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123sqlengine is a functional relational database engine still under development but featuring fully original database engine design
3D Pong
A one-or-two player "pong" (ball and paddles) game for X-Window, drawn using vectors (lines). Different view modes are available, including split red/blue mode for using 3D glasses. Two players supported by connecting to multiple X-Window displays.
3dldf Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
3DLDF Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. It is written in C++ using CWEB. It is intended, among other things, to provide a convenient way of including 3D graphics in TeX documents. This package includes an interactive program called `3dldf', which implements a language intended to resemble Donald Knuth's METAFONT language and John Hobby's MetaPost language, which is based on METAFONT.
4store is a database storage and query engine that holds RDF data. 4store's main strengths are its performance, scalability and stability. It does not provide many features over and above RDF storage and SPARQL queries, but if your are looking for a scalable, secure, fast and efficient RDF store, then 4store should be on your shortlist.
7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.
ABX Tester
abx is a program for performing software-based audio ABX testing on GNU/Linux systems. ABX test (Wikipedia, Hydrogenaudio) is a statistical test for assessing whether you are able to tell for audible differences between two samples. For example, one sample can be a compressed audio file such as OGG Vorbis file and another one its uncompressed variant (WAV, AU, …). You can then use abx to infer whether you are able to separate the two samples due to compression artifacts.
Automates most tasks on video and audio streaming. Besides being a free/libre software, its goals are:
  • Move past command-line based streaming, by automating things.
  • Provide audio/video feedback for the volunteer at the station to monitor the streaming.
Its current features include:
  • Behave slightly differently according to user actions or loss of the feed.
  • GTK+ graphical user interface.
  • Ease to switch between testing mode -- for testing the audio and video chain without broadcasting -- to stream mode, which broadcasts the feeds.
  • In the event of main camera source failure, ABYSS changes the pipeline to fetch the video source from a backup USB webcam and then starts broadcasting again.
  • Each stream is actually recorded locally in three forms to allow easy post-processing: audio-only, raw-video, and audio-video.
Was used during LibrePlanet 2015 and 2016. ABYSS was previously know as Libre-Streamer.
The ACal Project is a Web-based event calendar made for everyone. It was designed to be simple to install and setup. It does not require a database server, and installing is as easy as drag and drop. It can run on almost any ISP's server that has PHP installed.
The ADG library (Automatic Drawing Generation) is a set of functions focused on automating the drawing of mechanical parts. It is not a CAD system but a library providing a non-interactive canvas where you can put common CAD entities such as paths, xatches and quotes, to create your technical drawings. The final result can be displayed inside a GTK+ widget or exported to any cairo available format, such as PostScript and PDF documents or PNG and SVG images.
Database load balancing class for PHP applications who need to deal with various MySQL servers. The class will properly detect write queries and will try the next available server(s) until running out of connections. Multi server connection handling in progress in order to allow running transactions in many servers at the same time.

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