrid encryption with AES) and AES.

Root/ADB-only features

  • Revoke runtime (AKA dangerous) and development permissions
  • Change the mode of an app op
  • Display/kill/force-stop running apps or processes
  • Clear app data or app cache
  • View/change net policy
  • Control battery optimization

Root-only features

  • Block any activities, broadcast receivers, services, or providers of an app with native import/export as well as Watt and Blocker import support
  • View/edit/delete shared preferences of any app
  • Back up/restore apps with data, rules and extras (such as permissions, battery optimization, SSAID, etc.)
  • View system configurations including blacklisted or whitelisted apps, permissions, etc.
  • View/change SSAID.
'apt-torrent' contains an apt to the BitTorrent gateway. It lets you fetch packages through the BitTorrent protocol

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