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calculating (18)

CreditCruncher is a program that uses the Monte Carlo method to compute the credit risk of large portfolios in which assets are mortgages, loans, bonds, endorsements, or the like (all of them of fixed income with a policy buy/sell and hold). The default time is simulated using a gaussian copula, taking into account the transition matrix (or survival function) and sectorial correlation matrix defined by the user.
DEWAWI is a web based and simple to use merchandise management system including customer relationship management. The software is designed to increase the productivity and effectiveness of the business processes at small and middle size businesses. Thanks to the web based software DEWAWI can be installed on any GNU/Linux, Apache server to make the system accessible worldwide. The user interface is designed with mobile first strategy to make it available for any type of devices accessible. The architecture of the DEWAWI is based on modules and it is easily expandable to new functions.
DataMelt (DMelt) is an environment for numeric computation, statistical analysis, data mining, and graphical data visualization on the Java platform. This Java multiplatform program is integrated with a number of scripting languages: Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. DMelt can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations. Linear, non-linear and symbolic regression are also available. Neural networks and various data-manipulation methods are integrated using powerful Java API. Elements of symbolic computations using Octave/Matlab scripting are supported.
GraphMonkey uses a simple interface to draw curves. This software is written in C# with GTK#.The goal is to obtain a very simple and fast graphing calculator for mono.
GreatCharts is used for creating good-lookings stock charts. It was mainly developed for stock Web sites, to create on-the-fly charts. Small charts (closing+volume) can be drawn in less than 10ms. It can read different input formats, and can draw up to 20 charts in one PNG with different scales. The supported types are: Closing, OHLC, Volume, and Candlestick. The supported formulas are: Moving, Moving Average, RSI, MACD, and Stochastic. The supported drawing types are: line, filled, bar, and filled bars (filled can be transparant to the background/underlaying plots). Everything is configurable through a config file and parameters, including your own background, sizes, etc.
hcpy is a yet another RPN calculator. There have been many of these written over the years, so why another one? I couldn't find one with the features I wanted:
  • Simple console-based interface, no mouse or GUI needed
  • Basic scientific calculator functionality similar to HP calculators
  • Perform precise calculations when needed
  • Easy to extend
  • Flexibility in formatted output
Histrix Calculator
Histrix is a JavaScript calculator. It posses two modes, standard and scientific, and a brief description of the functionality provided by each button. This program was designed as a free software replacement for the calculator shipped with Windows XP/Vista.
KMyMoney is a personal finance application similar to Microsoft Money.
Kalculator for KDE is a simple GUI calculator for evaluating math expressions in the KDE GNU/Linux environment. You can a pick specific function from the tool-window or type it directly. Also, there is history of entered expressions as well as hex support.
LibreOffice is a comprehensive office suite. It contains a number of components: Writer, a word processor; Calc, a spreadsheet application; Impress, a presentation engine; Draw, a drawing and flowcharting application; Base, a database and database frontend; Math for editing mathematics. There are also a good and growing number of free software extensions and templates available. LibreOffice is a fork of, which is now called Apache OpenOffice. Because Apache OpenOffice hosts and recommends using proprietary extensions, we do not recommend using it.

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