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Gnash Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Gnash is a GNU Flash movie player. Flash is an animation file format pioneered by Macromedia which continues to be supported by their successor company, Adobe. Flash has been extended to include audio and video content, and programs written in ActionScript, an ECMAScript-compatible language. Gnash is based on GameSWF, and supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9. Features:
  • Runs as a standalone application - Gnash can run standalone to play flash movies.
  • IceCat plugin - Gnash can also run as a plugin from within IceCat.
  • SWF v7 compliant - Gnash can play many current flash movies.
  • XML Message server - Gnash also supports an XML based message system as is documented in the Flash Format specification.
  • High Quality Output - Gnash uses OpenGL for rendering the graphics.

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