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ipv6 (29)

CID (Closed In Directory) is a set of bash scripts for inserting and managing GNU/Linux computers in Active Directory domains. Modifications made to the system allow GNU/Linux to behave like a Windows computer within AD.
DMBCS Embedded C++ HTTP Server
At DMBCS we like to do things in certain ways: all our code takes the form of C++17 (or, lately, C++20) libraries built with GNU autotools, providing user interaction through HTTP/HTML5/CSS3/EcmaScript web interfaces. It is thus a common requirement that our code links against a library of classes which implement the HTML paradigm and provide the TCP/IP plumbing to allow applications to easily take the form of self-contained web servers. At DMBCS we use NGINX at top-level to coordinate the set of such micro-servers which make up a complete web site. The library has been under constant development for over twenty years (yes, really), and in heavy production use. The code-base hasnʼt quite been brought up to our expectations of full production-quality code yet (it has always been a project on the side of other things), and so we still regard it as beta-quality software. We expect this situation to change in the near future.
'ejabberd' is a multi-platform, scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant XMPP Jabber server. It supports advanced features such as multi-user chat, IRC transport, publish and subscribe services, Jabber user directory, a Web-based administration interface, an HTTP polling service, SSL and TLS support, LDAP and external authentication.
The Farstream (formerly Farsight2) project is an effort to create a framework to deal with all known audio/video conferencing protocols. On one side it offers a generic API that makes it possible to write plugins for different streaming protocols, on the other side it offers an API for clients to use those plugins. This package provides Python bindings for Farstream.
GNU SETL is a modest extension and implementation of SETL, the World's Most Wonderful Programming Language.
GNUpot is a wrapper that enables you to use git via SSH without repeating tedious jobs. GNUpot will take care of creating the repository, generating cryptoraphical keys, doing automatical commits, pushes and pulls when files are changed, and lots of other things.
The garlic player is a SMIL compatible media player software for digital signage. It displays different digital signage content, such as images, videos, and interactive applications, on a screen. The garlic-player can be used and administrated locally or remote via Internet.
GoVPN is simple virtual private network daemon, aimed to be reviewable, secure, DPI/censorship-resistant, written on Go. It uses fast strong passphrase authenticated key agreement protocol with augmented zero-knowledge mutual peers authentication (PAKE DH A-EKE). Encrypted, authenticated data transport that hides message's length and timestamps. Optional encryptionless mode, that still preserves data confidentiality. Perfect forward secrecy property. Resistance to: offline dictionary attacks, replay attacks, client's passphrases compromising and dictionary attacks on the server side. Built-in heartbeating, rehandshaking, real-time statistics. Ability to work through UDP, TCP and HTTP proxies. IPv4/IPv6-compatibility.
High-Performance Connectivity Tracer (HiPerConTracer) is a ping/traceroute service. It performs regular ping and traceroute runs among sites and can export the results into an SQL or Non-SQL database.
libreCMC is an embedded GNU/Linux distro with the focus of providing a platform that is 100% free software and that does not contain non-free blobs. While libreCMC is currently a hard fork of the popular OpenWRT project, it uses a linux-libre kernel and does not contain non-free parts.

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