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guile (48)

8sync Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
8sync (pronounced eight-sync) is an asynchronous programming library for GNU Guile. It makes use of delimited continuations to avoid a mess of callbacks, resulting in clean, easy-to-read, non-blocking code.
abcsh, still in the planning stages, will be a shell for processing ABC music notation files. It could form the foundation of a larger system for music composition and orchestration using ABC music notation as a means of representing musical performance. The shell hopes to handle routine ABC transformation like part extraction, transposition, part merging etc. It will also be designed so that you can access the ABC notation file content from embedded scripting languages. It supports ABC music notation version 2.0.
Aisleriot is a suite of Solitaire card games which are easy to play with the aid of a mouse. This package includes popular variants such as spider, freecell, klondike, thirteen (pyramid), yukon, canfield and many more.
Alive Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Alive is a package that provides a command-line program to periodically make network contact with (aka “ping”) a specified host. Originally known as qADSL, it was also created to automate the annoying login process of several Swedish ISP's, e.g., Telia ADSL, COMHEM and Tiscali. After several years of inactivity, it was rewriten from scratch in 2012 by Thien-Thi Nguyen, leaving only the periodic ping.
Artanis Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Artanis is a web application framework written in Guile Scheme. It provides several tools for web development: database access, templating frameworks, session management, URL-remapping for RESTful, page caching, and more.
Autogen Heckert gnu.tiny.png
'AutoGen' generates program files that contain repetitive text with varied substitutions. It simplifies the maintenance of programs with large amounts of repetitive text, which is useful if several blocks of such text must be synchronized. It includes:
  • AutoOpts - automates the handling of command line, environment and config file options, including usage text, man pages, and the invoking section of an info doc
  • getdefs - extracts AutoGen definitions from stylized comments embedded in source code
  • columns - tabularizes lists for improved output appearance
  • AutoXDR - NFSv4 specifies that its remote procedure calls be batched. AutoGen generates the code for marshalling and unmarshalling the arguments on both sides of the RPC request
  • AutoFSM - produces a transition table and prototype finite state machine where it is possible to determine a state transition type (token code) without reference to the current state
  • xml2ag - lets AutoGen use any XML file as if it were a set of AutoGen definitions
Ballandpaddle Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU Ball and Paddle is an old-fashioned ball and paddle game with a set amount of blocks to destroy on each level, while moving a paddle left and right at the bottom of the screen. Various powerups may make different things occur.
Combine Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Pronounced COMbine, like the farm implement, combine matches any number of files to a file, set of files, or input stream. When built on a system with Guile available, it uses Guile to provide extensibility for filtering and data transformation. Additional features include hierarchy handling, a Guile module adapted from the Emacs calendar for performing date arithmetic, and outer joins on either or both sides of a match.
Dico Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
Dico is a flexible modular implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). In contrast to another existing servers, it does not depend on particular database format, instead it handles database accesses using loadable modules. The package includes several loadable modules for interfacing with various database formats, among them a module for databases and a module for transparently accessing WordNet. New modules may be written in Guile or Python. A console client program, dico, is also included.
Epsilon Heckert gnu.tiny.png
'GNU epsilon' is a purely-functional strongly-typed omega-order language, moving towards Lisp in that it allows dynamic management of source code at runtime. It is oriented to ease of development and readability. The static scoping rule and the type checkings at compile-time should make the language "safe". Its features include:
  • static scoping
  • first-class functions
  • Hindley-Milner type system with type inference
  • modules
  • synonym, concrete and abstract types, with polymorphism
  • a scanner generator
  • a purely functional I/O system, inspired by Haskell
  • can generate C code, Scheme code, and bytecode for a virual machine
The package currently includes a compiler, interpreter, runtime system, and garbage collector. Planned or not yet finished: parser generator, classes, an extensive library, optimizer, partial evaluator, pretty-printer, an Emacs mode, parellel implementation for SMPs and clusters, interoperability with other languages via CORBA.

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