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go (40)

aerc is an email client for your terminal written in go. It was originally created by Drew DeVault and is now further developed as a fork by Robin Jarry. It features a tmux-style embedded terminal, an interactive terminal web browser, diff highlighting, an embedded less session, vim-style keybindings, and support for multiple accounts. It optionally supports notmuch. The client only downloads the information which is necessary to present the UI, making for a snappy and bandwidth-efficient experience. aerc supports IMAP, Maildir, SMTP, and sendmail transfer protocols. Asynchronous IMAP support ensures the UI never gets locked up by a flaky network, as mutt often does.
Beehive is an event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It is modular, flexible and really easy to extend for anyone. It has modules, so it can interface with, talk to, or retrieve information from Twitter, Tumblr, Email, IRC, Jabber, RSS, Jenkins, Hue... Connecting those modules with each other lets you create immensly useful agents.
A tool for building Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images. Create them from scratch or from an existing image. Mount and manipulate file systems.
Cinetraverse is the cross-platform engine to play and solve verses in Cinetraverse format. A Verse is a point-and-click-and-read puzzle that consists of the screens with looped videos called Places, arranged in concentric circles. The player's goal is to reach the center of a Verse, the Place that is hidden there. At the beginning, all Places are hidden, except for one at the outermost circle where the player starts. In order to reach the next circle, all Places at the current one must be found. The player finds Places by moving to them through Portals. To unlock a Portal, the player must choose the right combination of Things to complete the Phrases. Portals and Things are scattered across Places, each Thing is taken once but can be used many times. A demo verse is included as an example to create and share new verses using media- and .json-files, without recompiling the engine: simply copy the verse's dir into 'verses' dir and choose it from the main menu. Localization support for text and voice is built-in.
Congruit is a lightweight configuration management and automation tool. It is written in Go but works through Bash. It manages shell scripts you created to configure your GNU/Linux platforms.
Crowdsec is a firewall and behaviour detection system that uses a shared IP address reputation database in order to identify potential threats. User can instruct Crowdsec to watch certain logs, including both operating system logs and logs for specific applications. These are analysed for potential security threats, and the source IP address of any suspicious activity may be uploaded to a shared reputation database. Likewise, the user can download this shared database to benefit from lists of known suspicious hosts. Crowdsec includes so-called 'bouncers' to block certain IP addresses from accessing services, thus forming a reputation-based firewall. As the bouncer and detection components are separate programs and can remotely communicate, Crowdsec may be appropriate for embedded applications where the host to be protected is not powerful enough to detect potential threats itself; the log analysis can be done on another, more powerful system.
Command line disk usage utility written in go.
Etherwall is the first wallet for storing and sending Ethereum on the desktop. The open source wallet is released under the GPLv3 License. Etherwall is intuitive and fast. What's more, to enhance the security of your private keys, you can operate it on a full node or a thin node. Running it as a full-node client will enable you to download the whole Ethereum blockchain on your local machine. Etherwall is available for MacOS, GNU/Linux, and Windows, and it supports the TREZOR ONE hardware wallet for storing keys. In full node client mode all data is stored on your computer, but you have to download the full (30GB+ and growing) ethereum blockchain. In thin client mode all your account data stays on your computer. A remote ethereum node is used to get latest blockchain information and send signed transaction.
Terminal utility to compute Euclidean Distance or Cosine Similarity using CSV files as vectors embedding DBs. eucos query a CSV vector database to gain a quick insights of vectors quality. Note: it is not intended as a production tool or as a replacement for a real vector database.
fzf is an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list, such as files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, and others.

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