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0 A.D. false
Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare
3D Pong false
A vector-based ball-bouncing game for X-Window
3dldf true, false
Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output.
3dpl GE false
The 3D Programming Language
4store false
RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon
4tH false
Forth compiler with a conventional compiler instead of the standard Forth engine
8sync true, false
Asynchronous programming for Guile.
9mount false
Tools for mounting 9p filesystems on the Linux kernel
A Bingo false
A/Bingo plugin for Rails.
A+ false
Programming language (APL interpreter)
A2ps true
Any to PostScript filter.
ABYSS false
Automates some streaming operations and provides feedback for volunteers
ACDK false
Java-like C++ framework with scripting and distributed components
ACL2 false
Programming language for modelling computer systems and proving properties of those models
ADG false
A library focused on automating the drawing of mechanical parts.
ADL false
Application Database Load balancing class for MySQL
ADX false
Minimalistic address book in your web browser
AE-DIR false
Authorized Entities Directory -- The agile IAM for DevOps
AElhometta false
Archaic attempt at autonomous non-sandboxed distributed artificial life of assembler automaton type
AFileDialog false
An Android library which implements a simple and easy to use file chooser.
AGFL false
a parser generator for natural languages.
AKFAvatar false
make word bubbles for avatars
ANGRYsearch false
A file searcher that provides instant results as you type
APK Editor Studio false
Powerful yet easy-to-use APK editor
ARts false
Framework for developing modular multimedia applications
AT Emulator false
Emulate a communication device, like a modem
ATC-pie false
Air traffic control simulation (solo and multi-player)
AVFS false
Lets programs look at archived files without having to recompile them
AVideo false
A powerful, 100% libre video and audio downloader for GNU/Linux
AWF false
Web framework for a CMS/portal/online group
Aap false
The Aap program executes recipes. It is a kind of super-make program.
Aardvark Shellutils false
Three utilities to make working with shell scripts easier
Aasm false
Advanced assembler.
Abcsh false
Shell for processing ABC music notation
Abelujo false
Free software for bookstores
Academic Teaching Planner false
A free software to manage academic courses
Access user Class false
Easy to use PHP class to protect pages and register new users
Acct true
System accounting utilities.
AcetoneISO false
feature-rich application to mount and manage CD and DVD images
Achievo ATK false
Web application development framework
Achoz false
organize all of your own world data
Ack false
grep-like program specifically for large source trees
Acm true
Aerial combat simulation game.
Acovea false
Compiler optimization tool
Action Mailer false
a framework for designing email-service layers.
Action Query false
jQuery and ActiveRecord, sitting in a tree...
Active Resources false
provides a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services.
Actor platform false
multiplatform text, photo and voice message server
Acts as Audited false
an ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table.
Acts as fu false
When you need a dash of ActiveRecord and nothing more.
Ada Components false
Toolset for Ada
Ada Motif binding library false
Binding to X Windows and OSF/Motif for the Ada programming language
AdaControl false
Ada rules controller
AdaDoc false
Documentation tool for Ada
AdaGate false
combination of Sokoban and Portal
AdaSockets false
Allows for use of sockets in Ada95
AdaUnits false
Implementation of dimensioned values for Ada
AdacURL false
Ada95 binding to the 'cURL' library
Adblock Plus false
Ad blocker
Adcd false
Small CD player for GNU/Linux.
Add custom search engine false
Add a custom search engine to the list of available search engines in the search bar and URL bar.
Adhoc false
M4 macros to generate general-purpose portable shell scripts.
Adlint false
Source code static analyzer
Adns true
Asynchronous DNS client library and utilities.
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide false
An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting
Aegis false
Software configuration management system
Aenig4 false
Enigma M4 Cipher Machine Emulator
Aerc false
An efficient and extensible TUI email client for hackers
Aeskulap false
Medical image viewer and DICOM network client.
Aetherspace false
Project to produce a multiplayer game.
Agide false
a framework in which separate tools can work together.
Agile Toolkit false
Agile Toolkit is a powerful web development framework.
Aiodns false
Asynchronous DNS resolutions
Aiohttp false
Framework for making asynchronous HTTP client and servers
Airs false
check for new TV episodes
Airtime false
Free software radio automation software
Aisleriot false
GNOME solitaire card game collection
Akfquiz false
Write quiz-games and psychotests.
Alacritty false
A Wayland-native GPU-accelerated terminal emulator written in Rust
AlbumEasy false
Software for creating custom stamp album pages
Alchemist false
A functional, Ruby DSL for casting, transforming and transposing objects
Ald false
The Assembly Language Debugger is a tool for debugging executable programs at the assembly level.
Aletheia false
Aletheia is a decentralised open access publishing platform for scientific research.
Alexandria false
Access to electronic content and services for the blind.
Alexis Makes (amake) false
a make tool which uses powerful pattern transformation enabling a single makefile to automatically handle the compilation of any level of directory hierachy. false
Ticket reservation system
Algart false
Java libraries for processing arrays and matrices, including image processing
Algol 68 Genie false
A fairly fully featured Algol 68 interpreter
Alive true
Keep-alive program for internet connections.
Alived false
Simple daemon and client for sending keepalive messages.
AllPairs false
Pairwise test combinations generator
Allegro false
Game programming library
Alot false
Text mode MUA using notmuch mail
Alpine false
A screen-oriented message-handling tool- Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email
Alpine3D false
Distributed alpine surface processes model
Alpy false
Python bindings to the Allegro game programming library
Altium2kicad false
Altium to KiCad converter for PCB and schematics
Amarok false
Multimedia player suited for KDE
Amnesia false
A Sinatra app that presents memcached server stats.
Analog false
Web logfile analysis program
Anastasis false, true
Key backup and recovery
Ancestris false
Genealogy software fully compliant with GEDCOM version 5.5 and 5.5.1 specifications.
AndStatus false
Low traffic social networking client with tree-like threaded conversations
Andesaurux false
Simple OS
Android-latinoware false
Android application to view schedule of Latinoware event
Anemone false
An easy-to-use Ruby web spider framework
AngelScript false
Extension programming language
Angry, Drunken Dwarves false
A falling block puzzle game.
Angular2 false
A front-end web application platform
Animail false
Multiserver mail retrieval utility
Anise false
one software project administration tool for all environments
Anjuta false
Integrated development environment
Anki false
A spaced repetition flashcard program.
AnonAddy false
A privacy tool for anonymous email forwarding
Anontwi false
Tool to have more privacy on social networking sites
Anonymine false
curses mode minesweeper without guessing
AnonymousMessenger false
a peer to peer private anonymous and secure messenger that works over tor.
Anonymouth false
tools for text anonymization
Ansible false
Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
Ant false
Java-based build tool
Ant-phone false
ISDN telephony application.
Antidote false
IEEE 11073-20601 stack
Antimicro false
map keyboard and mouse controls to a gamepad
Antiparser false
a fuzz testing and fault injection API.
Antiright false
Desktop optimized to work with the Motif API.
Antlr false
ANother Tool for Language Recognition.
Anubis true
Processes outgoing mail.
Apache CouchDB false
is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API.
Apache HTTP Server false
Featureful HTTP server.
Apel false
Version of APEL maintained by the developers of Wanderlust.
Aping false
Advanced ping program.
Apl true
Interpreter for APL Programming Language.
Aplakons false
Activity plans constructor
App Manager false
A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
AppTools false
a set of packages for creating applications.
Appleseed false
physically-based global illumination production rendering
Apsfilter false
Magic print filter with automatic file type recognition
Apydia false
API Reference Documentation Generator for Python.
Arbitools false
Tools for chess arbiters
ArchZoom false
A Web-based browser for the GNU Arch revision control system.
Archimedes true
Designing and simulating submicron semiconductor devices.
Archives2git false
recreate a Git history from release archives
Arduino false
AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
Arfg false
Meta-language that combines m4, eperl, and divert
Arg-parser false
Argument parser that follows POSIX and GNU conventions.
Argbash false
Bash argument parsing code generator
Argp false
argp for bash
Aria false
Download tool with GUI that can pause, resume, and queue downloads
Aris true
Formal logical proofing.
Arkanoid (Uzebox) false
Implementation of the Arkanoid game to run on the Uzeboz
Aroundme false
Social networking and team interaction.
Arrangeit false
Cross-platform desktop utility for easy windows management
Artanis true
Web application framework written in Guile Scheme.
Article Difficulty Level false
Through this plugin, user can able to select the post difficulty level in admin dash board post area for each post.
Arvados false
Arvados is a free and open source platform for big data science.
Asciinema-player false
Web player for terminal session recordings
Asdf false
a system definition facility for Common Lisp programs and libraries
Asdf-vm false
Version manager for multiple programming languages
Aseprite false
Pixel art editor
Ash text editor false
a terminal based text editor
AsmEdit false
Editor and IDE written in assembler
AsmIDE false
Is a utility programs that support assembler development
AsmRef false
Reference for x86 assembly language programmers
Aspell true
Spell checker.
Asset Trip false
Rails asset bundling plugin that will expand your mind.
Association Freezer false
Freeze a belongs_to association in Active Record.
Astroid false
a Mail User Agent for notmuch
Astronomical Papers Library false
A C library of published theories of motion of solar system objects.
Astyle false
Source code formatter
Asymptopia Blackjack false
Blackjack for kids!
Async-timeout false
Manages timeout contexts for programs using Python's asyncio
Aterr false
Threaded forum system
Atom false
Text and source code editor based on Web technologies
Atomthreads false
a lightweight, portable, real-time scheduler for embedded systems.
Atrack false
A Tracker for Google's App Engine
Attrs false
Classes in Python without object protocols
Auale false
Play oware abapa against the computer or annotate your games
Auctex true
A sophisticated TeX environment for Emacs.
Audacious false
Audacious Audio Player
Audacity false
Audio editor and recorder
Aumix false
Audio mixer for X and the console
Aumonet false
Autoconnector for SFTP mountpoints
Authz-tools false
Tools for manipulating 'authz' files
AuthzForce false
Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) framework compliant with OASIS XACML 3.0
AutoCodeGenerator false
Generates programs that maintain database records
Autobuild false
Processes output from building software and generates HTML summaries.
Autoconf false
Produce shell scripts which automatically configure source code.
Autoconf-archive true
Collection of autoconf macros.
Autodist false
Distribution creation system
Autogen true
Automated program and text generation.
Autohosts false
Automate hosts file updates on Linux and MacOS. Block Firefox telemetry, Google snooping and web trackers at the root.
Automake true
Makefile generator.
Automated-tasks false
A collection of scripts I have written and/or adapted that I currently use on my systems as automated tasks.
Autopackage false
Builds packages that will run on different distros
Autoproject false
Creates a skeleton source package for a new program
Autosetup false
A build environment "autoconfigurator"
Avahi false
Service Discovery for GNU/Linux using mDNS/DNS-SD -- compatible with Bonjour
Avaneya false
Recover lost photographs from the first mission to Mars.
Avl true
Libraries for the manipulation of binary trees and balanced binary trees.
Avogadro false
an advanced molecule editor and visualizer designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas.
Avrotest false
arbitrary performance test between avro and thrift.
Awesome (node.js) false
a Redis implementation in node.js
AwesomeBump false
Normal map generator, and much more
Awhttpd false
Single-process Web server
Axiom false
Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system.
Ayttm false
All in one instant messaging program.
Azimuth false
Azimuth is a top-down shooter adventure game where you play as a ship
B2ePMS false
replaces paper phone message slips with emails sent via a web browser form directly to the recipients inbox.
BALL false
Biochemical ALgorithms Library.
BASH Debugger false
Patched BASH shell with extra debugging support
BASM false
The Basic Computer Assembler
BBclone false
PHP Web counter
BBrun false
Run window for Blackbox
BEYE false
A multiplatform portable viewer of binary files with built-in editor in binary, hexadecimal and disassembler modes. It uses native Intel syntax for disassemble.
BFFFT false
Fortran 90 2D Vectorized Fast Fourier Transform
BIABAM false
Bash shell tool for mailing attachments from the command line
BIF false
PHP framework for Web application development
BRL false
Language for server-side Web applications
BRL-CAD false
Is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system
BWidget Toolkit false
High-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
BYLD false
Helps users build a mini distribution
Babel false
a collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications.
Baby false
Software project for chess and fractals.
Backbone.js false
Gives structure to Web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events
Backup Shell false
Shell for ssh
Bacon false
a small RSpec clone.
Badger false
a library used to generate badge sheets for events.
Bakery false
C++ framework for creating GNOME applications
Ballandpaddle true
Ball and paddle game.
Bar false
User backup utility
Barcode true
Convert text strings to printed bars.
Barista false
transparent coffeescript support for rails 3
Bas55 false
ECMA-55 Minimal BASIC Interpreter
Basapp false
Web infrastructure for database application
Bash true
The GNU Project implementation of the standard Unix shell.
Bash-dirstack false
An implementation of a persistent directory stack in bash.
Bash.Diff false
Extended version of the 'bash' shell
BashBurn false
A CD burning utility.
BashDiff false
A patch for Bash with features from Awk, Python, Zsh, Ksh, and others.
Bayonne true
Telephony server.
Bazaar true
Friendly powerful distributed version control system.
Bazel false
a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
Bbdb false
Contact management utility for Emacs.
Bbe false
A binary block editor
Bc true
Interactive algebraic language.
Bcaml false
tools for B formal
Bcbio-nextgen false
Genome variant calling and RNA-seq analysis.
Bcrypt false
Password hashing Python library
Beacon false
Simple date and category-driven Web publishing system.
Beancounter false
A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool
Beanstalkc false
a simple beanstalkd client library.
Bedtools false
Suite of utilities for comparing genomic features.
Beehive false
Flexible event/agent & automation system.
Benchmark-Timer false
Times and becnhmarks portions of code
Beremiz false
Integrated development environment for machine automation.
Besssugo false
a tool to build videos out of scientific calculations
BezierComposer false
Continuous composing using Bézier curves
Bff false
BrainF*ck language interpreter
Bfloop false
An interpreter for the BLooP and FLooP programming languages.
Bhl false
Converts plain TXT files into HTML, LaTeX, and SGML.
Bhpos false
E-commerce point of sale system.
Bib2xhtml false
Converts BibTeX files into XHTML 1.0
BibTeXConv false
BibTeX Converter
Bibfilex false
Bibliographic manager
BibleTime false
A Bible study software
Bibliogram false
An alternative libre frotend for Instagram
Biferno false
Scripting language for web development
BigFORTH false
Forth compiler
Bigloo false
Implementation of the Scheme programming language
Binfind false
Searches for a byte sequence in a binary file
Bino false
3D video player with multi-display support.
Binutils false
Collection of binary utilities.
BioRuby false
Bioinformatics library for Ruby. false
Biological Observation Matrix (BIOM) format.
Bioperl false
Tools for computational molecular biology.
Bioperl-run false
Interface to bioinformatics applications.
Biosig4c++ false
Library for processing of biomedical signals.
Birdfont false
vector font editor
Bison true
General-purpose parser generator.
Bisonc++ false
LALR1 parser generator generating C++ code
Bisq false
A decentralized cryptocurrency exchange
Bitcask false
Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data
Bitcoin Armory false
The Only Open-Source Wallet With Cold Storage And Multi-Signature Support
Bitpacket false
Python representation for bit field structures.
Bitstring false
Simple construction, analysis and modification of binary data.
Bitten false
a simple distributed continuous integration system.
Bkchem false
Chemical drawing program.
Black-widow false
Offensive penetration testing tool
Blade false
A lightweight and portable language that allows you to develop complex applications quickly
Blame false
RCS equivalent of CVS's "annotate" command
Blender false
3D creation suite
Bless false
A fast and customizable hex editor.
Blind false
A collection of command line video editing utilities.
Blindsend false
End-to-end encrypted file exchange
Blob-polyfill false
Blob Polyfill serves Blob.js over npm.
BlockSignal false
Secure Messaging Application
Blockly false
Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming editor.
Bloom false
A creative 2D platformer game
BlueSpice false
Enterprise distribution of the famous Wikipedia software MediaWiki.
Bluefish false
GTK+ programmers editor
Blueman false
GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
Blwm false
Window manager.
Bmrblib false
The Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BioMagResBank or BMRB) library
Board-tnk false
Discussion board
Bobcat false
run-time (shared) Bobcat library
Bochs false
IA32 (x86) PC emulator
Bochs-Tools false
Scripts and programs to be used with the Bochs-emulator
Boehm garbage collector false
Conservative garbage collector for C and C++
Bongo false
Media player for Emacs.
Bonsai false
Performs queries on the contents of a CVS archive
Bookworm false
A simple user centric eBook reader which displays multiple eBooks formats uniformly
Bool true
Utility for matching boolean queries in text.
Booleano false
an interpreter of boolean expressions, a library to define and run filters available as text (e.g., in a natural language) or in Python code.
Boost false
Portable C++ source libraries.
Bootstrap false
Mobile-first, responsive Web front-end framework
Bootswatch false
Free themes for Bootstrap
Bosco false
Rewrite of Bugzilla in PHP
Bosh false
The Browsable-Output SHell.
Bottle false
a fast and simple WSGI web-framework for Python.
Bpel2owfn true
Translate web service expressed in BPEL to oWFN.
Brackets false
Code editor for the Web
Braille Scrabble false
A text-based implementation of TuxWordSmith for use in terminal.
Braze false
A scripted MIDI patch bay manager for ALSA
Breach false
Modular and lightweight Web browser
Brightway2 false
Life cycle assessment framework
Brinance false
Lightweight personal finance program
Broadband-usage false
Home broadband usage meter for SNMP-enabled modem/routers
Brother ql false
A software package to facilitate printing labels on Brother’s QL-Series label printers
Browser-history-viewer false
A tool to view Web browser history information.
Browsersync false
Real-time browser synchronization for Web development
Bspwm false
A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
Bubblemon false
Graphic display of CPU and memory load.
Budgie false
A feature-rich and modern desktop environment
Bug-A-Boo false
Web-based bug tracking system
Bug-buddy false
GNOME bug-reporting utility
BugPort false
QA system for software development
Bugdar false
Is a bug tracking system.
Bugs false
Dynamic private key encryption algorithm and applications
Bugtrack false
Bug tracking system
BuildBot false
Automates the compile/test cycle of software development
Buildah false
A tool for building Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images
Buildtool false
Portable build infrastructure
Buildutils false
Distutils extensions for developing Python libraries and applications.
Bullet dodger false
A fun and challenging mouse game where you must dodge bullets
Bundler false
a tool that manages gem dependencies for your ruby application.
Bunny the Fuzzer false
closed loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind fuzzer
Burn false
command-line tool for writing optical media
Burn 360 false
Burn 360 - VCD ripping, Encoding and Creation GUI written in perl-Gtk2
Bustd false
bustd is a lightweight process killer daemon for out-of-memory scenarios for Linux!
Busted false
busted is a tool for gathering and reporting information about a broken gem.
Busybox false
Set of common utilities built as single binary
Butter false
Play shareable videos from various places
Bwa false
Burrows-Wheeler Aligner.
Bwstats false
bandwidth utilization diagram generator
BzrPublish false
Eases publishing releases of software developed in bzr.
C ElementTree false
an add-on to the standard ElementTree package.
C to C++ converter false
Converts C sources or whole project into C++
C++ Annotations false
An extensive C++ tutorial/textbook
C-graph true
Visualize convolution and demonstrate convolution theorem.
C2hs false
Simplifies the development of Haskell bindings to C libraries
C2lib false
Perl/STL-like library of tools for C programming
C3.js false
D3-based reusable chart JavaScript visualization library
CDimgtools false
inspect and manipulate disc images
CFFI false
Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
CHEAT false
C Unit testing framework
CIA false
Realtime project tracking system
CImg false
Template Image Processing Toolkit.
CMDln false
An improved for writing multi-command scripts and shells.
CMUCL false
Free implementation of Common Lisp
CMake false
Build system
CONSUL false
Open Government
CP: Cerebral Procreation false
A BF (BrainF***) interpreter and compiler.
CPG false
Specifies language grammars and computes, generates, and simulates the corresponding automatons
CRCmod false
a CRC generator
CSS-parser false
Ruby CSS Parser.
CSSPool false
a CSS SAC parser and by default will output a DOM Level 2 style tree.
CUPS false
Portable printing layer
CUnit false
A unit testing library for the C language
CVAssistant false
World's most advanced job application software
CVSGraph false
Generates graphical representations of CVS revisions and branches
CVSHistory false
Tool for browsing CVS activity which integrates with ViewCVS or CVSweb
CVSSearch false
Searches code using CVS comments
CVSTrac false
Bug and patch-set tracking system for use with CVS
CVSps false
Generates 'patchset' information from a CVS repository
CYTHAR false
StandAlone MIDI Step Sequencer
Cache Money false
A Write-Through Cacheing Library for ActiveRecord.
Cachet false
An HTTP Cache Proxy in Scala.
Cachy false
a library to simplify and organize caching.
CacoCloud false
Cairo false
A vector graphics library with cross-device output support.
Cajo false
a small library, enabling powerful dynamic multi-machine coöperation.
CakePHP false
PHP Web development framework
Calamares false
The universal installer framework
Calc false
Advanced desk calculator for GNU Emacs.
CalcChecksum false
Calculates checksums
Calconsole false
A calendar and schedule command-line application.
Calendar Lock PEA false
Privacy-focussed calendar application.
Calendar Maker false
Rails plugin to build a simple calendar scaffold, with events signified by class names added to the day.
Calibre false
A complete e-library solution, including e-reader synchronization
Calltree false
Static call tree generator for C programs
CamlTemplate false
Template processor library for Objective Caml
Camping false
small Ruby web framework for Model-View-Controller type applications
Cancan false
Simple authorization for Rails.
Candela false
Command-line tool builder with DSL
Candygram false
Python implementation of Erlang concurrency primitives
Canvas false
Educational courseware/learning management system
Capybara false
webrat alternative which aims to support all browser simulators.
Carl9170fw false
Libre firmware for AR9170 USB wireless adapters
Caro false
A gomoku-like game with addtional rules
Carp-Clan false
reports errors from a group of modules
Carrot false
an AMQP messaging queue framework.
Castle Game Engine false
Cross-platform 3D and 2D game engine for modern Object Pascal with a lot of graphic effects and a scene graph based on X3D
CataclysmDDA false
Roguelike survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world
Ccache false
Compiler cache
Ccaudio true
Library and software for manipulating audio data.
Ccbuild false
Autobuild utility
Ccd2cue true
CCD sheet to CUE sheet converter.
Ccide true
Decision Table Code Generator.
Ccl false
Interface to configuration files containing key/value pairs
Ccrtp true
RTP protocol stack of GNU Common C++ and the GNU project.
Ccscript true
C++ class framework for creating a virtual machine execution system.
Ccvssh false
Secure ext-to-pserver bridge for cvs
Cdecl false
Composing and deciphering C (or C++) declarations or casts, aka ‘‘gibberish.’’
Cereal false
Emulation framework for 8051-compatible CPUs and connected devices
Certi false
High-Level Architecture RTI.
Cervisia false
Graphical frontend for CVS
Cf4ocl false
C Framework for OpenCL
Cfengine false
Maintains configuration of a heterogenous UNIX network.
Cfengine (non-GNU) false
Maintains configuration of a heterogenous UNIX network.
Cflow true
Charts control flow within source code.
Cflow2vcg false
Cflow to VCG converter
Cfs-el false
Frontend for CFS.
Cgicc true
C++ class library for writing CGI applications.
Cgipplib false
Support classes for building CGI applications
Chafa false
Terminal Graphics for the 21st Century
Challis false
a lightweight markup language.
CharLS false
Implementation of the JPEG-LS standard.
Check false
Unit testing framework for C
Check modbus false
Nagios plugin for Modbus TCP and RTU
Check-license false
Check source code files against a database of known licenses
Checkaliases false
Reads and monitors a sendmail alias file
Checker false
Finds memory errors at runtime.
Checkstyle false
Java syntax checker
Checkurls false
Checks to see if a file at a specified URL has been changed.
CheetahTemplate false
Template engine and code generator
Cherokee false
Web server
Chess true, false
Full chess implementation
Chestnut Package Manager false
a utility to handle executables and resource files in a transparent, platform independent and relocatable way.
Chicago false
a collection of runtime and test extensions and helpers.
Chicken false
Scheme to C compiler.
Choones false
A jQuery plugin to provide monologue style messaging.
Chopstx false
Library that abstract several microcontrollers or GNU/Linux features
Chpox false
Tool for transparent checkpointing and restarting of processes
Chrpath false
Modifies the dynamic library load path
Cilk false
Algorithmic language for multi-threaded parallel processing
Cim true
Compiler for programming language Simula.
Cinclude2dot false
C/C++ Depedency Graphing
Cinetraverse false
Cross-platform engine to play and solve puzzleverses in Cinetraverse format
Circe false
IRC client for Emacs.
Circle Blvd false
Team task management for part-time projects.
CitrusDB false
Is a customer database and billing software solution
Civikmind false
Web software for communities and personas for social solutions (blogs).
Cl-ana false
Common Lisp data analysis library
Cl2html false
Converts a CVS log to chronological HTML output
Clanlib false
Game SDK
Class XPath false
Adds XPath-style matching to object trees
ClassScheduler false
Provides schedules for college students
Classified-ads false
Internet messaging system done right
Classpath true
Core class libraries for Java.
Classpathx true
Implementation of the Java extension libraries.
ClassyShark3xodus false
Scan apps for trackers
Claws Mail false
GTK-based Email client.
Cleansweep false
A set of scripts that help you clean duplicated files.
Clearance false
Rails authentication with email & password.
Clementine false
Lightweight music player and library organizer
Clisp true
ANSI Common Lisp compiler, debugger, interpreter.
Cloak false
A comment extraction and search tool.
Cloudgizer false
Cloudgizer is a tool for building web applications as Apache modules in C
Clozure Common Lisp false
A complete libre implementation of the Common Lisp standard
Clutter false
A toolkit for creating fast, portable, compelling dynamic UIs
Clx false
Common Lisp X11 interface.
Cmail false
Mail counting tool
Cmogstored false
alternative mogstored implementation for MogileFS
Cobertura false
A code coverage utility for Java.
Cobol false
Cobol compiler.
Cobol-mode false
Emacs Mode for editing COBOL code
Code Blocks false
A cross platform C++ IDE
Code Striker false
Script to facilitate collaborative code reviews
Code2html false
Converts source code to HTML
CodeIgniter false
Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
CodeLite false
Cross-platform C/C++ IDE
CodePY false
Generate and execute native code at run time.
CodeTools false
Code Analysis and Execution Tools
CodeWorker false
Universal parsing tool and source code generator
Codebird-js false
A Twitter library in JavaScript.
Codeigniter4CMS false, true
Coffee Script Lab false
little environment for playing with CoffeeScript in the browser.
CoffeeScript false
a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
Colfm false
A console, column-oriented file manager.
Collab false
real-time shared painting software (paint chat)

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.